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wolf rp 1x1 with powerofwaffle on pause

Forum-Index Roleplay Private RP wolf rp 1x1 with powerofwaffle on pause
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 270
Posted: Mon, 01/09/2014 12:07 (9 Years ago)
The tall, broad ebony she-wolf glanced at the half-breed with her bright amber eyes looking slick and sharp, showing she was skilled but cold at heart during the moment. "Go find out yourself," she barked without a sigh as if she was clear of emotion, her head seemed almost dark. The she-wolf's lips were slightly departed, showing her bloodstained, sharp thick molars.

"Hey, whats going on Luna? You've been grumpy ever since we-" The she-wolf's eyes glared on focus, her temper had just sprung in the air. Yet her voice was cold, her snap was even more effective. "Nothing you would understand, pack mutt." she spat. The he-wolf stared on, in shock. "Y-y... I quit my pack!" he woofed, offended. "Yet you were still and omega, and probably always will be by heart," she replied coldly.

The evening's usually glamorous paints that spreaded the sky was a simple faint pink, it was dim and almost dreadful. Everything seemed a bit more eerie, the sky was dark as if it were to cry drops of sticky water once more. The ebony wolf, Luna, was simply sitting near the edge of a hill in the blown-back, wild stalks of grass. The furious blows of air was almost a pressure, blowing the ebony she-wolf's fur straight back. Her shoulders were rolled back, her posture straight. Sitting completely still, the she-wolf could see everything around her but looked at nothing. It was almost freaky, as if she were a mere statue that could've took long to make, being so realistic.

By this time, the golden-brown wolf known as Swift had returned to the place, yet Luna hadn't noticed her. A taller, muscular he-wolf had approached slowly next to her, his glossy thick fur flowing in the pricks of the pressing wind. He nuzzled the she-wolf's cheek affectionately with his round, warm nose but she remained stiff and in character. He spoke slowly, the she-wolf listened as her vision focused on a mere pine tree. "Your really cute when your in your serious mode, Blue, but your just acting cold right now... Please, just tell me, whats wrong?" He asked softly, sitting down next to her, his long bushy tail curling around her gingerly, as if he were careful not to set off a bomb.

She gave a single grunt, rising up quickly to her paws as Dragon's tail curled around his fore-wrists. "Blue!" he called a bit desperately for her, yet she was already entering the cave. Her steps were quiet in the cold, clear cave as the darkness had fallen over the stars. The wind's angry whispers bounced around in the cave, as the glossy-haired he-wolf entered the rock's entrance. Luna simply padded over to the end of the rocky mouth, the he-wolf beaten as he curl around the warm, broad ebony she-wolf. His tongue lapped at her forehead to comfort her a bit, as she simply lay until sleep took her.
Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 243
Posted: Mon, 01/09/2014 21:23 (9 Years ago)
buster was looking for swift where he thought she might be.
''swift?'' he called looking around.
''i'm over here...'' she grumbled from under a tree.
he walked over and nuzzled her sighing.
she nuzzled him in return smiling a little.
''swift.. why did you snap like that...? if i did something i'm sorry'' he said curling up beside her.
''no, no.. you did nothing wrong buster i promise you that...'' she said resting her muzzle onto her paws.
he sighed with relief.
''then whats wrong..?'' he asked quietly.
her ears pinned back slightly as she looked up at him.
buster smiled a little and nuzzled her ear before he fell asleep.
swift fell fast asleep as well.
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 270
Posted: Tue, 02/09/2014 11:13 (9 Years ago)
Waking up without a yawn, the wolf had barely struggled to keep awake.
Dragon was still passed out on the cave's rocky floor as she nuzzled him and padded away.
Her stiff pads pressed against the moist grassy floor, simply forming a puddle of water around it.
Yet the morning was clear and sprang with sunshine, she perked as she felt a nudge from a warm creature.Turning around, she was glad to see Dragon who nuzzled her ear and motioned for the she-wolf to return to her slumber, without a word. Sighing, she left the sunshine and into the dark, small cave as she curled around the he-wolf.

(Feeling more for the art than writing x.x)
Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 243
Posted: Wed, 03/09/2014 07:31 (9 Years ago)
swift twitched uneasily in her sleep.
''swift... you alright..?'' buster asked sleepily opening one of his eyes.
she just twitched more till she kicked one of her legs hitting him in the stomach.
''ow! okay i'm guessing your just dreaming'' he said moving away a little.
she opened both her eyes a little and looked at him.
''can you hunt...?'' she asked as one of her ears twitched up.
he chuckled and nodded.
''how about you head back to the cave swift.. i'll hunt while you rest some more'' he said quietly.
''alright...'' she sighed.
swift stood up and stretched heading back for the cave.

