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wolf rp 1x1 with powerofwaffle on pause

Forum-Index Roleplay Private RP wolf rp 1x1 with powerofwaffle on pause
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 270
Posted: Sun, 07/09/2014 02:25 (9 Years ago)
The she-wolf padded into the cave, her paws aching from the length she had searched beyond the cave. "I-i can't find Moon," she huffed as looked up at Swift. Dragon raced into the cave and collapsed, but Luna caught him before she landed on the ground. Luna felt a sharp pain on her neck, and right than the world had gone black and tilted sideways, as she wasn't strong enough to hold it. "Blue!" a desperate screech from Dragon had been the last thing she heard.

Dragon raced over to Luna as fast as he could, despite the ache in his leg. He nuzzled her desperately, murmuring to her ear. He knew about the wound in her ankle that caused her to twitch and fall, but she had fainted. He suddenly noticed a large brown paw that slammed on her neck, which forced Dragon to pull away from the she-wolf and take his level of offense. The brown he-wolf laughed coldly as he kicked Luna to the side, his lithe sharp claws tearing at the rocky ground.

"Who are you," Dragon ordered as his shredded tail lashed violently, his long, sharp jagged claws digging into the dirt at the floor of the cave. "None of your concern. I am here for Luna." His voice was sly, and calm which Dragon didn't pay much attention to. Blue was always the better fighter, he thought. But that doesn't mean i'm bad, he lunged at the enormous he-wolf, his claws raging into his stomach. The wolf yelped, collapsing to the ground as Dragon sank his sharp teeth into the wolf's neck. Crack. the sound came from his leg. "Stop it!" Buster ran towards them. "Dragon, let his go," He murmured and hauled the brown he-wolf out of the cave.

Luna's eyes fluttered open as she woke up to find a glossy-furred, tall, muscular he-wolf hovering above her with soft brown eyes. There was a claw on his cheek, but he looked different... Luna felt warm, to find that she was blushing in front of one that already knew she liked him, even when he liked her back. More to her concern, she'd just fainted. "Wha-what happened?" she muttered. It sounded weaker and nimbler than she thought it would. Buster had just padded in, as the glossy-furred he wolf calmly ignored her question and curled around her, the heat in his warmed Luna up. He was curled so tightly around her that Luna could feel the thumps of his heartbeat, as he lapped at her forehead. "I have no idea," he whispered to her.

Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 243
Posted: Sun, 07/09/2014 03:45 (9 Years ago)
swift covered her head with her paws and started crying.
''where did moon go...?! we have to find her..!'' she cried.
buster walked over and curled up beside her trying to cheer her up.
''swift... calm down please...'' he muttered softly nuzzling swifts ear.
''i-i c-can't...! we n-need to find h-her...!'' she said trying to calm down.
''swift...'' he sighed resting his muzzle next to her muzzle.
hazel was fast asleep while chester looked up sleepily.
''whats going on...?'' he asked drowsily.
''nothing chester, just go back to sleep'' buster growled faintly.
chester flattened his ears but fell back asleep.

(all i can think of o3o...)
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 270
Posted: Sun, 07/09/2014 04:00 (9 Years ago)
In a clear dream Luna was resting on a hill alone, not aware of the fog circling around her or how the only three trees around her were dying and crooked. She wanted to get up and run, out of this eerie place but she couldn't move, couldn't think. She was merely like a puppet. Finally, she gave up and the dream forced on. The she-wolf heard a desperate scream-Moon's screech. In the black of the night, she ran towards the scream, through the mud to find moon with a shadow-wolf pinning her down by the neck, "Help!" Moon wailed.
Luna lunged at the wolf, but she passed right through it. It was a literal shadow. "Foolish." the shadow rasped and the dream whipped away. She woke up silently to find Dragon still trapping her in a curl, too tight for her to rise. Sighing, she lay blankly nuzzling Dragon to wake.

Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 243
Posted: Sun, 07/09/2014 04:59 (9 Years ago)
swift twitched uneasily in her sleep and she grumbled something.
buster woke up and looked at her sighing.
''swift... wake up..'' buster whispered quietly to her.
swift opened her eyes and looked at him.
he smiled a little.
she yawned and leaned against him sadly.
''swift its alright...'' he reassured.

(can't think straight for some reason X-X...)
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 270
Posted: Sun, 07/09/2014 05:22 (9 Years ago)
Dragon woke up, letting out a pup-like yelp as a thick sharp claw sliced across his nose. No blood had sprouted along the cut, but the shock woke him up. The cold air embraced him, his eyes drooped and shut heavily as he felt a warming blanket of ebony fur press against him. "Blue-" he groaned, but the she-wolf shut him up by pressing her nose against his. "Wake up," she murmured and rose to her paws. Dragon heaved himself up to look at the cold spring. "Lets go find Moon," she whispered and dashed out of the cave, Dragon knew he had no other choice to follow.

Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 243
Posted: Sun, 07/09/2014 09:42 (9 Years ago)
~inside the cave~

swift twitched and stood up stretching.
''i need to walk...'' she murmured to him and padded out of the cave.
''oh.. alright...'' he sighed.
he looked at his sleeping siblings and shook his head.
they were out cold.

~in the plains~

we'll find you moon... i promise! she thought sadly.
she walked through the tall grass sniffing the ground.
''oh moon... where could you have gone..'' she muttered to herself.
she felt something shoot past her shoulder as a flash of burning pain suddenly ran through her.
oh don't tell me... there are humans near by?! just great! she thought running further into the plains.
swift looked over her shoulder seeing a young human chasing her with a rifle.
oh no.... not good... not good! she thought fearfully as she ran into the nearby forest.
the human lost her in the trees and swift thought she was home free, till another gun shot went off.
she yelped as the shot hit her left back leg.
she limped as fast as she could back to the cave leaving the human in the forest.
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 270
Posted: Sun, 07/09/2014 09:56 (9 Years ago)
"Dragon, i'm not-" her forehead lifted off Dragon's and she turned away from his dark brown eyes as she saw Swift's leg oozing with blood. "Swift!" she yelped. Luna forced herself on her paws and raced towards Swift. "Y-you went on the northern plains didn't you?" she whispered with concern. Luna nearly whimpered as she saw Swift nod. "Don't you ever-" Luna began, but Dragon walked up to her a nuzzled her cheek softly.

"Buster isn't back yet," Dragon pointed out. "I know that... Let's get that thing out of her leg." Luna murmured. Luna used her thin, sharp claws to carefully dig the bullet out of her leg.

Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 243
Posted: Sun, 07/09/2014 10:27 (9 Years ago)
swift whimpered from the pain.
''some young human was there.... i didn't even think...'' she muttered.
she twitched uneasily and moaned.
''i've got bad luck for some reason... but.. where did buster go? he was here when i walked out of the cave...'' she asked looking at luna and dragon.
she randomly twitched from some reason but she rested her muzzle onto her paws and closed her eyes.
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 270
Posted: Sun, 07/09/2014 11:44 (9 Years ago)
"I know there were humans," Luna sighed as she glanced at the calm day outside of the cave. "Oh, Buster went to get food..." Dragon replied hesitantly. The quick, swift wind dashed through the cave as Luna heard a yawn from behind her, and turned to find Hazel who had remained silent only because she had been glaring at the glossy-furred he wolf. Luna intercepted this, challenging her to a cold glaring contest, in which Luna's claws had began to twitch.

Dragon once again pulled Luna away and led her out of the cave, as they shortly arrived at the river-bank. Dragon watched in awe as the calm, clear water seemed to wave over in a journey, the floors of pebbles leading the way as he sat down. A sudden weight heaved on his shoulder, as his dark-brown eyes turned to a fluffy ebony head. Failing to resist and urge, he lapped pleasantly at the left ear as the weight grew stronger, he could feel another living heartbeat. "Blue, you know your adorable when your calm..." he murmured in a soft, soothing tone and pressed his nose against her head. His tail coiled tightly around her waist, as he forced away a pint of worry about the missing pup. As the she-wolf turned, Dragon unwrapped his tail from around her waist and barely pressed his forehead onto hers.

Luna's amber eyes met to his chocolate-brown ones, as the he-wolf hesitantly spoke. "Blue, we need to find Moon-" his voice was so soft, calm and collected that Luna was almost sad that she had to cut him off. "Stop worrying and enjoy the moment, fish-brain." She murmured in the same tone; it was so long since she had called him fish-brain. Being taller, his tongue flicked on her nose as his voice was a bit more sly. "Oh, so now i'm a fish-brain?" he laughed a bit. Luna didn't hesitate to answer. "Your my fish-brain." she chuckled as they picked up another subject.

With a single sentence, Dragon had to pause the moment. "Blue, we still need to find Moon-" his head departed from hers, but his paw remained. "I know," she sighed and stood up. Right than, they both heard a desperate wail-Moon's wail. At the same time, the raced to the bush they heard it from. "Moon!" Luna called out as she saw a wolf's shadow run away with a wailing pup. She began to race after the pup, heading north. Dragon caught up with her, but the pup-napper was faster. Right than, at the worst moment, Luna's wrist twitched as she lost her balance and collapsed in the middle of the plains.

