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wolf rp 1x1 with powerofwaffle on pause

Forum-Index Roleplay Private RP wolf rp 1x1 with powerofwaffle on pause
Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 243
Posted: Sun, 10/08/2014 09:29 (9 Years ago)
name: swift.
age: 14.
appearance: tall with shaggy golden-brown fur, one ear standing straight up and one folded.
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 270
Posted: Sun, 10/08/2014 09:45 (9 Years ago)
Luna was as tall, skinny she-wolf with an ebony-black, messy, thick coat of fur all over her. Her eyes were a bright, shimmering color of amber-brown. Luna was one of those crazy, wild ones who liked to stay cool. Even so, she was a fairly good fighter, as she was forced to train hard when she was stolen as a pup. Her days of fighting ruthlessly were over, and along with her best- and only- friend Swift, she felt charged with energy. Even though Swift was older by two, Luna respected her not for her age, but for who she really was.

Luna sat next to her friend on the rocky plaids as the half-moon shimmered dimly in the deep sky. The skinny she-wolf felt like she could just run up to the sky and dash through the clouds... What a wonderful feeling it was to her. She bared her yellow, thick fangs at Swift. "Race you to the pond!" She squealed and dashed away down the cliff, as the thick mist cleared out a crooked willow tree. Its close, Luna thought as she tried to make out the clear, cold pond.

Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 243
Posted: Sun, 10/08/2014 09:57 (9 Years ago)
swift's bright purple eyes gleamed with amusement as she swiftly ran past her friend luna laughing.
''really think you could outru- AH!'' she yelled as she failed to stop at the edge of the pond.
swift had landed in the pond and yelped in shock from the cold water.
swimming back to land, she shook her thick shaggy pelt out.
''not... a word...'' she mumbled.
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 270
Posted: Sun, 10/08/2014 10:17 (9 Years ago)
Luna gave a curt nod, as she finished Swift's sentence. "Outrun you?" She chuckled tauntingly, but not in a mean way. "Just did." She clamped her teeth at Swift's tail, using a hole between teeth to wring the water out. She wanted to say something, but decided not to make a punt about the water incident and make Swift mad. She tried her best to be a fairly good friend, after all. Her ebony black pelt nearly blended in with the dark night. Her glimmering amber eyes prowled at the dewy grass as the she-wolf dipped her head to drink some water. Her long, soft tongue touched the cold liquid as it sent a refreshing chill down her neck.

She watched the moon shimmer in a rippled state in the center of the water, Luna going into a trance as the willow leaves shadowed at the other side of the pond. It swished and lashed, yet the wind was only a cool air. "I'm getting hungry," The she-wolf nodded, for she hadn't eaten in three nights. Her claws were short, but thick. They were just a bit dull, but if you've seen this black wolf fight, it feels like they were almost tipped with fire. Luna prowled into the area with more trees. Her snout lifted into the air, hoping desperately for a fawn- or something. Though, Luna heard a rustling... Like a whimper. She trotted through the leaves and saw something moving beneath some overgrown roots of a tree. Food? Luna wondered as she brushed the leaves off of the thing. No. It was... a pup. The black she-wolf carried the small, thin, shivering grey lump of fur in her teeth, gently as she murmured to it, only to reassure it. It was too weak to even complain about this stranger. Luna carried it back to Swift.
Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 243
Posted: Sun, 10/08/2014 10:51 (9 Years ago)
lifting her head up hearing luna come back, she perked her ears from what luna had brought back.
''luna, how did you find a pup out in the forest?!'' she said a little confused.
swift sniffed the pup over and thought.
i think i've seen this pup from somewhere... but where?
looking up at luna, she had to see if she could ask why the pup was alone.
''hey luna, i'm gonna go hunt for this poor pup, i'll try and bring back enough for all of us'' she said heading off into the forest.

