Forum Thread
Shadow Radar Hunting Service~
Forum-Index → Global Trade Station → Trade Shops → Shadow Radar Hunting Service~There are many reasons why someone don't use the Shadow Radar. Maybe you don't have the PD for the Radar+Updates, or you don't want to buy it. Maybe you have already bought it, but don't have the time to play, or even you don't like the Mini-Game.
My Service is for all of you! :3
Here you'll find all important informations and for sure you can ask your question here, if something is unclear.
>>>❗ None of us is able to activly hunt atm. I'm still catching shadows now and then, those already catched are for sure UFT. You can contact me(Crysticia) here or PM/PP for orders, but it may take a while to fulfill. ❗<<<
Crysticia ✖
LuckyLady ✖
How does it work:
📋 The daily catchable Shadows will be posted between Reset-17.00 Server Time*
5️⃣ Every day 5 Slots per Hunter are open, Exceptions: Reservations & Missing Shadows
👀 Comment wich one you want till 20.00 Server Time in the daily post of the hunter-> first comment, first get & no Order-Limit per User
✔ The Order will be accepted in the Comments
💰 Payment, when the catched Shadow is set up
❌ If you ordered a Shadow, but don't want it anymore when it's set up, you have to pay at least the Hunting Service, cause it was catched for you + you'll get a Service-Bann for 1 month.
* Can't promise that to 100%, cause it's within my sleeping and working time, so patience pls.❤
Hunting Service: 10.000

+ Pokemon by Rarity

You can find a more detailed explanation of Legy prices below in the window 'General cost explaining'.
** The Payment is per Order, so if you order 2 Pokemon, you have to pay the service 2x, you order 4 Pokemon, you have to pay the service 4x.
Example: You order 1 Charmander and 1 Skarmory. Charmander cost 50k+Hunting Service 10k, Skarmory cost 15k+Hunting Service 10k makes 85k in total.
Explaining the cost: Discover all 10 Pokes cost at least 1.200, but mostly 2.000-3.500 cause of RNG. After that I have to find again your ordered Shadow(again RNG & Time for the Hunt) + Balls I have to buy frequently.

Here you can find already catched Shadows to buy them without Service-Payment.
I accept