Bam. the spine-tingling sound made Dragon want to wail for help, but he still couldn't see the ebony she-wolf. "BLUE!" he wailed as raced towards, seeing the she-wolf collasped on the ground, her stomach bleeding. She groaned wearily, but she was glad to know that she was alive. His nose buried into her neck fur as he whispered into her ear. "You'll be alright..." he murmured and carried her quickly back to the cave, her blood dribbling on his flank.

Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 243
Posted: Sun, 07/09/2014 12:49 (9 Years ago)
''luna!'' swift hazel and chester all said at once.
both hazel and chester ran over while swift limped over.
chester helped dragon carry luna to a part of the cave where the floor was cooler.
''what happened?!'' swift barked at dragon her teeth bared.
she acted like she was about to attack him for her friend getting hurt.
''swift, calm down'' buster said walking into the cave, he didn't have any prey with him when he came back.
''how can i be calm! bad things have happened one at a time these past few moons and sunrises! we've lost moon! i have a wounded leg! and luna is now majorly wounded!! what else can go wrong!'' she barked loudly with anger.
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 270
Posted: Sun, 07/09/2014 12:59 (9 Years ago)
"To start off," Dragon's teeth gritted as his tail entwined with Luna's, but he could still feel her shivering. "We saw Moon and went north-were the humans are..." He couldn't bear going on. "But... I saw who-who captured Moon..." he whispered. Luna began to breath heavily as Dragon whipped over to her. "Blue! Get that human object out of her!" he ordered, as Buster raced over to Luna. Dragon pressed his nose to her cheek, as Luna's eyes shut tight, knowing this would hurt. Buster yanked the black thing oozing with blood out of her stomach, Luna winced as Dragon lapped the blood away, the metallic taste stinging at his tongue.

Great. Just great. Luna thought to herself in silence, as Dragon curled around her tightly. Everyone was asleep but her, and Dragon still hadn't told who'd captured Moon. She lapped at his large, fluffy paw once as her stomach ached with pain. She could barely force herself to stand with the wound. Still, she managed to doze off.

Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 243
Posted: Sun, 07/09/2014 13:28 (9 Years ago)
swift woke up from her own twitching and moaned.
''dragon.. can you please tell me who took moon... please..'' she said practically begging.
her eyes were full of sadness from moon being missing for so long.
''please....'' she said with a small whimper.
even if her leg was wounded, she was not gonna give up.
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 270
Posted: Mon, 08/09/2014 00:47 (9 Years ago)
Dragon sat down next to Luna, and stared at Swift. Luna's head popped off her paws. "Swift... I-it was Violet..." he whispered. Luna sprang to her paws and stared at him. "What?!"

Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 243
Posted: Mon, 08/09/2014 04:49 (9 Years ago)
''violet...?'' she asked tilting her head.
either way if she knew the wolf or not, her teeth started to bare and her hackles raised.
she bolted out the cave but ended up falling cause of her wounded leg.
''ow...'' she grumbled sitting up.
buster ran over and helped her back into the cave.
''you need to stay off that leg swift! stay in the cave'' he said looking at her.
she grumbled as she curled up.
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 270
Posted: Mon, 08/09/2014 06:41 (9 Years ago)
"Violet is a she-wolf from that pack. She was a friend..." Luna murmured. She lapped at the wound on her stomach, which was plastered in moss.

Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 243
Posted: Mon, 08/09/2014 06:51 (9 Years ago)
swift twitched once again but acted like it was nothing.
''so.. violet betrayed you...? why?'' she asked lifting her muzzle off her paws.

(all i can think of x~x)
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 270
Posted: Mon, 08/09/2014 07:22 (9 Years ago)
Dragon flinched. "Violet didn't betray me. She betrayed all of us. I don't know why.."

Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 243
Posted: Mon, 08/09/2014 08:12 (9 Years ago)
''either way dragon... you, buster and chester go get moon!'' she snapped.
buster and chester both looked at her in shock from her snapping.
''do i have to go to...?'' hazel asked.
swift shook her head and looked back at her.
''not really, but if you want you can go with them'' she replied calmly.
chester and buster were already heading out of the cave while hazel shook her head no.
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 270
Posted: Mon, 08/09/2014 08:25 (9 Years ago)
He stared blankly at Swift, as she ordered around. "I'll come to," Luna murmured. "Blue, your not-" the ebony she-wolf looked at Dragon with her amber eyes. "Yes, I am-" Dragon nudged her. "Blue." He grumbled. Sighing, Luna nodded. "Fine..." Dragon nodded at Buster and Chester. "Lets go," He padded out the entrance.

Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 243
Posted: Tue, 09/09/2014 08:51 (9 Years ago)
swift rested her muzzle onto her paws and sighed.
''i don't mean to be acting like this guys... i've just been in a bad mood lately...'' she muttered.
she lapped at one of her paws and mumbled something to herself.
oh moon... i can't believe you were caught... she thought sadly.