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wolf rp 1x1 with powerofwaffle on pause

Forum-Index Roleplay Private RP wolf rp 1x1 with powerofwaffle on pause
Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 243
Posted: Sun, 24/08/2014 12:19 (9 Years ago)
''hey! watch it'' buster barked as he backed away from the water.
swift just rolled over onto her back laughing.
''glad someones having fun'' buster said looking over at swift.
swift stopped laughing and looked at buster.
''whats wrong?'' she asked tilting her head.
''nothing..'' he sighed, he walked off out of the grotto.
okay, what got under his fur? she wondered.
seeing that luna and dragon were busy playing, swift went out of the grotto after buster.

~outside the grotto~

''buster whats wrong? this is the first time i'm walking after you, ya know'' she said catching up to him pretty quick.
''i'm fine...'' he muttered.
''you don't seem fine'' she said looking at him seeming a little worried.
they stopped and sat down on the old hill so they could talk.
''i'm fine really... i've just been thinking i should start heading off again..'' he said looking down.
''what?! why?'' swift gasped, she thought he was joking.
he looked up and looked swift straight in the eye, which his eyes showed both sadness and regret.
''buster.. please don't leave..'' she said softly.
she put her head under his muzzle and put her paw on his.
he instantly started blushing.
''sw-swift... i..'' he stammered a little.
she looked at him and flattened her ears a little, she was now blushing.
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 270
Posted: Mon, 25/08/2014 08:29 (9 Years ago)
After Swift and Buster had left, Luna heard a rustle. Into the grotto came a growling ethiopian wolf. "Flare!" Dragon growled. "I have recalled the pack. Its over, and you two could never face me anyway. " Luna and Dragon had never actually tried fighting in front of the wolf.

"Get out of this grotto. Take a left at the swamp and there you will find a pack." Dragon grumbled. Flare grunted in approval and padded away. Dragon pressed his muzzle on Luna's cheek as he sighed. "I'm not going to leave you again," he murmured soothingly. "Good," Luna sighed and jerked away. Padding outside, she faced a familiar, short she-wolf. "Rose." she barked in fury. Dragon heard this, and jumped to Luna's side. "Blue! Remember what Swift said," he reminded her. Luna didn't listen. Behind them, Dragon saw Swift and Buster but he was too busy holding Luna back.

Too late, Luna lunged at Rose pinning her down. Viciously, her claws dug into Rose's shoulders. Rose jerked sideways, Luna yelped as Dragon tumbled over her, keeping her down by the scruff. "Where's Swift?!" Rose howled loudly. Luna gave a dirty glare at Dragon, but she couldn't stay too mad at him.

At the pack.

Flare had just joined the pack as a patrol wolf. He dipped his head respectfully at the Alpha, as a young gray she-wolf came to greet him. "Thistle, I will show the newcomer around," She bowed to the alpha and began Flare's tour. After it was finished, the she-wolf giggled. "And you can sleep here for tonight! I'd best go check-" Flare stopped her. "Wait. What is your name, she-wolf?" he looked into her eyes.
"Pebble," she blushed and went to go hunt. Flare nodded in approval and drifted to sleep.

Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 243
Posted: Mon, 25/08/2014 08:40 (9 Years ago)
once buster and swift got back their tails were intwined.
but when swift seen luna attack her sister, she instantly bolted over.
''rose, i thought i told you to go back to your new pack'' she growled faintly.
''i need to talk to you! come join the pack! its strong, there's enough food for everyone, please, join the pack!'' she barked.
''you know i prefer to be a lone wolf rose!'' she barked back.
they were arguing for a long time.
''well... this turned for the worst'' buster muttered.
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 270
Posted: Mon, 25/08/2014 08:45 (9 Years ago)
Luna nodded in agreement. Her nose buried in Dragon's glossy, thick fur./
Buster cocked his head. "So you guys are?..." Dragon nodded.
His tail curled around Luna, as Buster sighed.
"How long will this fight go on?" Luna shrugged.
GTG GAAAAAH -table flip-

Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 243
Posted: Mon, 25/08/2014 08:51 (9 Years ago)
''we are not joining that pack! that's the end of it!'' she snarled.
''fine! all i wanted to do is make sure you have a pack, but since this seems to be your rag-tag lone wolf pack then fine!'' she barked and ran off back to her pack.
''ugh!!!'' she yelled and stormed into the grotto heading into the cave.
''swift calm down!'' buster said running after her.
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 270
Posted: Mon, 25/08/2014 10:41 (9 Years ago)
Dragon rested his muzzle on Luna's head, as his dark hazel eyes watched Buster run. Rose had shot a dirty glare at Luna, but the ebony she-wolf had ignored it. Dragon's tail was curved around her, but it gripped tighter as Rose angered her more and more. "Blue..." the gray he-wolf began. Luna leaned on his chest, which made him shut up.

"Remember when we were loner wolves, before the pack? Than Flare accused us of crossing the border or something... If we'd done what we did now, it'd be so much fun..." Luna chuckled. Dragon tail unwrapped as he sprang to his paws. "We still never battle-practiced!" he whined. "Tomorrow," Luna promised as she rose to her paws.

At the grotto

Luna had padded into the cave, leaving the gray he-wolf to lay by the curved willow tree and just calm down and think. He groped as his tail sunk idly into the freezing water, which made him go deeper in his thoughts. Why was Blue always running off from him? he tensed. Shrugging it off, he started to lecture himself in his mind. Why am I thinking so mournfully on a beautiful day? That plus is mid-day, and its all fresh! Dragon snapped.

Looking up at the sky, he felt warm and fuzzy inside. Almost like when he first met Luna, but more controlled and energetic. The bright blue sky had not a tint of gray or eeriness in it, The sun was bright but didn't shine in Dragon's eyes. The clouds looked as if they had been painted in the sky. They were so thick and fluffy as if they could suffocate a rabbit.

I'll take a walk, maybe hunt a bit... Dragon rose to his paws lazily, trying to snap himself out of the trance. He gave a firm shake of his glossy, black and grey mutt fur. The broad, tall he-wolf's stiff, strong muscles felt like they were ripping as he stretched. Grumbling, he tried to glance at the cave but his round, slick hazel-brown eyes saw nothing.

He padded out of the grotto, the weeds beyond the grass itching at his pads. He squeezed out of the narrow creek of trees that had hidden the gleeful grotto that he was currently inhabiting. The smell of fresh ferns and prey flowed straight into his senses as dragonflies buzzed past him. The simple spell of nature had soothed Dragon into a peaceful world of thought, but he kept on walking. It was once he had paused himself to think, Wait. Where am I? Dragon looked around desperately. Was he lost?

He began to run, as the trees and bushes blurred past him. Tripping on a mulberry shrub, he rolled into a place he finally remembered-the plaids. Mid-day had not slipped away just yet, as he sighed in relief. ((Time skip a bit)) Dragon was peacefully finishing a small goat, as he heard a whine. Turning around, he saw nothing but the dusty floors of the canyon and a few shrubs. "Odd," he mumbled to himself.

He heard the whimper again. It was the helpless, scared cry of a pup! The shrubs! Dragon dashed to the shrub that had dark green rigged leaves with yellow specks. Out came a small, gray pup who snapped his mouth shut to stare up, amazed at the large he-wolf. Confused, Dragon cocked his head. I must look like a brute to this young pup, Dragon thought. Pups were a bit out of his comfort zone, in fact the only one he could calm was Luna.

"Its okay, young one! I will help you." Dragon reassured, blinking a bit confused. "I-i'm lost!" the pup wailed. He smelled like... The pack Rose was in! Dragon thought. Though a young pup couldn't do harm... "Its okay, I know where you are from, young one. I'll bring you back safely," Dragon promised. The pup seemed unsure, but Dragon lapped his warm tongue over the pup's head calmly and swooped him up. Just like his mother used to do.


