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wolf rp 1x1 with powerofwaffle on pause

Forum-Index Roleplay Private RP wolf rp 1x1 with powerofwaffle on pause
Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 243
Posted: Sat, 16/08/2014 08:15 (9 Years ago)
''how did you get an antelope?! there aren't really any near the field, also i did won the race, you didn't race, what happened?'' she said walking back from the hill.
she sniffed the antelope and took a few bites.

after having a few bites swift curled up and sighed, she wasn't really hungry.
''its near sun-down... maybe we should get some sleep..'' swift said yawning.
curling up, she fell asleep pretty quick.
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 270
Posted: Sat, 16/08/2014 08:53 (9 Years ago)
She hesitated. "Eat first, it'll be good." Luna nodded at Swift as she stepped forwards, and took a bite of the plump antelope. Those first few bites were so heavenly good, it was hard to explain. So much flavor was in the meat, and the fur was very light, which made it tender. "Mmm..." Luna mumbled in delight. Luna nodded at Swift as she lied down. "I'm going to take a quick walk in the forest," Luna murmured to her friend and padded away.

She padded along a single path, as the sun setted quickly, the moon was half but very bright and clear. The starts glimmered along as if they were dancing in the dark sky, as Luna crunched over the mud. She had paid too much attention to the sight above, and she had not figured were she was going. She nearly slipped in some mud, but regained balance.

As she padded on father, she got more careful along the way. Where am I?... she wondered as she stopped, to be in front of a muddy, dark swamp. She could barely see her reflection in the dirty pond in front of her, which was glowered with algae. I'm lost in a swamp at the middle of the night, she thought to herself. Great. Just great... Luna's thoughts were interrupted as a frog leaped from off a lily pad, as Luna jumped and slid into the muddy waters.

"Ack!" She screeched as she lost her grip on the muddy slope. She swam wearily to the other side, as she sighed. Luna was completely lost. She grumbled, as she arched her back and stuck her snout in the sky. Hopefully Swift was close enough to hear. Luna let out a full-forced howl, her amber eyes squinting. As she was out of breath after a while, she plopped down on a flat rock.

She heard rustling from behind her, perhaps in the bushes. She whipped around. "Swift?" Luna barked for her friend. No, it wasn't Swift. It was a familiar white timber wolf, lurking in the bushes... "Scar." She growled, ready for a fight. The he-wolf leaped out from behind a tree and spoke in a hard tone.

"Nice to see you again, Luna." The she-wolf flinched at her name. "What do you want," She snapped. "I'll fight you to death if I-" He cut her off. "Not to fight you. However, I want to offer peace between you and me. Not the pack, just us," Luna grumbled. What is wrong with him?! To think i'd befriend him... Luna was screeching in her mind. "I have no right at all to even befriend an idiot like you," she woofed in a rock-hard tone.

"See, I can make an offering. I'll show you out of this swamp and back to your friend, just for a simple peace-offering between you and me." Scar said slyly. "Come on, puppy, its a fair deal." What, is he trying to flirt with me or something? I don't think I can trust this idiot pack-wolf but... Scar was Luna's best chance of getting out of this cesspool.

"Fine," Luna grumbled as the timber wolf smirked. "But make one wrong move... You're dead prey," Luna spat. However, the pack-wolf was in truce to his word. He led Luna out of the swamp and back to the fields that Swift was sleeping in. "Your welcome," Scar smirked, but Luna didn't say anything to him. "Well than..." Luna interrupted him. "Get out before Swift shreds you to pieces," she barked. "Our peace..." Luna grumbled. "Didn't include Swift, and didn't mean I couldn't paralize you. I sadly just can't end your sorry life."

As he dashed away, Luna plopped next to Swift and drifted into sleep.

Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 243
Posted: Sat, 16/08/2014 10:05 (9 Years ago)
swift twitched uneasily before it was in the early dawn when she jolted herself awake.
why must i have these dreams... they are getting annoying.. she thought.
she yawned and went to walk around in the forest for a bit, since she needed to forget about her nightmares from last night.
''i need some time to think... maybe i should have let luna know before i left..'' swift sighed, she was already probably half way from luna by now.
she realized that she stumbled into a secret grotto, with a few willows a pond, and a cave!
this would be the perfect place for luna and me to shelter at! finally! swift thought with cheer.
she went to turn back when she ran into that timber wolf again.
''wha- you again?! what are you doing here! i found this place, leave!'' swift growled.
''sorry to intrude but..'' he started to say but then he rammed into swift making her hit a willow tree head first.
she then blacked out.

where.. where am i... what happend.. gah! that timber wolf is crow food! luna! oh no, i am knocked out and luna was alone, this isn't good.. swift thought slowly waking up.
swift leaped to her paws looking around in all directions growling, hackles raised ready to fight.
the timber wolf was no where, he left her in that grotto knocked out.
''GAH!'' swift yelled slamming her claws into the dirt and kicking wildly, she was raging mad now.
''that timber wolf is going to regret ever doing that!'' she yelled once again leaping off of trees and rocks trying to burn away some of her anger.
finally realizing, she forgot about luna, who was still asleep!
''oh no luna!'' she yelped and tried to run, but fell flat on her belly.
she looked back and seen one of her back legs was tied up with what looked like a root, a lose willow root.
''oh come on! that timber wolf knows how to tie?! what has this world come to!'' swift snarled.
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 270
Posted: Sat, 16/08/2014 10:24 (9 Years ago)
Luna awoke to find Scar sitting in front of her, waiting. Swift was no were to be found... She growled, spitting with rage. "Where is Swift?" Luna and Swift's bond was so tight, she knew this pack-wolf had done something to her. She just didn't know what. "Follow me," he nodded. Out of suspicion, Luna had followed him into a secret grotto.
As she saw Swift on the ground with the willow root holding her down, her amber eyes flared with rising anger. "I'll let her go if you join-" Luna hadn't waited. She was quick, with only a dash of a leap at him, she could barely be seen. Her teeth crunched at his neck, Swift could tell by the broken yowls of pain he screeched.

Luna jerked back, crouching. He croaked out a threat. "I'll kill Chip if you hurt me any further..." Luna grumbled, her tone cold and ruthless. "You won't make it alive back." She barked and bowled into him, as he fell over. Her claws rammed into the back of his neck, drops of blood flinging onto her. She forced down Scar's back, chopping through the flesh. Blood splattered all over Luna's chest, as the he-wolf yowled in pain. He jerked over, but weakly.

Strangely, Luna leapt off him. Scar sighed for he took this for a sign of mercy. He was wrong. Her claws slammed into his eyes, which obviously blinded him. She jerked to the side and pinned him down, her claws ruthlessly digging into his wrists. Her eyes sprung with flames of rage, her back arched as she seemed to growled even through her breath. He croaked, as if Luna had broken his air vessel. "Show mercy..." he pleaded. Luna growled. "You trapped my friend, you broke the vow, and your still trying to let me join..." She growled. Her voice had absolutely no warmth, just rage, coldness, and energy.
"Let me tell you something, pup. Your not going to make it through this after i'm done with you."
Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 243
Posted: Sat, 16/08/2014 10:41 (9 Years ago)
''luna, i found this grotto, which he probably knew was here, he rammed into me and i got knocked out, i woke up to find my back paw tied with the willow root'' she said after watching the fight.
like i've always done, never make luna angry she thought.
''luna, you already won the fight, let him go, its better to show mercy then end a wolf'' she said with a bit of wisdom in her tone, she had learned a thing or two from her past pack leaders, one pack she was the beta, the alphas second in command, which she pretty much hated, but she learned a thing from that, she gained some wisdom.
''luna, just come here and help me get my back paw please?'' she asked.
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 270
Posted: Sat, 16/08/2014 10:59 (9 Years ago)
Luna had turned around, the flare in her eyes showed a level of anger Swift had never seen before. Finally, she rammed him headfirst into the willow tree, which knocked him out. She sighed, her anger clearing out. "Alright, stay still. The more you move, the more you get strangled. Also, you did well finding this grotto. Its very nice," Luna nodded as she trotted over to her friend and snapped the roots open.
The she-wolf leapt over to the cave, sniffing around it. "Its abandoned, it has a dead ending about ten wolf-tails from the beginning. Its a fine cave." Luna hauled Scar out of the grotto. "I'll bring him to the pack," Luna grumbled and hauled him back to his pack camp.