she had seen that pup somewhere, she just knew it.
she needed to ask the pup some questions once it gets some strength back.
after she found something she swiftly tackled and caught it, it was a deer.
swift dragged it back without any trouble.
''dinner!'' swift said half muffled since she was still dragging the deer.
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 270
Posted: Sun, 10/08/2014 11:16 (9 Years ago)
Luna shrugged. "It was alone, obviously abandoned." Luna wasn't lying, this pup's fur was splattered in dirt, it was weak. The black-furred wolf sat down and bundled up the pup in her long, fluffy tail. She shrugged, and looked up to Swift. "Okay. Good luck with the hunt." Luna knew Swift didn't need luck for this, she was talented in hunting. However, Luna did it anyway.
On more important matters, what was she thinking? Luna wondered, for she knew that look of confusion in Swift. Luna's amber eyes followed on the she-wolf's shaggy fur until she as out of sight.

She chuckled as she saw the deer Swift was dragging closer. "Nice catch, like always." The pup had wriggled at the smell of food. Luna was really begging to ask it some questions, but she knew well-It was too young to talk, much as well remember anything. Luna pushed a small piece to the pup as it ate it up. Luna had regained her hunger, and finished the food quickly.
Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 243
Posted: Sun, 10/08/2014 11:29 (9 Years ago)
''i have always been able to tackle the prey easily, be as quick as the wind'' she said after finishing eating.
she has stretched out and was laying on her belly very content from her catch, her gaze had landed on the young pup after a little while.
''i think i've seen this pup before luna... i used to be in a pack once, and there were some pups, one that looked exactly like that pup'' she was still very confused on how the pup was left alone.
after putting the thoughts aside for the night, swift yawned and set her head on her paws.
''goodnight luna...'' she had drifted into sleep after just closing her eyes.

when the next early dawn had came, swift was wide awake getting a drink of water at the pond.
i need to go back into the woods and see if i can find a trace of the pups mother, its the only way to get an answer... she thought to herself.
looking over at luna and the pup, she seen that they were still asleep.
thinking it was the perfect timing, swift went back into the forest to search for some clues.
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 270
Posted: Sun, 10/08/2014 11:34 (9 Years ago)
The she-wolf shrugged, her ebony-black coat ruffled. "I don't know. This pup could be something else."
Luna shrugged and curled up around the pup, who was already dozed off. "Goodnight, swift." Luna had dozed off under the night.
Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 243
Posted: Sun, 10/08/2014 11:55 (9 Years ago)
swift was sniffing the ground searching for some scent of another wolf, she had already found the tangled roots from where luna must have found the pup.
the pups mother has to be somewhere... she thought.
looking around, she seen nothing in the area, just trees, bushes, and tall grass.
either way, swift was not gonna give up her search.
swift was never really known to give up on stuff easily.

after sometime of searching, there was some paw prints near by.
finally! some sign that the pups mother must still be around she thought with cheer.
swift followed the tracks, she was sure she was on the right path.
once she found the end of the tracks, she realized that they led back to a packs camp.
curious, she found a spot that was perfect for seeing what was going on.
swift heard a voice that was deep but strong, the alpha.
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 270
Posted: Sun, 10/08/2014 12:25 (9 Years ago)
Luna's eyelids snapped open, as she leapt to her paws. She shook out her ebony pelt, as her light, amber eyes glimmered like waves in the sunlight. She looked around for her friend, and grumbled.
"Swift?" She waited in silence for an answer. No answer. Luna raised her voice.
"SWIFT!" Still no answer. The birds flew in the sky, as the pup woke up at the sound. It was whimpering, but Luna stuck her snout in the air. As great a sniffer she was, she did not scent anything else. Swift was not taken by anything. As the she-wolf decided not to overreact, she lay into the grass, next to the pup.
Her fur glimmered in the bright sun rays, as she closed her eyes and rested her chin on her paws. Swift better come back soon. Luna thought to herself, and she knew if her friend didn't come back soon, she'd go investigating.
Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 243
Posted: Sun, 10/08/2014 12:51 (9 Years ago)
''star! come here now!'' swift heard the alpha wolf say to one of his pack.
seeing a young but seems more built for speed, she walked up to the alpha wolf.
''yes alpha? you called?'' said the female wolf named star.
''you take care of the pups here right? where is that runt i see run around?'' the alpha asked.
''he um... must have ran off, i already searched for him'' she replied to the alpha.
they were talking for a long time about this pup that must have gotten lost, but no name of the pup.
their pup must have a name... that way once i get back to luna and the pup she found i can ask the pup by some name... swift thought.
seeing another wolf walk up next to the first one, she thought that must be the father of the pup.
''my pup went missing?! where has he gone, star! you let chip out of your sight?!'' the male wolf yelled.
''i'm sorry hunter, i didn't mean to lose chip...'' she said lowering her head.
chip? thats their pups name? hm.. might as well try swift had heard enough, she slowly backed away but somehow stepped on a small stick.
''crow food....'' swift muttered, she looked up seeing 3 of the pack wolves looking her way.
''heh... um... bye!'' she bolted after that, running through a stream to hide her tracks.