"Well, Chip." Dragon chuckled. "This is your stop." The pup looked disappointed. "Oh. Bye, Dragon! I hope I see you again!" Chip woofed, almost sure. He disappeared in the bushed of the pack camp. Dragon chuckled as he walked away into the grotto, it was g
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 270
Posted: Mon, 25/08/2014 10:54 (9 Years ago)
*getting dark. He dropped a small fawn by the willow tree as his eyes began to droop.

Luna and Buster had finally soothed Swift down, as Luna got tired. Dragon slipped into the smooth, humid cave. He looked so worn-out and tired, which worried Luna. What has he been doing? she thought with confusion. About to speak, Dragon pressed his muzzle against hers as he lay down. Luna hoped it was not a sleepless night, as she lay down and pressed against Dragon mildly, he was so cold... He comforted more as Luna warmed him, but they both quickly fell into a dark sleep. Luna had a heart-pounding nightmare, but half she could not remember. Only at the end, was she terror-stricken as a dark-grey wolf walked out of the shadows, splattered in blood.

He had several wounds and scratches over him, his left cheek was ripped off. "I'm coming for you, Luna." he rasped. Luna's eyes shot open, as Dragon was curled tightly around her shivering body. She pressed harder to Dragon, it was too early to wake. The sky was half bright, half dark as Luna finally drifted into a peaceful rest. Nobody was awake when she had waken.

Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 243
Posted: Mon, 25/08/2014 11:41 (9 Years ago)
swift stretched and sat up looking out the entrance of the cave.
dawn, perfect.. she thought yawning.
she nudged buster with her nose trying to wake him up, but he didn't budge.
''sleepy head..'' she snickered and walked outside of the cave.
she went over and took a long drink of the cold water in the pond, sending a cold chill down her throat.
then there was rustling near the edge of the grotto, which made swift turn around and growl.
a small grayish-tan pup tumbled out of one of the bushes.
this isn't chip.. and the pup doesn't even have that packs scent.. so this pup must be lost.. she thought.
she instantly stopped growling and ran over to the pup helping it up.
''hello, are you lost little one..?'' swift asked with her old soft voice back.
''ye-yes... i am lost.. i lost my mother and father.... i don't know where to go now..'' the young she-pup whimpered.
''don't worry... i'll take care of you, do you have a name?'' she said nuzzling the little pups head.
''m-moon...'' the pup stammered from pure tiredness.
''alright moon.. how about i introduce you to my friends'' she said picking the pup up.

~inside the cave~

''guy's, i found this lost pup that tumbled out of a bush, her name is moon'' she said after gently setting the pup down.
''you found a what?'' busters head instantly snapped up and he was wide awake.
''i found a pup buster, and i'm gonna take care of her, she said she lost her mother and father... the poor thing...'' she said softly nuzzling the little pups head gently.
buster sighed and rested his muzzle onto his paws again.
great.. another mouth to feed... he thought.
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 270
Posted: Mon, 25/08/2014 11:58 (9 Years ago)
Dragon had to go for several tries to wake up Luna. "Blue," he murmured as the ebony she-wolf finally creaked open her eyes. As Swift dropped the she-pup on the ground lightly, it stared at Luna and Dragon as if they were brute rogues. Luna sighed. She and Dragon got that alot. Dragon, however was not comfortable about that. Seeing that, the she-wolf pressed her muzzle quickly against his cheek.

"Its tired and hungry," Luna mumbled. "Blue-" Dragon protested but she had already padded away, her tail lashing. The gray wolf had caught up with Luna as she crouched, her gaze aimed on a boar. "Blue," Dragon whispered in alarm and nudged her. Luna moaned. "Shh, i'm hunting." Her ears pinned back. Luna yelped as a white flash had bowled into Dragon, but he dodged it swiftly. The boar charged away, as Luna growled. "Scar."