~out on the plains~

''this shouldn't be to hard..'' he muttered.
he walked silently through the tall grass near a herd of zebra.
he charged and leaped at one pinning it to the ground.
it thrashed its legs madly trying to kick him away but he had already clamped his teeth around its neck.
he dragged it back to the cave and let go of the limp zebras neck sighing.
''food...'' he grumbled falling to his side tired.

(what do you mean by that...?)
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 270
Posted: Wed, 03/09/2014 08:21 (9 Years ago)
(I mean by doodles)
The she-wolf had awoken once more by the nuzzle of Dragon, to once again drowse back to sleep. She seemed startled as he woke her up once again, his teeth clamped on her scruff as he hauled her to her paws, she nearly yelped. "Dragon!" she groaned. Her teeth were gritted as he nuzzled her, but the anger fled away. Padding in the middle of Swift and Buster, she greeted happily. "Hello there,"
Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 243
Posted: Wed, 03/09/2014 09:38 (9 Years ago)
''hello luna'' swift replied with a smile.
''hallo'' buster said with a muffled voice, he was so bored he was chewing on his own paw.
she shook her head and sighed looking at him.
moon laughed and playfully bit one of his ears growling.
both of them were batting at each other like pups playing, even though one is a pup.
''settle down you two'' she chuckled.
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 270
Posted: Wed, 03/09/2014 10:41 (9 Years ago)
Laughing, the ebony she-wolf leaned of Dragon as her ears swiveled.
"They're natural pups," Dragon gave a fake-sigh, as he batted Luna playfully on the ear.
Her paw swatted swiftly at his cheek, he chuckled and nuzzled her ear.
Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 243
Posted: Wed, 03/09/2014 17:57 (9 Years ago)
''i am a pup at heart!'' buster barked pretending to sound offended.
''of course you're a pup at heart buster'' swift chuckled with a small grin.
they both laughed.

''buster!!!'' came two barks from a few inches from the cave entrance as two wolves ran in and tackled buster to the ground.
from what swift could tell, both of the wolves that entered the cave looked identical, though one was a bit taller then the other.
''hazel! chester! get off!'' he barked.
they both did exactly what they were told and let him up both of their tails wagging.
''its so good to see you again big brother!'' said the younger she wolf called hazel.
''it sure is!'' said the older looking he wolf called chester.
buster looked at them and his tail even started to wag.
all three of them started barking and yapping at each other as they tackled one another playfully.
swift just blinked in confusion as moon hid beside her.
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 270
Posted: Thu, 04/09/2014 11:20 (9 Years ago)
Luna yanked her nose off Dragon's as she saw the two, her teeth baring as they leaped on Buster. As they started to play like pups, she blinked in confusion as she leaned on Dragon. "You have any idea whats going on?..." Dragon hesitated, his nose pressing on her ear. "Nope."

Shrugging it off, the two padded towards the wavy silvery rush of water, their tails entwining.
Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 243
Posted: Fri, 05/09/2014 08:55 (9 Years ago)
~inside the cave~

swift just laughed.
''explain later buster... i'm gonna go walk around with moon'' she said nudging the little pup on the shoulder.
she nodded and walked ahead of swift as she got up tensing a little and walked after moon.

''is that the she wolf you were talking about going after once you left the pack little brother? she is cute'' chester chuckled teasingly.
hazel started giggling as she seen buster start blushing madly.
hopefully swift didn't hear that...! he thought pinning his ears back.
both of them started laughing.
''i-its n-not funny g-guys!'' he barked with a shaky voice.

~along the small rivers edge~

''stay away from the edge sweetheart, don't need you falling in'' swift said watching moon.
''i'll be fine'' moon said chasing a butterfly near by.
she shook her head sighing.

(and yes, buster is the middle pup in his family, lol)
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 270
Posted: Fri, 05/09/2014 08:59 (9 Years ago)
The ebony she-wolf pressed against Dragon in a bored mood, as he lapped gingerly at her head.

Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 243
Posted: Fri, 05/09/2014 10:09 (9 Years ago)
the she wolf watching moon rested her muzzle onto her paws as she tensed again.
''you alright miss swift?'' moon asked walking over.
she gave a small nod and sighed.
''i'll be fine..'' she said softly to the pup curling up beside her.
the pup fell asleep from chasing the butterfly a little bit ago.
swift nuzzled the pups ear and rested her head almost falling asleep.
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 270
Posted: Fri, 05/09/2014 10:30 (9 Years ago)
Dragon sighed and broke the silence of dread. "I'm an idiot..." he grunted. Luna looked up to him, she was pressed against the he-wolf so close she could hear the calm thumps of his heartbeat. "I know your and idiot," she saw that he looked hurt for a moment, but continued. "Your my idiot," she said overprotective, lapping at his cheek. "Oh, that makes a difference?" there was a playful spark in his deep gray eyes. Luna nodded, jerking her paw across his tail.