As she approached the camp, a grey he-wolf barked by the entrance. He screeched for the alpha. "Intruder!" He began to yowl, but the alpha's approach shut him up. Without seeing Scar, he nodded in delight. "Finally, my omega has brought you to the point were you join our glorious, strong pack." Luna grumbled, as she barked coldly. Her tail flicked at the knocked-out timber wolf. "He's pathetic and so are you."

The alpha seemed surprised, but before Luna whipped around he stopped her. "Wait. I have one more offering to you, to prove to you that our pack is stronger than you stand." Luna grumbled, but her rage wasn't triggered.
"I, Stone, Alpha of this pack.... Challenge you to a battle." All his pack wolves stepped away. Luna saw Swift running from behind her, but a flick of her tail told Swift to stay out of this.

"I accept. Bring it on, pup." This insult made the alpha angry. He charged towards her, but Luna easily side-stepped it. "Your really pathetic," Luna sighed. As she rammed towards him, she used a high amount of speed and he bowled over. She pinned him down, her claws digging into his wrists. "You can't win this," Luna barked.
Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 243
Posted: Sat, 16/08/2014 11:21 (9 Years ago)
just watching the fight made swift itch for a fight, but she knew better then to charge into the middle of a fight.
''like i warned your omega, challenge either of us again, you will regret it'' swift growled.
swift will leap into the battle if it turns for the worst.
this alpha is not as smart as i thought.. challenging luna, who has him pinned, would win? she thought.
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 270
Posted: Sat, 16/08/2014 11:25 (9 Years ago)
Luna leapt off him, her claws jerking out of his wrists. "There is no way you could win this," Luna grumbled. The alpha showed a smirk. "How about you friend Swift, here? Could she win?" Luna barked coldly, the flares raising in her eyes. "Deal with it, you try to kidnap or hurt one of us again I won't show mercy," She screeched.
Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 243
Posted: Sat, 16/08/2014 11:44 (9 Years ago)
swift just growled.
''really? wanna take me up on that bet, you no good excuse of a pack leader?'' she spat.
with swift being almost a bit bigger then him, she would probably win no problem, of course, not without leaving him some scars.
he looked a bit shocked from what she had said, but then he got angry from swifts insult.
''then fight, if you think your that- hey!'' he yelped as swift quickly rammed into his side and easily pinned him.
''fastest wolf you ever met... and the smartest, never challenge me or my friend again!'' swift snarled.
growling and clawing over one of his eyes and biting one of his ears, she let him up, she then walked over to luna and muttered, ''lets get out of this weakling pack..''
they will think twice on challenging us again... she thought coldly.
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 270
Posted: Sun, 17/08/2014 01:50 (9 Years ago)
Luna nodded, but before she turned a little grey pup ran out of the entrance. Chip. The pup was growling as it tried to scratch Swift's leg. Luna sighed as she put the pup on its fathers' back. "You'd best not mess with us, Chip. I don't tempt to show mercy." Luna spat as she whipped around and padded away.
Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 243
Posted: Sun, 17/08/2014 02:42 (9 Years ago)
''i cant believe that foolish alpha actually thought he could challenge me... he should think again..'' she muttered.
swift was heading back towards the grotto when she spotted something, a dark shadow moving towards them.
hasn't that pack had enough?! i will not have another fight swift thought growling her hackles raised.
she seen a flash of a silvery gray coat go past, swift didn't see a silvery gray wolf in that pack at all.
''who goes there! show yourself!'' she barked.
there it was again, out of the corner of her eye she seen the wolf, it rammed right into her side.
both tumbling through bushes and past trees, swift had to defend herself.
''luna! go to the grotto, i got this foolish wolf!'' she howled before they were to far, the tone in her voice full of anger.