If you want to pay in Gems or Items PP/PM me for the negotiation.
The Shadow Radar Hunting Service will be partly closed for 3-4 weeks when Hoenn is released. If I catch some doubles within that time, I'll post it, but the Prices above won't count for Hoenn, cause they will be worth much more after release.
Missing Shadows:
If in the Daily Catchables is one of the following Shadows, the Slot is reserved for our own.
Missing Shadows Crysticia
Missing Shadows LuckyLady
Missing Shadows Zoen
Title: General cost explaining
So the Hunting fee of 10k is only to cover the costs of hunting, there is no profit in.
The Rarity-Costs are my own, sure I want to earn PD for the work and time I put into this project.
Explaining Legendary prices for those who think they are "hilarious expensive", honestly and sadly stonks doesn't work well for it.
Example: Articuno
Normal one is obtainable by the Lab without any costs, but also by Gem collector and both without daily limit.
Shadow Articuno on the other hand is only obtainable by the Shadow Radar, so you need to buy the Radar to unlock that feature, play the game, have a lot of luck one time a day to find one and being able to catch it.
The Sitewide frequency is 147 / 1.904. But althrough stonks says normal Articuno is worth ~600k, while Shadow Articuno is worth "only" ~330k. That makes absolutly no sense a pokemon wich is way harder to obtain and has a frequenzy of less than 10% of the normal one is half way cheaper than those.
That's the reason the stated prices seems pretty high, but I would call them fair referring to the arguments above. It's okey, if you're not willing to pay that much, but please understand, that I'm also not willing to sell them that underpriced, for the efford I put into this service.
Remind Stonks is a guideline, not a rule. =)
Title: Reservation
StrawberryVulpix - 1x Ninetales user inactive
JHappy0709 - next 10 Dratini/Dragonair/Dragonite - 1/10 done user inactive
Ninja690 - 1x Larvitar -catched and set up user inactive
Temy - 1x Articuno (my OT)
Leicester_For_Life - 1x Metapod -catched and set up
socks - 1x all Eeveelutions -Vaporeon, Espeon & Umbreon catched
Last Updated: 03/Aug/24
Title: UFT Shadows
Just write me a PM/PP or comment here, if you need anything. :3
Pkmn / Gender / Nature / Rarity / IV*
*you can't breed/hatch shadows, but you can breed with shadows
Ekans / f / Naive / Hard
Arbok / f / Modest / Hard / 1S
Sandshrew / f / Impish / Hard / 1S
Sandshrew / m / Brave / Hard
Sandslash / f / Lax / Hard
Paras / f / Quirky / Hard
Venonat / m / Bold / Hard / 1S
Venonat / f / Hasty / Hard / 1S
Victreebel / m / Mild / Hard 2S
Slowpoke / f / Sassy / Hard
Slowpoke / f / Rash / Hard
Slowpoke / f / Relaxed / Hard
Magnemite / - / Lax / Hard / 1G
Magneton / - / Naughty / Hard / 1G 1S
Magneton / - / Naughty / Hard
Magneton / - / Naive / Hard
Dewgong / f / Bashful / Rare
Onix / m / Jolly / Hard
Onix / f / Lonely / Hard / 1S
Hypno / f / Timid / Hard
Hypno / m / Modest / Hard
Exeggutor / f / Lax / Hard
Hitmonchan / m / Naughty / Rare / 1G 1S
Tangela / m / Rash / Hard
Kangaskhan / f / Serious / Rare
Magmar / m / Hasty / Rare
Tauros / m / Brave / Hard / 1G 1S
Tauros / m / Naive / Hard
Meganium / m / Bold / Starter
Quilava / m / Naughty / Starter / 1S
Croconaw / f / Serious / Starter
Natu / m / Bold / Hard
Xatu / f / Docile / Hard / 1S
Xatu / f / Naive / Hard / 2S
Yanma / m / Sassy / Hard
Murkrow / m / Gentle / Hard
Murkrow / m / Careful / Hard
Unown ? / - / Lax / Unown
Girafarig / f / Timid / Medium / 1S
Gligar / m / Rash / Hard / 1G
Piloswine / m / Adamant / Hard
Skarmory / f / Bold / Hard
Skarmory / f / Modest / Hard / 1S
Houndour / f / Hardy / Hard
Hitmontop / m / Lax / Rare / 1G
Smoochum / f / Lax / Hard / 1G
Last Updated: 05/Aug/23
Title: Shadow Hunting Short-Story: A new Huntress?
I was on the right track, I thought.. and I wasn't alone.
A branch snapped to my left, not far away. I steeled myself for an attack, but instead a figure stepped out of the mist and strode calmly but straight toward me.
The long cloak and the hood pulled low over the face prevented any recognition of who the visitor might be, but the contours of the body betrayed that it had to be a woman.
She stopped close in front of me, looked down at me and said, "I heard you're a Shadowhunter! Aaand it looks like you could need some help." Even though her face was still covered, I felt her wink at me.
"Yes, that's right," I glanced around furtively, making sure the shadows stayed where they were watching us. "Who are you?" I asked.
She reached out and helped me up. Then she pulled the hood back and revealed the brightest smile I had ever seen. "I'm LuckyLady!"
Almost at the same time as she has spoken, the shadows rushed at us from all sides.. and we now back to back, pulled out our Pokéballs!
We grinned "Let the hunt begin!"
Title: Daily Text
Catchable Shadows today:
- Kanto
x / x / x / x / x
- Johto
x / x / x / x / x
5 Slots available.
Also check out Zoen's & LuckyLady's Daily Catchables, to have a bigger selection.<3
For more Information have a look into this Topic!
You can buy already catched Shadows without Service Payment, all Shadows from here are UFT! PP/PM me or comment if you're interested.
See you soon~
Title: pokemon
You can pay in PD, Nuggets, Gems or Items a mix is also fine. You can also choose if you wanna pay when all are catched in total, or every catch separate. When you wanna pay in total, when all are catched, then we would appreciate if you pay only the Pokemon in total, but the fee every time we did a catch.
- Example separate: One of us catch a Dratini or Evo, you pay 60k and get the poke directly.
- Example total: I catch a Dragonite, you pay 10k for catching to me, LuckyLady catch a Dratini, you pay 10k to her and so on till we have all 10.(you'll need patience, it will take some month) let's say I have 4, Lucky has 2, Zoen has 4 then you pay me and Zoen 200k and Lucky 100k and get the pokes from us.
I hope that was explaned understandable, Englisch isn't my mother language.