running back toward the pond, swift was probably far away from that pack, till she felt something knock her onto her side.
''hey!'' she snarled and leaped away and stood her ground.
''intruder! you were spying on my packl!'' the wolf growled, it was the female wolf named star.
''i wasn't spying! i wandered near your pack camp and i over heard you were missing a pup!'' she growled back, swift was ready to fight.
''so?! you were still spying!'' star had said her teeth bared.
''my friend found a pup! it could be the pup your looking for!'' getting ready to pounce, the she-wolf stopped dead, her ears perked at what swift had said.
''you.. you found a small little gray pup..?'' she asked more calmly.
relaxing now, she looked at the other wolf.
''well... yeah, i was gonna head back to my friend and the pup to see if its name was chip'' she replied.
''oh my gosh that is chip! i cant believe you found him'' she said cheerfully.
''come with me, i'll show you the pup'' swift said heading back to luna.
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 270
Posted: Sun, 10/08/2014 13:00 (9 Years ago)
Luna whipped open her eyelids as she heard footprints. "Oh, Swift, you're back.." Her vision cleared out as she saw the other wolf. "Who's this?" The black she-wolf grumbled, the white streak on her chest made her seem a bit neive when the wolf looked at her, but Luna's cold, amber death glare made her uncomfortable. Luna bared her fangs, as her claws shredded at the ground. The gray pup padded next to Luna's left, yawning. His eyes widened as he saw the wolf.
Luna murmured something in his ear, as she stepped back a bit. "Swift." She barked coldly. "Who is this?..." Luna was very hostile to this stranger, in their territory. The evening sky glimmered with spreading paints of purple, pink, and orange. The clouds were light, as they streaked across the sky, almost transparent.
Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 243
Posted: Sun, 10/08/2014 13:06 (9 Years ago)
''luna, this is star, she has lost a pup from her pack, and that would be that pup'' swift pointed her muzzle to the gray pup beside her.
''i might have stumbled near her pack territory.. but at least i found out that pups name, chip?'' she looked at the little pup with soft eyes.
seeing the pups ears perk a little, swift smiled a little, looking at star who seemed to about burst.
''luna, can you bring the pup over?'' she asked looking at luna.
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 270
Posted: Sun, 10/08/2014 23:00 (9 Years ago)
Luna nudged the pup towards the she-wolf named Star. Luna shook out her thick fur, as the drops of dew barely clinged on. She nodded at Star. "Take care of this one." Star nodded, and padded off with the pup.
Two moons later

Luna was laying besides swift, as little circles of snow drizzled on her thick, ebony pelt. It was even visible from the white streak on her chest. Her amber eyes glimmered even brighter, as she flopped to her side on the low coats of snow.
"We'll need to find a cave soon," She grumbled. Luna has been saying this for two days, for she didn't like to live in snow, but she'd play with it. She giggled and shook her head, sending a mount of snow onto Swift.
"Um... I'm going hunting!" She woofed and leapt into the forest, leaving Swift there. As she hunted, she spotted a deer. just my luck, she thought as she leapt at it, extending her claws to its side. it kicked and butted, but Luna jammed her teeth into its neck. She than dragged it back to Swift.
Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 243
Posted: Mon, 11/08/2014 02:08 (9 Years ago)
shaking the snow that was threw onto her, she sighed.
''alright, just be careful'' swift yelled to luna before she dissapeared into the forest.
i know we need to find a cave soon... its just half of the caves have bears in them.. she thought.

