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Daily Donation Pokemon

Forum-Index Suggestions Rejected Daily Donation Pokemon
Trainerlevel: 77

Forum Posts: 137
Posted: Wed, 03/09/2014 13:48 (10 Years ago)
I admit that this idea was stolen borrowed from other pokemon sites with a similar feature, but I haven't seen it being suggested before so I guess it's worth a shot at least.

Basically you'll have one special pokemon everyday which can be obtained by donating. I'm not sure how we would go about the special part (shiny pokemon comes to mind, maybe legendary/event/mega-able pokemon or even an entirely new kind of special pokemon like on other sites) but that could be decided later. Everyday there would be a new special pokemon which would only be obtainable to those who donate that day.

Another extra would be that you get the special pokemon for X amount of Nuggets but no premium, for a larger sum of Nuggets you get the special pokemon and a certain amount of premium and for even more Nuggets you could get a special voucher on top of everything else.

Tbh I only see advantages to this; more donations means more money and that equals a better server/a better site. It's not like people who donate don't have a big advantage towards non-premium users anyways, and this would be a nice extra. Thoughts?
Trainerlevel: 97

Forum Posts: 1,642
Posted: Wed, 03/09/2014 13:51 (10 Years ago)
first this site works on money that comes from the money that is spent buying nuggets and also there should be some difference in premium and non-premium members

And Pokehereos is not a coping site this site works indepently with ideas given by players not stoling ideas from other sites

So overall No support

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Trainerlevel: 71

Forum Posts: 1,837
Posted: Wed, 03/09/2014 15:48 (10 Years ago)
The "It's from other sites" is not a valid reason to say no support, as stated by Riako many times.

That aside: No support from me as well.

Members that can pay to the site gain access to things that other members can't get normally as it is. (Retro Starters and Retro Mew)
They gain benefits, but everything else they gain is also obtainable by normal users. (Shiny chances increased, but normal users can have a radar and shiny hunt as well. Increased EXP/EHP, but normal users can still hatch eggs and level up in a decent amount of time. Increased chances at daycare eggs, but they still can go a day or few with no eggs produced, etc)

Also, people who can pay can also get event points and Dream Points much quicker by just buying them. Which is something people who can't buy things can't do.

So, adding yet another Pokémon that is impossible for normal users to obtain without trading for it is just a bit unfair. Especially with the dex completion legends released. If one ever gets released for Emera Dex completion, this right here would make it impossible for those who can't pay to play to complete the dex. And that'd be rather unfair, don't you think?

Trainerlevel: 77

Forum Posts: 137
Posted: Wed, 03/09/2014 18:31 (10 Years ago)
The thing is that PH is completely free for anyone to play, so I don't think personally that anyone has the right to complain that premium users get a little extra benefits. You know why? Because it's those same premium users that allow everyone else to enjoy this free game thanks to their donations. I'd say the logic is a little flawed there Navuso (coming from a non-premium user).

Also, I didn't have unobtainable Dex entries in mind specifically. Let's say people get the opportunity to get a free shiny for making a donation; does that hurt anyone else? Not really. You could try to argue that shiny values would drop, but then again people don't donate frequently at all (shinies hatch way more frequently on the entire site than people donate for example). Also, people won't just sell shinies cheaper that easily, so if there would be any change it would be trivial considering there's only about 125 premium users right now and that number is pretty constant.

A daily donation pokemon would make users much more inclined to donate which benefits the site as a whole.
Trainerlevel: 105

Forum Posts: 8,638
Posted: Wed, 03/09/2014 20:09 (10 Years ago)
I'd just like to point out that the number of premium users doesn't accurately represent the number of donations made... There are items that are only available through nuggets, but won't be visible for the other users.

Also, any change will have an impact; it doesn't matter how good the intentions might be. There will be users who will ask for less, because shinies (as your example) will become more 'common'. That would force users in some way to make the choice to also ask less, if they really want to get rid of them.

Personally, I don't support. Having a 'price-per-day' for donations will only lead to frustrations, because there will be a point where users don't want to/can't donate anymore, thus making them unable to get the 'benefit' of the day.

If that particular day is the only day/way to get the benefit, I don't see the benefits of it, I only see the frustration that are undoubtedly going to follow...

Donations are indeed a way to keep a site running/a server up to date, but I find that those kind of decisions need to be made by Riako. He's the only one aware of all options for the server/site and thus what is(n't) needed or possible.
Credits for avatar to ~Cookie~

Kitties! Riako has no idea what he unleashed with that update🙀
Collecting Lovely Larvesta and Silly Seel Plushies~
Looking for Ice Gems and Flying Gems here! Help me hunt a Shiny Articuno!
(You can win your own non-shiny Articuno in return)
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Trainerlevel: 77

Forum Posts: 137
Posted: Wed, 03/09/2014 21:08 (10 Years ago)
QuoteI'd just like to point out that the number of premium users doesn't accurately represent the number of donations made... There are items that are only available through nuggets, but won't be visible for the other users.
I never said that it did. Either way the outcome is the same because this suggestion would only apply to people who donate for premium, rather than DP/Event Points etc.