Next to him, however was Flare. Before Flare could talk, the timber wolf sniggered coldly. "Hah. Luna and..." His head cocked a bit at Dragon. The gray he-wolf sent a questioning look at Luna, but she stared on blankly. Flare cocked his head. "What, are you two having a staring contest? Hell-o we're right here!" he growled. Dragon nodded as if he had understood something, but Scar was completely confused. Luna had said nothing, yet she stared on blankly.

Dragon charged into Scar, who yelped as he tumbled into the mud. Dragon had slammed his claws into Scar's wrists, so hard and swiftly that it had cracked the front let one out of place. Flare was staring in amazement, he had never seen the two actually try when fighting before. While he was distracted, Luna pounced above him, her large forepaw crashing in the center of his shoulderblades. Flare let out a desperate screech, as Luna pinned him down harder.

Flare gave a tearful look at Luna. "Blue..." he croaked. The she-wolf screwed her claws at his spine, and viciously scraped down, hunting him in so much pain he had fainted. Dragon had paralized Scar, as Rose just jumped into the scene in shock. "You-" she growled and lunged at Luna, but Dragon yanked her out of the way as his claws sank into her front left paw, keeping her down.

Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 243
Posted: Mon, 25/08/2014 13:48 (9 Years ago)
~in the cave at the grotto~

swift carried the little pup over to buster and curled up with the pup beside him.
''swift.. maybe the pup would like to join that pack..'' he whispered into her ear.
''are you nuts..?! that pack is crazy....'' she whispered back to buster.
the pup was already fast asleep laying againts swifts side.
swift sighed and looked at buster with soft eyes.
''moon cant go to that pack buster... that pack has bugged me and luna enough to make us not join at all..'' she muttered.
''whatever you say swift...'' he sighed.
she nuzzled him and smiled.
he smiled back.
swift rested her muzzle on her paws and fell asleep.
he sighed and nuzzled her ear while she slept, then he rested his muzzle onto his paws falling asleep as well.

~wolf pack~

''flare, rose and scar haven't come back yet...'' the alpha said looking down in thought.
''i can go look for them alpha, i'm sure they cant be to far'' she offered.
''i'll come to'' hunter said.
''yes, you both go search for them, see why they haven't returned'' he said nodding to both of them.
he watched star and hunter leave the camp, then he sighed.
''i will not risk losing three new pack-mates... but.. why would they patrol when the territory was already checked...?'' he muttered to himself.
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 270
Posted: Tue, 26/08/2014 08:37 (9 Years ago)
Rose laughed, but than she asked a question that made even Dragon lunge at her. "You two have known each other for more than two moons... Still, no pups?" Rose laughed. Flaring with anger, Dragon rammed into her as his claws ripped down into her chest. Rose yelped in pain as Dragon flipped her around, slamming onto her with a large amount of weight.

He had put her in so much pain that the short she-wolf fainted, as a familiar ethiopian wolf lurked out of the bushes. Luna pressed her muzzle against Dragon's ears and crept towards Flare. He lashed his claws at her cheek, which caused to to bleed. Ignoring it, Luna rammed at Flare, jamming her claws powerfully into his hip bone. The aim and strength jetted it out of place. Luna slammed him to the ground and ripped at his face, blaring off a piece of his cheek.

Flare let out a forced yip into Luna's ear, causing her to leap back. Laughing, Flare spoke. "Blue, there is one thing you still haven't learned... Strategy." Luna sighed. "Or have I always knew?" knowing Flare and his personality, she easily dodged a lunge. Surprised, Flare scrambled back on balance. Luna shrank her claws into his flank, ripping down a scar.