after seeing luna come back, swift sat up quickly and sighed.
''i see you caught something, good job'' she said.
quietly eating she finished a little quicker then usual.
''lets search for a cave for the winter, anything will do just to get out of the cold'' she said going into the woods.
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 270
Posted: Mon, 11/08/2014 02:19 (9 Years ago)
"Okay." Luna went off into the opposite direction. She trudged through the snows, as it grew taller. It was... silent. A bit too silent. Maybe I should go back, or.. Her thoughts were interupted as she was tackled by another wolf. Unready, her head slammed into a rock.
Luna was confused...
It was all so quick....
.... Darkness.....
The she-wolf woke up in a camp, a familiar wolf was beside her. "Star?..." She grumbled. "Whats going on..." Star didn't answer, an Alpha trotted over. He had a deep growl for a voice. "Hello. Star told me about you, Luna" The black she-wolf wasn't comfortable about this. But the Alpha continued... "We would like you to join. Your friend as well." Luna grumbled. "Forget about it," The alpha seemed shocked from Luna's absence of respect. The alpha shrugged. "You'll join eventually. You know it." His tail flicked at the massive pack, they were eating a deer.
Luna was not amused. "Whatever." She stood up and trudged away. Star was running after her. "Wait!" Luna froze. "I'm not joining," Luna growled. Star hesitated. "But its best for you, you'll learn to fight and you'll get prey every..." Luna interrupted her, snapping. "I can fight, and I get enough prey I need!" The she-wolf growled and ran back, as she bumped into Swift.
Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 243
Posted: Mon, 11/08/2014 18:48 (9 Years ago)
''gah!'' swift yelped as she fell back onto her side.
leaping up and pinning ears back, she seen who bumped into her.
''luna! what are you doing out here? i thought you went the other way?'' she asked confused.
i'm getting a bad feeling of where luna came from... i know this path, its where i found that pack swift thought.
looking straight forward up the path, she seen an outline of what looked like a pack.
oh great... did one of them actually drag luna over to that pack? she thought pinning her ears back.
''come on luna... lets head the other way.. this time, you right beside me...'' she muttered walking in the other direction.
swifts mood wasn't the greatest at times, which would be the mood she's in now.

after sometime of walking, swift seen that they were back at the frozen pond.
''oh great, we're back at the frozen pond, what now, its almost dark out!'' swift was really anger at that point.
its cold out, its almost dark, and there are no caves! she thought bitterly to herself.
pacing back and forth at the edge of the pond thinking, there had to be a cave somewhere.
they needed somewhere safe to sleep, but there were no caves.
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 270
Posted: Tue, 12/08/2014 02:21 (9 Years ago)
Luna hesitated as they were back at the pond. She nodded at a fallen tree and slipped under it. "Swift, that pack... They wanted us to join." She growled. "I'll worry about that later," she barked and curled up into a sleep.

Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 243
Posted: Tue, 12/08/2014 07:47 (9 Years ago)
''that pack wanted us to what?!'' swift actually yelled from shock.
she was far from tired after hearing that.
''you know i've had bad history with packs luna, that pack would probably be the same'' she growled pacing back and forth.
she was really mad now, past boiling mad.
swift didn't want to join another pack in her life, she had been in so many packs she couldn't count.
gah, i cant stand packs! she thought bitterly to herself.
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 270
Posted: Tue, 12/08/2014 08:03 (9 Years ago)
Luna grumbled. "If they'd nagged me anymore about joining, I would've shredded their precious 'Alpha' to shreds." The black she-wolf was merely snapping. Her bushy tail sweeped across a patch large enough for Swift, and brushed the snow away. "Enough talk," Luna yawned. "Sleep." She grumbled and rested her head on her paws.