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wolf rp 1x1 with powerofwaffle on pause

Forum-Index Roleplay Private RP wolf rp 1x1 with powerofwaffle on pause
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 270
Posted: Thu, 28/08/2014 10:08 (9 Years ago)
Ignoring her beaten state, Dragon raced over to the ebony she-wolf and pressed his muzzle against hers. "Luna... What did you do?" he whispered. Hesitating, Luna sat down and spoke in a flat, cold tone. He sat down next to her as his tail curled around her tightly. "I... Agreed to go back with him" Luna whimpered. In shock Dragon's voice was cracked. "What?! Your going to stay close, right... Please..." The she-wolf murmured. "Yeah... I'll be back in two moons. Promise."

Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 243
Posted: Thu, 28/08/2014 10:50 (9 Years ago)
''after two moons? that's a long time luna'' buster said sitting down.
''you promise to be careful miss luna?'' asked moon.
swift sat calmly next to buster and moon her tail twitching slightly.
''how about i hunt for tonight... let everyone eat and then in the morning we all cam walk though the forest, sound good?'' she asked looking around the small pack of wolves.
this may be a small pack of friends.. but we are all strong in our own ways... and together, none of us will fall... she thought giving a small nod before heading off into the woods.

after swift came back dragging only a young deer into the grotto with no problems at all.
''dinner'' she said setting it down.
buster and moon both ran over and started eating their fill.
swift then ate a small bit of food since there wasn't really much.
she went over to a willow tree and curled up falling asleep.
moon instantly walked over and snuggled up to swifts side, out like a light she went.
buster thought of sleeping under a different tree, which he did.
all three of them were fast asleep at that point.
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 270
Posted: Thu, 28/08/2014 12:02 (9 Years ago)
"I said I would try to be back in a moon," she mumbled. The ebony she-wolf ate quickly and shrugged. "I-i should go now..." she said in a hushed whisper.
Dragon pressed his muzzle against her head as Luna's nose touched his chest fur.
Heading back to the swamp, she heard a swish from the bushes. "Gravel, you can come out now." she continued to stare among the lake.
"We won't go far, we're going too temporarily join a pack to keep our cover. I have convinced the pack for me to stay as an omega and you as a pup mother." Gravel said in a clear, slow tone.
"You want me to join as a what, now?!" Luna exclaimed. Gravel grumbled, but didn't answer. "You have a mate, yes?" he spat.
Blushing, Luna nodded as they said nothing else to each other and went towards the pack.
Star greeted her warmly, and laughed a bit. "I knew you'd join the pack soon, but not as a pup mother!"
Luna nodded, but she grumbled in her head I didn't either, and I wouldn't of joined this pack on my own accord... but she kept that to herself.
Gravel shot her a glance that said Later, as Star lead Luna into a ditch floored with moss. "You should get some rest," Star chuckled to herself as Luna lay down in the soft moss. I cannot believe Gravel made me do this... Glad nobody can find me here for once. she thought.
Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 243
Posted: Fri, 29/08/2014 09:29 (9 Years ago)
~in the cave~

''moon.. stay here with dragon alright..?'' swift said softly.
''where are you and mister buster going..?'' she asked sleepily.
''me and swift are gonna go walk for a bit...'' he answered.
moon yawned and curled up falling back asleep.
both buster and swift smiled and walked to the small hill near the pond outside of the forest.

~on the hill near the pond~

''buster.. its such a beautiful night...'' swift sighed looking up at the stars.
''yes it it..'' buster agreed looking up at the stars as well.
they were leaning againts each other enjoying the night sky.
after a bit of silence, they both howled up at the sky breaking the spell of the night.
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 270
Posted: Fri, 29/08/2014 10:49 (9 Years ago)
(Skips back and runs away from the gray wolf, bringing Swift)

Sighing in despair, the ebony she-wolf felt Dragon press against her. "Luna..." he murmured. she pressed her nose against his, as he grew quiet. "We're leaving next sunrise," she whispered. Buster, who was eavesdropping, protested in a shocked tone. "What?! What about Swift and-" Dragon and Luna both stared at him. "We stay together. We're all going."