as the two wolves tumbled out of a clump of bushes, swift was first to her paws snarling.
the wolf just laughed, that tone made swifts fur prickle.
she knew this wolf, one of the half breeds from her last pack.
''buster! what are you doing here? what about your pack'' swift said her jaw wide from shock.
he just laughed even more.
swift really needed answers from this immature half breed, he was the omega of her last pack.
''cant i come and see my old pal swifty?'' he said laying on his back.
''don't call me swifty buster okay?'' she snapped, she really didn't like being called by her nickname he gave her.
''well, to answer your question about my pack, i left, became a lone wolf like you'' he said grinning.
swift just glared at him, how did he find her?
luna never knew buster, which means i have some explaining to do once i drag this foolish mutt back to the grotto... great swift thought sighing.
''come on buster.. i need to explain to luna on who you are, follow and stay quiet...'' she muttered.
he followed respectfully enough, he knew she would probably kick his tail if he slipped up.
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 270
Posted: Sun, 17/08/2014 02:49 (9 Years ago)
Luna had heard enough to know who he was. She was just confused of the point of attack. She didn't go in the grotto, she just simply sat down and watched. "Swift, i'm right here," She sighed as Swift had never noticed. "I've heard enough to know who this dim-wit is, but why is he here and should I fight him?" The ebony she-wolf grumbled, her eyes narrowing with hostility towards the former pack-wolf.
Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 243
Posted: Sun, 17/08/2014 03:51 (9 Years ago)
''no, don't attack..'' she said sighing.
buster is just an immature mutt... he wouldn't do much harm she thought shaking her coat out of any leafs, twigs and dirt.
''hey, i don't mean any harm alright, i just wanted to see my old friend swifty here'' he said looking at luna.
''don't call me swifty!'' she snapped, she really hated that nickname.
''why not swifty? it fits you much more then just swift'' he chuckled.
this got her mad, he should know better then to get on her nerves like this.
he just grinned at swift, he knew she didn't like being called swifty.
she just tackled him and pinned him to the ground, she was getting tired of this foolish mutt.
''enough! you should have stayed at your pack buster, staying as the omega'' swift snarled.
swift leaped off of him and bolted so she could have some time alone.
''she has always been like that, she should have been called flare, just for her short temper'' he said siting up.
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 270
Posted: Sun, 17/08/2014 04:10 (9 Years ago)
Luna stared at the wolf blankly, as he flipped on his back. "You a good fighter?" He asked, jerking his head. "Yea," Luna grumbled. "Hmm.... Battle practice!" He squealed and flipped to his paws.
This guy is a dim~wit... Luna murmured in her mind as she bared her teeth. "Fine." She sighed.

Buster rammed at her, headfirst. He was fast, but not fast enough. Luna jerked to the side and slammed into him, bowling him over. She pinned him down by the wrists, but her claws didn't dig into him. "I win," she grumbled and got off him. He didn't give up easily, though... As she headed for the rocky, soothing cave Buster leapt onto her back, and out of shock her stomach slammed to the ground. Luna chuckled playfully. "You just can't give up, can you?" She jerked to the side, but he stayed on balance.

At least he's better than that mangy pack that still wants up to join... Luna thought to herself. Buster pinned her down, the tip of his claws piercing in her upper leg limb. Luna wriggled a bit, seeming hopeless. The he-wolf smirked, but unexpectedly jerked to the side, as her left front paw slammed at his stomach. He winced slightly, but didn't yowl or anything.

Because Luna was playful at times, she chuckled and yanked back, crouching. The he-wolf rammed into Luna's side, and slammed her at the caved side. Luna grunted, as he jerked back. She simply shook the mineral bits out of her fur, a bit dizzy. As she regained balance, the he-wolf was panting. However, the ebony she-wolf was filled with energy. She slammed him to the ground quickly and dragged him into the pond.

Swift had just returned when Buster swam out of the pond, drenched in clear water. "Hey Swift." Luna chuckled and rammed into her, slamming both she-wolves into the pond. Out of shock, Buster tripped into the water aswell. Luna leapt onto Swift and dunked her into the water, but Swift had swam to the surface. Buster and Luna blocked her way out.
Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 243
Posted: Sun, 17/08/2014 07:05 (9 Years ago)
being a good swimmer, swift just swam under them and made it to land and shook her thick shaggy golden-brown coat out.
''enough, i'm not really in the mood'' swift muttered under her breath.
as she walked over to a willow tree she curled up laying her muzzle onto her paws.
i just want to sleep for a bit... she thought to herself.
she closed her eyes for a bit, she just needed to rest.

after a little bit of sleep, she woke up a while later.
''still playing or something..? cause if so, i'm going hunting'' she said sitting up.
she stood up and shook her coat out, then she headed out into the forest.
buster can stay for now.. then he is out of here she thought bitterly.