Soon both Luna and Flare were covered in blood and wounds, but Luna was still maxed out by better. "I-i surrender..." Flare panted. He dashed back to his pack, hauling Rose with him. Dragon whimpered and nuzzled Luna. "Blue... You okay?" he whined. "I wasn't even trying," Luna chuckled as they pressed against each other, their tails entwined as they went back to the grotto, both covered in blood.
Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 243
Posted: Wed, 27/08/2014 08:56 (9 Years ago)
swift perked her ears hearing them return.
''you guys alright?'' she called from inside the cave.
when a small breeze came into the cave she scented a metallic scent and her coat bristled.
she nudged the pup with her nose and softly said, ''i'm gonna set you next to buster alright..?''
''okay..'' the pup yawned and allowed swift to move her againts busters side.

after she walked outside her eyes widened.
''what happened to you two?!'' she exclaimed running over to them.
she looked very worried, like some mother wolf worried about her pups.
''please don't tell me you were in a fight..'' she muttered sniffing their scratches and wounds over.
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 270
Posted: Wed, 27/08/2014 09:04 (9 Years ago)
The two remained in a silence as they than began to spoke. "We did. With Rose, Flare, and... The alpha." Luna grunted. Swift stared in shock-Dragon had held Luna back the last time she tried to fight Rose. Without any other words, Luna and Dragon pounced in the cave and curled around each other. Moon felt their presence and whimpered, but they were asleep.

Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 243
Posted: Wed, 27/08/2014 09:15 (9 Years ago)
''just go back to sleep sweet heart... i'll go see if i can find anything for you to eat'' she said softly nuzzling the little pups ear.
she sighed a little and curled up once again falling asleep.
''do you need any help swift..?'' buster yawned.
''no, just stay here and keep an eye on moon okay?'' she said still in her soft tone of voice.
''alright..'' he sighed.
they both nuzzled each other and swift walked off to hunt.

a few hours later swift came back with only a few rabbits, not a lot but it was something.
she walked into the cave and sat down a rabbit everyone and curled up next to buster and moon eating her rabbit.
buster instantly woke up and began to eat.
moon nibbled on the rabbit she was given.
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 270
Posted: Wed, 27/08/2014 09:27 (9 Years ago)
Wolfing down the rabbit, Luna was fully recovered as she jerked away from Dragon. "I-i need to go..." she sighed. Dragon looked at her hopefully, but he nuzzled her silently. "I'll see you tomorrow," he mumbled. Moon crept behind her but Buster took her back, waking up Swift aswell. "Where are you going?" Buster asked but the she-wolf had already crept away.


Luna sat down near the mucky pond, as a gray he-wolf splattered in blood approached from the side of her. What they didn't know was that Swift had followed. "Gravel..." Luna's voiced was cracked. Was she really afraid of the he-wolf? "Its been a while, Luna." he rasped in a spine-tingling voice. "What do you want," Luna grumbled.
"Only to end the world from dim-wits like you, Luna. You've grown soft-hearted." He grunted.

"Gravel... I know." her voice dropped down into a whisper, as if she was ashamed. I could either fight him, or die running. Luna thought to herself. Hard choice, she sighed, rising to her paws. Her bloodstained, sharp claws glimmered in the wavy moonlight. Right then, Swift knew this was going to be intense. Too intense for anybody to get in and leave alive. Giving a strong, fierce howl Luna lunged at Gravel with rage, but he was so quick that in a blur he dodged it. Expecting that, Luna slid on balance easily as he rammed him claws into her leg. Wincing, Luna kicked him back and slammed him into a rock. Blood spurred out of her leg, as if his claws were worse than anybody else's.

Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 243
Posted: Wed, 27/08/2014 09:32 (9 Years ago)
i'll just wait in case something bad happens.. she thought watching from a short distance.
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 270
Posted: Wed, 27/08/2014 09:33 (9 Years ago)
(WARNING! This content may provide: Violence•Drama•Blood•The lack of humor•And suspence. In these words, we recommend ages +15(Wait no that means I can't read it o.O) ages +10 only, please)

The two wolves were like flashes of gray and ebony, which only stopped when the he-wolf had slammed the ebony she-wolf to the ground.
He had enormous wounds, which bled scarlet at his messy fur.
Blood dripped from both of the fighting wolves, but the she-wolf was pinned to the ground wincing in pain. She seemed to be covered in several marks of fury, as the gray wolf's eyes spun with merciless, blood-thirsty looks.The he-wolf's brute claws pierced into the ebony wolf's skin harshly, as she yelped in pain.