Without telling any of this to Swift, they ate as Luna crept under an overgrown bush, Dragon following her. His glossy, tinged pelt was warm as the she-wolf curled around him, her tail slipping around his neck to warm him, but not to choke. Luna lay still as the silence of the night had glowed on, but the she-wolf fell asleep soon enough.
Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 243
Posted: Fri, 29/08/2014 13:18 (9 Years ago)
swift was in the cave humming softly to moon as the little pup fell asleep.
buster came into the cave smiling.
''hey buster...'' she whispered as he got closer.
''you've always been a softy swift... and a huge softy on pups...'' he teased.
swift grinned and sighed.
''i know i've been a huge softy on pups... you've seen me in the old pack as a carer of pups remember...? keeping them in order while they were growing up'' she muttered looking down at moon.
buster just curled up next to swift and nuzzled her ear fondly.
she nuzzled him back and rested her muzzle onto her paws falling asleep.
''goodnight swift....'' he said softly and rested his muzzle on her shoulder falling asleep as well.
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 270
Posted: Sat, 30/08/2014 02:43 (9 Years ago)
It was nearly morning when Dragon nuzzled Luna awake. Grumbling, she sat to her paws. Dragon nuzzled her a mumbled, "Lets' go..." Nodding, the ebony she-wolf sank her teeth into Buster's tail, making him yelp when he awoke, along with Moon and Swift. "We need to leave now," she nodded as Buster curled Moon in his tail. She and Dragon padded out of the grotto, Buster hesitating yet followed.

Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 243
Posted: Sat, 30/08/2014 07:40 (9 Years ago)
swift picked moon up and walked after them walking right beside buster.
''where are we going...? there aren't many places that are safe around here..'' buster asked sleepily.
''yeah... where are we going miss luna...?'' asked moon yawning.
there aren't many caves around... there has to be somewhere swift thought flattening her ears a little.
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 270
Posted: Sat, 30/08/2014 07:55 (9 Years ago)
Her bright amber eyes glanced at the gray he-wolf, as he stared back without a hint of humiliation.
The ebony she-wolf gave a firm shake of her thick, messy pelt as she than looked at the pup. "Far away from here, young one." The young she-pup stared up at the large, broad she-wolf, but refused to look directly into her eyes. "H-how far miss Luna? And why?" The pup asked, shivering a bit. Luna stared on, her tail whipping around. "Very far...." she hesitated.

"Because we are in danger," Luna turned to the entrance. Keeping a certain length from Dragon, they continued to the plaids. Dragon nuzzled her, but the wolf replied coldly. "We can't be followed." she padded on. The she-pup whimpered as she shrank back. "My paws are starting to hurt! Are we there yet?" Luna swooped up the she-pup and carried her up the mountain. The bright ray of sun began to awaken, as Luna pounced calmly up the mountain.

Her ears swiveled as Moon began to complain once more. "Miss Luna, i'm getting hungry," she whined. Dragon nodded in agreement. "Same here." Setting Moon down on the ledge, the black she-wolf signed for them to settle down. "I'll catch something," she whipped around and sprinted down the mountain. Slipping to a stop, Luna crouched down in the wild grass, stalking a boar. She leaped down behind it, her claws slamming into its hind. Her teeth crunched at its neck, as it roared and butted but fell limp. Hauling it up the mountain once more, she dropped it in the center of the wolves without a word. Refusing to eat, the ebony she-wolf lay down, pressed to the mountain as the others ate.

Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 243
Posted: Sun, 31/08/2014 02:09 (9 Years ago)
''luna eat something...'' swift said nudging the boar luna had caught.
''yeah, you need to eat miss luna, so you have energy'' moon said after finishing.
buster had already fallen asleep after eating.
swift yawned and rested her muzzle onto her paws as moon snuggled up beside her.
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 270
Posted: Sun, 31/08/2014 03:52 (9 Years ago)
She shook her head, as Dragon nudged her. "Blue..." Luna grunted and shook her head. She lay down and slept. (My palpad won't work)
Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 243
Posted: Sun, 31/08/2014 10:53 (9 Years ago)
both swift and buster scouted ahead making sure the path was clear.
''i wonder how far we're going...'' buster said after a bit of walking.
''i don't know buster... but i've never seen luna act like this'' she said looking over at him.
after they checked it out, they walked back.
''wake up.. its almost dawn'' swift said after they got back.
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 270
Posted: Sun, 31/08/2014 11:00 (9 Years ago)
Luna had padded over to Buster and grunted coldly. "Down the mountain, across the fields and out of the forest. There we'd be safe, there is a pack that inhabits there but if we don't bother us they'll return the favor." Buster nodded and turned to Luna. "When are we coming back?" Luna's amber eyes turned to him, they were bloodshot and cold. "We aren't."

Turning away, she gazed up from the top of the mountain. Dragon nuzzled her and murmured something, but the she-wolf turned away and stirred down the hill. (Time skip) Moon whimpered as they finally got down the hill, it was already dark. "If we go at least across the river there's and abandoned cave." Luna reassured. Yet, there was no wave of the river to be heard.

Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 243
Posted: Sun, 31/08/2014 11:15 (9 Years ago)
swift picked moon up and crossed the river with buster behind her.
''its freezing!'' he yelped as he got to the other side.
''well of course it's cold mister buster, its still cold out'' moon said.
swift just laughed as she carried moon to the cave.

both swift and buster checked out the cave and nodded to each other.
''its safe'' they both called out to where they were.
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 270
Posted: Sun, 31/08/2014 11:57 (9 Years ago)
The ebony she-wolf didn't feel a tingle from the chill of the winter's night wind, she stared on, yet focused on nothing. The broad, tall she-wolf was not lost in thought yet simply bothered for many of reasons. Her bushy tail whipped vigorously as she felt a soft, warm nudge from the he-wolf next to her. She turned to the taller he-wolf with a long, glossy pelt of grey, tinged by black. He said nothing as he nodded towards the lake of still, but moving water. His expression was soft and delicate, much warmer than what the ebony she-wolf was feeling.

She thought of all that bothered her, as turned around as she headed towards the lake. The roars of the black swift liquid grew louder, as the she-wolf's head began to rise to look up at the deep sky. It was covered in bubbles of almost white shines with large auras of a spreaded color. Wispy, thin, barely visible streaks of random cotton moved beneath, in front of the white shines. The sky beyond was dark and swirled in thick colors. Padding towards the thin streak of swift black movement, she barely hesitated to move a step further. An icy chill swirled beneath her, which only made the she-wolf excited to go beyond.

A small circle of waves splashed beneath her large fore-paws, breaking the waves slightly of their direction to the left. She stepped out of the water, onto the grassy fields which felt stiff beneath her heavy soaked paws. Of course, the gray he-wolf was behind her, a bit bothered by the chill of water. He seemed to argue as he got out, but the she-wolf nuzzled his cheek to get him to finish off his raid of grumbles. Feeling a bit up in the point, she whispered softly and slowly in his ear. "Race you to the cave," as she had already dashed off when his ears perked. Without hesitation, he raced forward to nearly catch the she-wolf by a lamb's length.

The ebony wolf screeched to a stop beneath the cave's rocky floor to find a familiar shaggy-haired golden-brown wolf curled around a young pup. The gray he-wolf chuckled a bit as he entered the cave, his glossy pelt was warm as he pressed against the ebony she-wolf. Pressing her nose quickly against the other wolf's cheek, she turned to see her other friends asleep in exhaustion. The he-wolf moaned as he lay down near the corner of the cave, curled up tightly. Barely even laughing, she flopped on the ground and curved around him, the creaks of night more soothing now. The dark had corrupted and easily took the she-wolf into a deep sleep.
Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 243
Posted: Sun, 31/08/2014 23:44 (9 Years ago)
the next early dawn, swift woke up and walked out of the cave to stretch her legs.
''where do you think your going?'' asked buster walking after her.
''i'm going to walk around..'' she said with a yawn.
he caught up and stood right in front of her.
''buster.. i need some time to think okay?'' she said looking at him.
''well.. can i join you?'' he asked tilting his head.
she looked back at the cave and back at him.
''what about moon...?'' she said pinning her ears back.
''don't worry, i found some moss in the cave, she has a moss blanket now'' he said smiling.
she shook her head and sighed, she continued walking through the plains with buster right beside her.