Also, any change will have an impact; it doesn't matter how good the intentions might be. There will be users who will ask for less, because shinies (as your example) will become more 'common'. That would force users in some way to make the choice to also ask less, if they really want to get rid of them.
Like I said, the impact would be very minimal due to the relative lack of premium purchases. I don't have any statistics available, but the amount of shinies that hatch daily on average should be considerably higher than the amount of premium purchases. Even so, the value of shinies is very stable and I don't see that changing with a suggestion like this. Basically this price impact argument doesn't hold up.

Personally, I don't support. Having a 'price-per-day' for donations will only lead to frustrations, because there will be a point where users don't want to/can't donate anymore, thus making them unable to get the 'benefit' of the day.
Fair enough, but you seem to be getting the wrong idea. There's not a single person on PH that donates everyday so your argument doesn't make sense. This suggestion is merely an extra for people that choose to donate. It's not a benefit for every user like you seem to be thinking, but only for people that purchase premium. This system works great on other sites and has never "frustrated" anyone.

If that particular day is the only day/way to get the benefit, I don't see the benefits of it, I only see the frustration that are undoubtedly going to follow...
The special pokemon would change to a different one everyday. For example today would be shiny Pikachu, tomorrow Bulbasaur etc. It would be completely random and I don't see how that would frustrate people.

Donations are indeed a way to keep a site running/a server up to date, but I find that those kind of decisions need to be made by Riako. He's the only one aware of all options for the server/site and thus what is(n't) needed or possible.
Riako is the only one afaik to implement suggestions anyways... what are you trying to say here? I don't really get it. I was just saying that it would benefit everyone, of course Riako gets the final say in everything that's why he's the administrator...

Replies in bold.
Trainerlevel: 105

Forum Posts: 8,638
Posted: Wed, 03/09/2014 21:25 (10 Years ago)
You might not see the price change with a suggestion like this, but I do... (I've seen some radical changes in seemingly stable prices... There's no indication that that won't happen with this suggestion)

From what I understand from your response, you're NOT suggesting a 'donation' benefit, but an additional Premium benefit (which is not the same) and makes my second point (and third, really) a moot point.

Knowing that, I still don't support; there are already quite a few benefits to buying (or 'donating' ) a premium - we can't keep piling up in the hopes of getting more users to decide to buy, because that would put the premiums at an unfair advantage... There's an advantage to being Premium (which is good, don't get me wrong), but it should be on a level that it won't interfere with regular user's play... Premium makes it a little easier, but it shouldn't make playing a walk in the park.

If PokéHeroes starts handing out pokémon to the premium users (be they shiny or special otherwise), the 'complete your pokédex' challenge wouldn't really be a challenge anymore...
Credits for avatar to ~Cookie~

Kitties! Riako has no idea what he unleashed with that update🙀
Collecting Lovely Larvesta and Silly Seel Plushies~
Looking for Ice Gems and Flying Gems here! Help me hunt a Shiny Articuno!
(You can win your own non-shiny Articuno in return)
Breeding events for the cause here!
Trainerlevel: 45

Forum Posts: 1,488
Posted: Thu, 04/09/2014 01:18 (10 Years ago)
No support. I hated a certain site because of this kind of thing where only with people money (or those who gather enough nuggets whether by luck or buying from others) could get certain Pokemon. There are already enough ways for this site to make money. That would be a desperate and greedy attempt to make money, imo.

Trainerlevel: 84

Forum Posts: 746
Posted: Thu, 04/09/2014 01:23 (10 Years ago)
Yeah, I agree with Diana.
I left magistream because there were WAY too many critters that required real money, and it was just plain ridiculous. I don't want this site to become like that. The four retros are enough.
Trainerlevel: 31

Forum Posts: 1,363
Posted: Thu, 04/09/2014 02:12 (10 Years ago)
No support. I'd never pay for this, as a premium member who has spent quite a large sum of money on site I will say personally from my point of view I would not pay money for Pokemon (unless buying nuggets to give to other users in exchange for their Pokemon. I'd never just buy a Pokemon outright for let's say a few dollars like certain sites have started to do). I'd pay for features like easier shiny hunting and increased experience for clicks on Pokemon, not for just Pokemon. This wouldn't encourage me to donate, what encourages me to is the features I get. If premium users only got an egg vouchers for example or could only buy exclusive Pokemon, I would have never bought it. I would have been upset and considered the site desperate and money hungry for charging me for something as simple and needed as a Pokemon on a Pokemon adoptables site.

Again, coming from a premium member, I wouldn't use this feature.