"Gravel..." she rasped. "Given up yet, Luna?" The brute grinned, his teeth were pelted in blood which sent shivers down a spine.
"Neither of us is on full level yet," Luna shrugged, but she was in true pain, as well as the brute. Luna had more wounds than the brute, but she was taking the pain a bit more laid-back with her style.
The full-moon seemed dim as the trees whispered through the swamp, their shadows lurking along the fight. The ebony she-wolf's pelt seemed darker, and possibly more ruthless under the wretched trees' shadows.
Jerking to the side, Luna's strength ripped Gravel off of her, but still in reach. Luna was catching up with her breath, but Gravel was still ready.
This wasn't a friendly fight at all. "You are getting worse, my student." Gravel spat.

"Don't call me that," Luna spoke in a flat tone as she rose to her paws. With no other words, they charged at each other once more going into the flash of gray and black. The splashes of the water and the curse of night had broken the only silence, yet a raspy yelp of the gray brute was to be cracked.
To be continued
Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 243
Posted: Thu, 28/08/2014 02:30 (9 Years ago)
~okay, summery on the wolves.~

swift: a kind she wolf who is friends with luna, buster and dragon.
she had also adopted a small wolf pup that was lost that goes by the name of moon.

buster: a stubborn half-breed that swift had met in a pack at one point.
after swift had left his pack he went after her just to see her again, but was going to head off again but swift kept him from leaving.

moon: a small black pup with white paws and tail tip and folded ears, a half breed pup that stumbled into the grotto the four wolves lived in.
she was a skinny little pup and had lost her parents.
moon was adopted by swift cause she needed someone to protect her.

~wolves in the wild pack in order~

the alpha wolf: a strong alpha with a stubborn side to him.
he hasn't chosen a beta yet since there seemed to be only a few wolves in his pack.

the hunters: rose, swifts sister but she has changed ever sense they were apart.
(rest will be added in the future)

the patrol: hunter, a huge shaggy looking half breed.
father of the pup chip.
(more will be added in the future)

pups and the carers/mothers of the pups: chip the pup.
star the carer of the pups.
(more will be added in the future)

omega: scar, an annoying timber wolf that keeps bugging the four wolves in the grotto trying to force them to join.

Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 270
Posted: Thu, 28/08/2014 08:33 (9 Years ago)
Barely sweating, the brute bowled Luna into a large gray boulder. She yelped as his claws dug into her shoulders, pulling her down. A single silver-gray foreclaw touched the soft part of her neck. Hesitating, the he-wolf grunted.

"I choose to show mercy, Luna. You are a lucky wolf, and I ask you to train on my side once more. You have turned very unexperienced." He said. Luna hesitated, if she was to refuse, she'd die on the spot. But if she was to accept... She'd be gone for at least two moons, until the crack of beginning summer. "I accept..." Luna panted. He nodded, letting her go. "You would be a fool to attack now. Luna, you are tired and beaten for I am packed with energy. Come back to this spot at sundown." Gravel spat and crept into the bushes.

"Swift... You can come out now," Luna rasped as the golden-brown she-wolf padded towards her. Luna was covered in blood, and her ear was shredded. A blade of silver moonlight shone on the ground, as if it had sliced Luna nearly to death. "I'm sorry you have to see me like this..." She nudged Swift by the shoulder. "Lets go back to the grotto, I need to heal..." The black she-wolf insisted and said no more as she padded away.
Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 243
Posted: Thu, 28/08/2014 10:00 (9 Years ago)
''luna... dragon is going to be really worried about you.. and in this beaten state? he will be really worried'' she said walking beside her.
she looked over her shoulder and pinned her ears back thinking.
that wolf is cruel... he shouldn't even know luna... she thought growling faintly to herself.

once back at the grotto, both the he wolfs and moon were outside of he cave looking really worried.
''your back!'' they all said at once.
swift nuzzled both moon and buster in greeting.
''we're fine alright? i had followed luna cause um.. well.. i'll let her explain..'' she said looking over at luna.