~a few miles from the cave~

after some time of walking, they stopped on a small ridge of land and looked around taking in their newer surroundings.
''wow... this is all so different then from the forests..'' swift muttered quietly.
buster nuzzled her and sighed in agreement.
they both leaned against each other their tails entwined as they both sighed.
both of them knew it was safer away from that pack, which means its safer for moon since she is still only a pup.
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 270
Posted: Mon, 01/09/2014 08:24 (9 Years ago)
The ebony she-wolf awoken to find the he-wolf nuzzling her countless times. Groaning, she playfully batted his nose with her paw. She turned to find everyone else awake, as she rose to her paws. She heard a roar of chattering echoed in the cave, as she turned to peek out the entrance. "The grey spirits," she stared on without looking back. Moon's ears perked, curious, as she began to follow but Buster curled her in his tail.

Luna's tail swatted happily as she raced out of the cave. "Luna!" Dragon called, but it was no use. The he-wolf raced over to her, nudging her by the side as by the pack. Buster and Swift were behind them, but Luna casually padded forwards unnoticed. She lay down by a he-wolf that had long, thick messy tawny-brown fur. The creamy-white she-wolf in front of him's ears perked as she nodded towards Luna. "I mean, Dash-" he turned around in surprise as he saw Luna. "Luna!" he exclaimed. The she-wolf simply nodded as if to say, yes? He started to stammer. "I-i mean you..." Luna chuckled and nudged him. "Hello, Boulder."

Dragon padded up next to Luna, his lip curling as his vicious teeth glared in suspicion. "Blue, who's this?" he growled. Sighing, the ebony she-wolf pressed her nose against Dragon's cheek, as she rose to her paws and stepped back. "Dragon, this is Boulder. A friend of mine," she chuckled. The gray he-wolf calmed down a bit and nuzzled her ear softly. Still in suspicion, Boulder turned, flopping on his side. "So Luna, this is your-" she nodded after slapping him in the face with her tail. He nodded, and began to ask his load of questions. "Why'd you come back? I thought-I mean, you..." Dragon looked at the ebony she-wolf, a bit confused. "The place I found wasn't best," she shrugged. The gray he-wolf said nothing, as he understood.
Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 243
Posted: Mon, 01/09/2014 10:12 (9 Years ago)
''who..?'' she asked confused.
''uh...'' muttered buster.
moon just sat down and tilted her head.
swift put her paw around the pup and growled faintly.
buster nudged her shoulder trying to get her attention but barely had any affect.
she only growled louder, an angry tone to the growling.
''swift...'' he said calmly nudging her shoulder again.
she had paid no attention to him.
he stomped his paw on the ground and nipped her ear.
swift instantly snapped at his nose.
he flinched and backed away his ears pinned back.

(all i can think of at the moment x.x)
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 270
Posted: Mon, 01/09/2014 10:15 (9 Years ago)
"This is Boulder, a wolf from this pack. I'm an ally of theirs, and you are too." Luna grunted. "And break it up, you two!" she squeezed in the middle of the fight, nudging Swift firmly, and nudging Buster aswell.

Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 243
Posted: Mon, 01/09/2014 10:38 (9 Years ago)
swift pinned her ears back and cleared her throat.
''i'm uh.. gonna go walk for a bit....'' she muttered as she swiftly walked off.
buster just stood there blinking in confusion.
''what just happened...?'' he asked his voice a little shaky.