Almost everyone is getting cheated because they do not know what is
the symbol of a mega-able pokemons so I have an idea. How about we
put ALL CAPS on the names of the mega-able pokemons.
Like mega-able Charizard = CHARIZARD
Mega-able Gardevoir = GARDEVOIR
Hi guys! I'm currently on a Shiny Mega Absol hunt I’m also looking for Dark Gems please
pm me I mean we can dream right..... Right?
Now this would be difficult to understand. First of all, ALL
CAPS is considered screaming on the internet and not exactly
regarded highly. Furthermore it could mean anything - a mega-able
pokémon being the last thing I'd think of. Some people even rename
their pokémon, so this would be very unreliable.
I don't even think a different way of displaying mega-ables is
necessary. The colored bubbles are very clear in my opinion.
Therefore, no support.
In my opinion, the all caps would make it less noticeable that it's
a mega-able. Like moonrise said, the mega stone symbol is clear
enough, and it also shows up on the party page, the Pokemon's
summary, and in the storage boxes also. You can clearly see the
bubble by the Pokemon's image.
Like it was already stated, this will just be more confusing. No
one refers caps to mega-able Pokémon yet.
And if people can understand that CAPSed names means mega-able,
then they can understand even easier & quicker that a mega icon
means mega-able.
Not to mention the downside that users could abuse this and give
their Pokémon a capsed nickname. Some users may not pay attention
and buy the Pokémon because they think it's a mega one.