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wolf rp 1x1 with powerofwaffle on pause

Forum-Index Roleplay Private RP wolf rp 1x1 with powerofwaffle on pause
Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 243
Posted: Tue, 19/08/2014 08:23 (9 Years ago)
swift jumped from being startled.
''luna, what are you doing?!'' she said after a while.
buster just whimpered just from both pain and shock.
''i never wanted to fight swift!'' he whimpered.
swift lifted him onto her back and sighed.
''how is he gonna go anywhere from you slamming your paw into his spine...?'' she asked.
swift carried him back to the grotto and sat him under one of the willow trees.
''just rest buster.. you will be fine soon'' she told him, then looked at luna.
''he can stay for now alright luna? as long as he doesn't get on any ones nerves he's fine'' she nodded as if she made some sense.
''now, i will be hunting, get along you two okay?'' she said and headed into the forest.
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 270
Posted: Tue, 19/08/2014 08:26 (9 Years ago)
((You'll have to make a quick edit, what I did only pinned him. Its not broken or anything))

Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 243
Posted: Tue, 19/08/2014 08:42 (9 Years ago)
(i know you didn't, though you put that you had slammed your paw into his upper spine, so his back would probably hurt for a little bit)
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 270
Posted: Tue, 19/08/2014 10:49 (9 Years ago)
(K.) Luna grumbled in hesitation, but she sighed it away. "Fine..." her eyes narrowed, but this was mainly Swift's problem and she knew it.

Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 243
Posted: Tue, 19/08/2014 11:36 (9 Years ago)
~in the grotto~

''you know, you didn't have to slam your paw into my spine like that... it really hurt'' buster muttered.
he put his muzzle onto his front paws and closed his eyes.

~in the forest~

''there better be something out here.. i am not gonna waste half of the day hunting and only catching a rabbit...'' she grumbled in frustration.
feeling a sudden hit to the side, swift went tumbling through a couple of bushes.
''what the- you!'' she leaped to her paws and snarled.
''yes, you should be shocked to see me sister'' the short tan and dark striped she wolf said starting to growl.
this time, this wolf was not gonna come back to the grotto, buster was enough to deal with.
''rose! what are you doing here, i thought i left you to that immature pack of half breeds!'' she
''ha! like i would stay in that weakling pack?! not a chance, i actually came here looking to join a stronger pack'' rose said trying to look taller then she actually was.
''the pack you would be looking for would be a weakling wolf pack deeper into the woods, go join at your own risk sis'' swift muttered and went back to hunting.
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 270
Posted: Wed, 20/08/2014 08:37 (9 Years ago)
Luna growled at Buster, a hostile rasp within her voice. "I could've done worse," she woofed and slipped out of the grotto. She ran into a short tan she-wolf. "Watch were your going!" Luna barked.
"You'd best not pick a fight with me," she she-wolf grumbled. "You seem weak," Luna woofed and padded away, as she saw Swift hunting.

"Swift, I know a better place to hunt. Follow me," Luna grunted and led her to the place she found antelopes. There was a lone zebra dashing under the sun.

Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 243
Posted: Thu, 21/08/2014 07:38 (9 Years ago)
''wow, a zebra, bet it will be good eats'' swift muttered.
she dashed off at full speed, clamping her teeth around the zebra's neck with a snap.
''i got it'' she yelled to luna setting her paw on the zebra's side.
it really wasn't hard to catch something that was running, just made it more fun.
''come on, help me drag it back to the grotto'' swift said grabbing a mouth full of the zebra's neck.