dragging a deer back, she thought, i need to ask him on how he found me, and on why he left his pack she thought.
''dinner'' she said muffled from dragging the deer.
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 270
Posted: Sun, 17/08/2014 07:25 (9 Years ago)
Luna sighed as she scrawled out of the water, after Swift. She lay on a heat rock, her pelt drenched in water. She awoken as Swift drug the deer into the grotto. Taking about three bites, she shrugged and lurked back in the cave.
Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 243
Posted: Mon, 18/08/2014 08:16 (9 Years ago)
''buster eat up before i snap at you again.. i am not going hunting for anything else'' swift said after eating a few bites of the deer.
''alright, alright..'' he muttered after walking up to the deer.
he took a few big bites and then went to a spot in the grotto and curled up.
''buster.. how did you find me? i was miles away from your pack, and why did you leave?'' she finally asked after a while.
''to answer both questions.. one, i left because i hated being the omega, and just wanted to see my old friend who actually helped me when i was an omega and two, it wasn't really that hard, your pretty much easy to track'' he said yawning.
has this mutt actually been following me the next day i left that pack?! dear skydogs he better not have! swift thought growling faintly to herself.
''anyway, i was wondering what you were doing? fighting that pack alpha?! your crazy swift, never challenge an alpha wolf'' he barked.
''he challenged me! and luna, he is the crazy one... wait.. you were watching the fight?!'' swift stood up growling.
okay, he must have been following me! this immature half breed mutt!
''well of course i watched the fight swift, i was standing by in the shadows in case anything went wrong'' buster said shaking his head.
''you... you are so immature!'' she snarled.
''i'm immature?! your the immature one! your getting worked up for no reason!'' he barked now standing up.
they both collided and tumbled over each other yelling.
''you immature half breed mutt!''
''you stubborn, hot headed she-wolf!''
they were tumbling till one pinned the other down to the ground.
swift had buster pinned.
''no fair swift!'' he growled.
''who was the one that followed me!? you! that's who!'' she snarled in return.
they had probably made enough noise to wake up any wolf near the grotto.
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 270
Posted: Mon, 18/08/2014 10:14 (9 Years ago)
Luna slipped out of the cave, her eyes drowsy; she had obviously been woken. "Whats the racket!" she grumbled, sounding like an elder-wolf. Luna was pretty serious about her sleep. "And buster, really. I could challenge a pack-wolf anytime I wanted to. They're the stupid ones to challenge me" Luna grumbled, still waking up.
Luna growled, obviously bothered by the disturbance he made. "Now than, Buster. You've already made a disturbance in our home here... You'll have to fight if you're gonna stay." Luna grumbled, waking up a bit. Her messy, ebony pelt seemed calming, more like the wind... As a threat, she sliced her claw at Buster's ear.

Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 243
Posted: Tue, 19/08/2014 07:40 (9 Years ago)
buster whimpered a little but started to growl faintly.
''i would rather fight swifty over there, she is acting like that fight never happened!'' he barked.
he did it again... he called me swifty again! she thought glaring at buster.
''oh stop glaring swifty, i've done nothing wrong'' he shook his head.
''gah!'' she growled tackling into him and pinning him down.
he yelped with shock.
''never call me swifty again!!'' she snapped at him.
he just blinked, he had never been snapped at by swift before, not by the swift he knew.
swift let him up and ran off into the forest.
''swift wait up!'' buster yelled running after her.

''swift! wait, i want to talk to you a minute!'' he said trying to catch up.
''leave me alone buster, haven't you angered me enough already?!'' she snarled.
swift was walking towards the pond her and luna had been sleeping by.
''swift please, stop and talk! you've changed since you left my old pack, what happened'' he barked.
''i don't want to talk, i want to be alone'' she sighed.
he may be annoying, but he is my old friend... she thought shaking her head.
''swift, answer me'' he said running up and standing right in front of her.
she just sighed.
''being a lone wolf means you change buster, its just part of the world'' she said looking him in the eyes.
he just stood there blinking from shock.
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 270
Posted: Tue, 19/08/2014 07:58 (9 Years ago)
Luna growled at Buster, her ears flattened. "You want to fight Swift, but you'll have to beat me first."
As Buster followed Swift into the forest, Luna stalked after. As he blinked in shock, Luna slammed her paw ruthlessly at his upper spine. Unready, he fell to the ground. "Get out of here," Luna grumbled.