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Shadow Radar Hunting Service~

Forum-Index Global Trade Station Trade Shops Shadow Radar Hunting Service~
Trainerlevel: 91

Forum Posts: 291
Posted: Sat, 17/09/2022 14:30 (2 Years ago)
Hey GlitchMode,

Shadow Gengar is a little Problem, cause I still have to fulfill the Gengar-Projecty you can see above.
But as I have two lovely hunters here, who helps me, you can have a look on their daily catchables.
We'll take your order to the reservations! 😊
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 38
Posted: Wed, 05/10/2022 14:10 (1 Year ago)
can i get the shadow larvitar PalPad me to talk pd ty :>

i would also like the shadow dunsparce that Zoen has available but were do i order from?
Trainerlevel: 91

Forum Posts: 291
Posted: Wed, 05/10/2022 14:21 (1 Year ago)
Like explained in this thread under 'How it works' you can order it by commenting on the Users' feed. So other users see, what is already ordered and what is still available. =)
Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 48
Posted: Thu, 16/02/2023 19:20 (1 Year ago)

Title: Helper of the club

Daily catch-ables! (i am not a licensed hunter yet, i need permission from one of the other 3 first.)
Shadow Pidgey
Shadow Pidgeot
Shadow Wheezing

~If you are looking for a shadow Zubat palpad me so i can get permission, i always seem to have the ability to catch shadow zubat.~

Also for RP
RiverHeart is not liked so if you rp with me keep that in mind XD that way someone doesnt make me act confused
(clumsy and gets in the way trying to help everywhere he can XDDD)

RapidStream is very shy and so if he talks to you maybe act surprised (or if he talks at all :|)
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 119
Posted: Thu, 09/03/2023 21:17 (1 Year ago)
Shadow mareep pls, paying with 1 luigi egg voucher and 15k
Not a human
Trainerlevel: 91

Forum Posts: 291
Posted: Thu, 09/03/2023 21:23 (1 Year ago)
Taking it to the reservation List.
And 15k is already the full payment. =)
Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 224
Posted: Sun, 19/03/2023 01:29 (1 Year ago)
If I would like to buy a shadow, do I just post here?

Trainerlevel: 91

Forum Posts: 291
Posted: Sun, 19/03/2023 01:36 (1 Year ago)
Sure, wich one do you want?
Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 224
Posted: Sun, 19/03/2023 01:41 (1 Year ago)
Is there a Shadow Ponyta / Rapidash for sale?

Trainerlevel: 91

Forum Posts: 291
Posted: Sun, 19/03/2023 01:50 (1 Year ago)
I don't have one atm, but I can set it on the reservation List for you, so the next one we find will be yours.
Ponyta and Rapidash are Rarity Easy, so 5k for the Pokemon.
The hunting fee is 10k per Order, means, if you order Ponyta or Rapidash you pay 5k for the Pokemon + 10k hunting fee (15k in total), if you want both you pay 30k in total.
Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 224
Posted: Sun, 19/03/2023 01:54 (1 Year ago)
Okay, let me think of it first.
I see you have a Shadow Ekans in the UFT box, is that reserved yet?

Trainerlevel: 91

Forum Posts: 291
Posted: Sun, 19/03/2023 02:05 (1 Year ago)
No, reserved 'mons aren't in that Box, all in UFT-Boxes is UFT. Ekans is Rarity Hard, so 15k PD, but as it's already catched you don't have to pay the hunting fee.
Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 224
Posted: Sun, 19/03/2023 02:08 (1 Year ago)
Alright, can I buy it?

Trainerlevel: 91

Forum Posts: 291
Posted: Sun, 19/03/2023 04:01 (1 Year ago)
Thanks for your purchase.
Trainerlevel: 21

Forum Posts: 20
Posted: Wed, 29/03/2023 05:17 (1 Year ago)
Hello. I would like to buy a shadow skarmory. The rarity is hard, so can I pay with 15k pd? Thanks!
Please train my pokemon!
Trainerlevel: 91

Forum Posts: 291
Posted: Wed, 29/03/2023 10:31 (1 Year ago)
Yes that's right!
Do you want to choose the Skarmory yourself, or can I just set up one of them?
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 144
Posted: Wed, 29/03/2023 12:57 (1 Year ago)
Hi! I wanna buy a shadow magikarp and a shadow wooper pls! ( total: 15k)
Hi! I'm Zellia! Pls support my project!
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Trainerlevel: 21

Forum Posts: 20
Posted: Wed, 29/03/2023 12:58 (1 Year ago)
You can just set up one of them. Thanks!
Please train my pokemon!
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 119
Posted: Wed, 29/03/2023 12:58 (1 Year ago)
YES shadow mareep pls

be paying with 10k-15k pd
Not a human
Trainerlevel: 91

Forum Posts: 291
Posted: Wed, 29/03/2023 13:12 (1 Year ago)
Great, I set it up!

also setting them up as fast as possible!

thank you both for your purchase<3

I was a bit confused about your name/pfp and thought you were BlackberryPiemon, cause I already traded him a Shadow Mareep today. But as my confusion is gone now, I wanna inform you that Mareep is medium rarity, means the pokemon itself cost 10k, if I should hunt it for you there is also a hunting fee of 10k, makes 20k in total. If you want to buy already catched pokemon from my UFT box, you don't have to pay the hunting fee, but only the pokemon.