The multi-colored wolf had dozed off in the mid-day sun, using the ebony as a cushion. Not that she minded, but his snores interrupted the silence of the wind scratching the trees, and the skips of the playful clear water beneath the pebbles of many colors. Forcing herself to push up with the groan of weight ontop of her, she tucked her paws underneath her chest, the he-wolf collapsing from ontop of her. Sniggering, she nuzzled the rustling he-wolf as he curl around him, almost like a sorry.

Her glimmering amber eyes blurred as she stared at the watery streak of moving playful rivers. Her bushy ebony tail whipped across the moist colored grass once, as she spotted a familiar ethopian she-wolf. "Oh hello Violet," she greeted as the she-wolf looked over to her with cheery purple eyes. The cheery Violet raced over to greet her friend, both surprised and overjoyed. "Luna!" she exclaimed. Dust sprouted in her eyes, making her blink rapidly. "Hello, Violet." she chuckled, still curled over the snoozing Dragon. "Whose this?" she nodded towards the he-wolf. Luna chuckled, answering in a hushed tone. "This is Dragon," she lapped at his head as he rustled in his spot.

Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 243
Posted: Fri, 05/09/2014 10:51 (9 Years ago)
''swift...?'' buster asked softly trying not to startle her.
she opened her eyes and looked up to see buster and the other two wolves.
''these two are my brother and sister, chester and hazel, both complete pups...'' he muttered.
she gave a small smile and nodded.
''very nice to meet you guys'' she said looking at them.
they smiled back.
''very nice to meet you as well swift'' they both said at the same time.
they both glared at each other the fur on their shoulders bristling.
buster just shook his head and curled up beside swift nuzzling her cheek.
hazel and chester looked at buster blinking.
''what..?'' he asked blushing a little.
swift just laughed.
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 270
Posted: Fri, 05/09/2014 11:02 (9 Years ago)
The two padded into the cave, soon enough to hear their conversation. "Good to meet you, Chester and Hazel." Luna replied coldly, as they seemed to glare at her. Her amber eyes were calm, but ruthless. "I'd rather be a friend than enemy.
You really don't want to be my enemy if you're soft enough for Buster to call you a pup," she grunted. A bit offended, the twins stared at her in a glimpse of shock.
Chester nudged his way in front of Hazel, as if to protect her, but the she-wolf seemed more offended than before.
"I-I'll challenge you to a battle if you're really gonna..." he began to growl.
Calmly, Luna replied as her amber eyes focused on the two. "You'd best not challenge me."

Dragon remained silent, as he muttered something in her ear and lapped his tongue over it when he'd finished. She snapped something at him, as pressed down on the cold rocky floor.
Dragon wearily fit beneath her, as she curled around him. The twins were still there, yet stood speech-less.
Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 243
Posted: Fri, 05/09/2014 11:25 (9 Years ago)
''chester, hazel.. will both of you chill out, luna and dragon both are friends'' buster barked.
''and you really don't want to challenge luna...'' swift added.
both of them went to the back of the cave and curled up talking quietly to each other.
they just get here and they are already acting weird... swift thought shaking her head.
she twitched her leg and rested her head onto her paws yawning.

(all i can think of X.X)
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 270
Posted: Fri, 05/09/2014 23:30 (9 Years ago)
Dragon stirred in his nest as he yanked away from Luna and rose to his paws. He nuzzled her softly but she didn't move. Sighing, the piercing cold dry air stung his eyes, forcing him awake.

Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 243
Posted: Sat, 06/09/2014 08:18 (9 Years ago)
''mister dragon... can you find something for me to eat please..?'' moon asked sleepily looking up at him.
she was sitting down near his paws looking up at him with the sad puppy eyes.
''miss swift and mister buster are sleeping.. and i don't want to bother them...'' she muttered.

(oh yes XD the puppy dog eyes!)
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 270
Posted: Sat, 06/09/2014 08:27 (9 Years ago)

Luna rose to her paws wearily as she didn't spot Dragon, she grunted. She saw Swift and Buster beside each other, but Moon was gone... Dragon padded in with food and dropped it. Moon wasn't with him.
Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 243
Posted: Sat, 06/09/2014 08:45 (9 Years ago)
swifts eyes instantly snapped open as she looked around.
''where's moon?!'' she barked standing up, leaving buster to flop onto his side muttering.
she ignored him as she bolted outside walking through the plains calling the little pups name.
''moon?! where are you!'' she called looking around.

getting tired, swift curled up tightly and whimpered, she was sick with worry.
''swift calm down...'' buster said softly walking over.
she covered her head with her tail whimpering still, she couldn't calm down to even answer him.