after dragging the zebra back to the grotto, swift let go of the zebra's neck and sighed.
''buster, you better wake up and drag you lazy tail over here'' she shook her head snickering.
''i'm awake..'' he muttered.
''good, then eat.. i'll eat once you and luna eat'' swift sighed and curled up beside the ponds edge.
i need to explore the territory... check out who might be near... she thought.
''i've ate my fill'' buster muttered and went under the same willow tree he was sleeping under.
''good, next time you hunt, okay buster?'' she asked him.
she knew he couldn't hunt well, so she thought he needed some practice at it.
''i cant hunt... i was an omega remember? i never went hunting'' he said putting his paws over his muzzle sighing.
swift just chuckled.
he lifted his head up and narrowed his eyes smiling.
''there's the swift i know!'' he barked, he rolled onto his back grinning.
she just laughed.
''luna, how about you swim for a little bit, before you eat, relax a bit'' swift sighed.
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 270
Posted: Thu, 21/08/2014 08:20 (9 Years ago)
Luna sighed and flopped on her side. "I'm rather bored...." Immediantly she leaped to her paws. "Heads up!" she screamed at Swift and tackled her.
Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 243
Posted: Thu, 21/08/2014 08:22 (9 Years ago)
''gah!'' she yelped.
she landed into the pond with a huge splash.
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 270
Posted: Thu, 21/08/2014 08:33 (9 Years ago)
The ebony she-wolf sniggered, but she calmly strodded over to her friend, hauling her out of the clear pond. Out of a single reflection, her glimmering amber eyes caught the rippled reflection of the familiar, yellow ball of light. It was setting, almost covered by a grassy hill. The light had reflected waves of a detailed gold beneath the sky and clouds...
Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 243
Posted: Thu, 21/08/2014 08:42 (9 Years ago)
''how about i knock you into the pond!'' she barked and tackled luna into the pond.
haha! revenge! she thought smiling.
she swam to land and shook her coat dry, she was laughing.
for the first time in a few days she laughed once again.
''i got my revenge, now we're even luna'' she said looking at luna grinning.
''be nice you two'' buster said laughing.
well seems someones enjoying himself, maybe he should have a little swim for himself... she thought looking at buster with an evil grin.
''what are you looking at me like that for...?'' he said sitting up.
swift sprang at him and grabbed his scruff, now dragging him to the pond.
''oh no, no, no, no, no, please no!'' he whimpered thrashing around.
''you need to join the fun to you know'' swift said muffled.
swift dragged him to the edge of the pond, and gave a huge tug making him fall over the edge.
he yelped from how cold the water was.
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 270
Posted: Thu, 21/08/2014 09:19 (9 Years ago)
Luna yelped as she was tackled into the pond, but she surfaced and started to laugh. "Flrgrgrgrggrgrg" She grunted playfully. "Eek!" she jerked to the side as Buster landed in the pond. Grinning with mischief, she jerked Swift back into the pond. Laughing at how quickly swift had fell into the pond, the ebony she-wolf dunked into the clear water, swimming so fast she was like a jet of black. With this, she dunked Buster into the pond.
Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 243
Posted: Thu, 21/08/2014 10:58 (9 Years ago)
buster swam to the surface and gasped for air.
''not funny!'' he yelped swimming back to land.
''oh lighten up buster'' swift laughed and swam back to land.
they both shook their coats out at the same time.
''i haven't ate yet'' she suddenly realized.
swift walked over and took a few bites off of the zebra.
''swift, its nice to hang out with you again'' buster said after he got comfy under a new willow tree.
''well, its nice to see you again to buster'' swift said after finishing.
swift went to another willow tree and curled up.
''luna, i am gonna get some rest...'' she yawned and fell fast asleep.
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 270
Posted: Thu, 21/08/2014 11:07 (9 Years ago)
"Alright," Luna nodded after both the wolves were asleep. She padded out into the forests, but forgot that she was heading the way where the pack lived. Standing right there, was Scar. "You...!" He spat. Lunging at Luna, the ebony she-wolf easily side-stepped it. Better not get into a fight, Luna dashed away and ended up at a river, too deep to swim in.

The half-moon glowed on smooth granite boulders, turning them silver. This was the only way Luna could cross the river. It was silent, only broken by the ripple of water from the swift black river and the whispers of trees beyond. Foam had been drawn beyond the edges of the waves. The she-wolf had no choice but to cross. Her lithe, slender body crept stealthily on the first rock. Her amber eyes flashed like a sparkling light. The boulder being slippery, the slender she-wolf nearly slipped, but to keep balance she jumped on the next, quicker and finished the path. Padding near a dry dirt path back to the grotto, her fur was sparkled with drips of water as she lay on the cold, hard stone floor of the cave. Sleep caught her.
Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 243
Posted: Thu, 21/08/2014 11:43 (9 Years ago)
swift woke up only after getting a little bit of some rest.
''its still night out..? ugh.. i cant get back to sleep.. so better give the forest a quick check...'' she muttered.
standing up, swift walked out of the grotto silently.

~in the forest~

''around the grotto's edge and then back to sleep...'' she muttered to herself.
she heard noise from behind her and instantly turned around.
''buster! what are you doing?!'' she whispered trying not to alarm any unwanted attention.
''i needed to talk to you swift..'' she said looking down.
okay.. this isn't like buster, what has he done now she thought pinning her ears back.
''swift.. i...'' he started to stammer, but he was cut off from another wolf leaping out of the bushes.
''gah!'' swift yelped.
buster jumped from shock.
''this time you will not win a fight!'' the attacker snarled.
''leave her alone!'' buster barked and tackled the attacking wolf off.
''buster!'' swift leaped to her paws and went to help him fight the intruding wolf.
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 270
Posted: Thu, 21/08/2014 11:47 (9 Years ago)
Luna forced her eyes open, her amber eyes stinging of tiredness. Pressed against the rock floor, she was glued onto it. Grumbling, she forced herself on her paws. "Gah," she grumbled. Where is Swift.. she wondered.
Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 243
Posted: Thu, 21/08/2014 12:30 (9 Years ago)
buster and swift were standing beside each other growling at the wolf that attacked them.
''well, looks like you found yourself a little friend'' the wolf chuckled.
''scar! i should have known!'' she growled.
''who's scar..?'' buster asked.
''i am scar, omega of the wolf pack near this grotto'' the timber wolf said still growling.
swift quickly lunged at scar teeth sinking into his shoulder blade.
''ouch! why you little...'' he snarled and swiped his front paw knocking swift off of his shoulder.
''leave her alone!'' buster barked and lunged himself at the timber wolf.
scar swiped him away without a problem, leaving a small scratch on busters shoulder.
he whimpered but she stood back up.
''your going to regret that scar!'' swift howled and tackled him into the ground sinking teeth into his leg.
he yowled and then sunk his teeth into swifts scruff.
buster joined the fight and bit scars ear.
the fight went on until scar had lost all energy.
swift and buster both backed away from him growling.
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 270
Posted: Fri, 22/08/2014 08:53 (9 Years ago)
Luna sighed, and decided to take a walk. Hearing a growl from a wolf, she dashed off to find Swift, Buster, and Scar. "Oh its on, puppy..." Luna growled, not even hesitating to ask. She lunged at Scar, her claws slamming into his shoulderblade as her fell down and yelped. Her jaw grasped around his neck viciously.

Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 243
Posted: Sat, 23/08/2014 06:41 (9 Years ago)
''its like this pack wont give up!'' swift snarled.
''wait... that pack has been bugging you? why?'' buster asked tilting his head.
of course... busters curious side is taking over swift thought shaking her head.
swift took a step forward and nudged luna on the shoulder letting her know to stop.
''he's had enough guy's, lets just leave him...'' she muttered and started off again.
''wait up swift, i still need to talk to you'' buster said walking after her.
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 270
Posted: Sat, 23/08/2014 11:22 (9 Years ago)
Luna growled, as she viciously yanked her claws out of Scar. "I need some time alone..." Luna sighed as she headed towards the prairie. Laying down on a mountain cliff, she pressed her flank against the short wild grass. Her ear swiveled as she rested her head on her paws. Seeing a flash of gray, her ears perked as she rose to her paws. I'm going crazy, Luna thought as she went back to the grotto.

She lay beside the willow tree, everything was silent except for the dark swoosh of the rivers and the whispers of the leaves of the tree. She heard two snores from the cave. Swift and Buster are asleep she thought to herself. She than saw the flash of gray once more. Okay, something here is wrong. she grumbled in her mind.

Seeing it stalk beneath the willow tree, she crept stealthily, the other way the he-wolf was looking. Who is this wolf? but before she could see who it was, his ears perked in alert. The strong wolf bowled over Luna, even though she was ready. He was strong and dug his claws into Luna's shoulders. His claws were thick and sharp. Letting a sharp yowl, his claws dug deeper into her shoulders. "B-blue!" the he-wolf stammered and jerked off Luna. He hauled her up.

"Dragon..." Luna's voice softened. "H-how'd you find me?" she whispered softly. "I never went away," the pale-gray, tall muscular he-wolf murmured and pressed at her. "You've been stalking me for moons?!" Luna exclaimed, jerking away. "No, I got my friend Star and her pack to find you." No wonder, she thought. "Blue, who is that golden-brown she-wolf?" He eyed Swift suspiciously.

"That is my friend Swift," Luna paused before saying her only friend. I guess Buster is a thought that counts, Star too... Dragon nodded. "Oh. Just wondering." His bushy tail lashed.