Forum Thread
PMD Kingdoms of Gold-sign ups
Forum-Index → Roleplay → RP Sign-up → PMD Kingdoms of Gold-sign upsIn a world where humans are nonexistent, Pokemon face problems of their own. A darkness from the mountains known as The Outsiders threatens them at every turn. Citizens are afraid, and heroes rush to calm them.
For years, the rescue teams of the Pokemon world have been trying to vanquish this darkness, but it is ever powerful, recruiting misguided and corrupt pokemon every day. The legendary Heroes need all the help they can get, so they call more Pokemon to join the rescue Guild. More pokemon to join Obsidian the Dusk Lycanroc in her secret base in the mountains...and they even call heroes from an outside world...
Additional information:
The Guild in this universe is different from normal. Instead of forming individual rescue teams, the Guild as a whole creates teams of groups of three, adapting to each situation. It's encouraged that you make friends throughout the whole Guild.
For example, a primape, a Deino, and a Syveon may be a rescue team for a mission, yet for the next mission, that deino may partner up with a Shaymin and a charmander. It depends on the mission and the individual choices of the members. Missions are posted on the bulletin, and Guild members take it upon themselves work them out.
The Mountain Guild is where the bravest warriors reside. This is closest to the Outsiders' base. Led by Obsidian the Lycanroc, the members here grow very distant from the world outside the mountains, and are very close and well disciplined.
The Kingdoms of Gold consist of many lands, each ruled by Legendary Pokemon, though not all Legendary or Mythical pokemon are rulers. Some are workers, some are heirs, some are even citizens! The kingdoms are well run and healthy, with public events, restaurants, shops, and anything else you may need! This is what the Outsiders want for themselves.
Plot: You have the choice of being either a citizen or an outside hero(aka human turned Pokemon). If you are a resident, you simply decide to join the Guild to stop the Outsiders' attacks on your homeland.
If you are a human, you receive a dream with this message from Arceus:
"Greetings human. This may sound abrupt, and for that, I apologize, but I must now ask you to forget about your past life. Your experiences there have prepared you, and now you must help us face a darkness like you've never seen."
You then wake up in a hospital bed in the Guild, in a different body entirely.

PH rules
You can be legendary/mythical, but you can't be a ruler of the kingdom.
Only Admins control NPCs/plotlines
There is no huge overarching plot to this Roleplay, it's more casual, but there is a story to it.
Hold off on one liners please. They tend to ruin roleplays. I'm talking things like:
Luna ate the grass
*Eats grass*
Luna: Eating grass
Anything like that, and expect to be yeeted out of the roleplay!
PM/PP me to be an admin.
Password is your favorite sweet food.
You can only choose your species if you are a resident. Otherwise it's up to RNG.
Leave nothing in the form blank! Everything is important!
Leave the PP, Leave the RP
You can be legendary/mythical, but you can't be a ruler of the kingdom.
Only Admins control NPCs/plotlines
There is no huge overarching plot to this Roleplay, it's more casual, but there is a story to it.
Hold off on one liners please. They tend to ruin roleplays. I'm talking things like:
Luna ate the grass
*Eats grass*
Luna: Eating grass
Anything like that, and expect to be yeeted out of the roleplay!
PM/PP me to be an admin.
Password is your favorite sweet food.
You can only choose your species if you are a resident. Otherwise it's up to RNG.
Leave nothing in the form blank! Everything is important!
Leave the PP, Leave the RP

For Residents:
Character name:
For Humans
Character name:
Character name:
For Humans
Character name:
My character:
Character name: Miko
Personality: Energetic, friendly, yet shy as well. She loves to make friends, and sticks with them to the end, but can have trouble speaking to them at first.
Gender: Female
Other: Zeraora
NPCs will be added as the Roleplay goes along! Admins, discuss with me privately if you'd like to add/control an NPC, or any further questions regarding them!
Character name: Shieri
Pokemon: Reshiram
Gender: Female
Personality: Generally a nice and helpful Pokémon, often enjoys being with friends
Appearance: A floofy shiny Reshiram wearing a red scarf
Other: I don't really know what my favorite is, but for now I'm gonna say s'mores
Username: UncleBruno
Character name: Rea
Personality: Somewhat shy, doesn't remember much of her human life
Gender: Female
Other: *points to above form* s'mores
Character name: Ace
Pokemon: Croagunk
Gender: Male
Personality: Ace is a rather energetic character, rather hard to control as well. He can be very impulsive, but he tries his best to avoid hurting anybody.
Appearance: Ace wears dark tinted goggles over his eyes as they are rather sensitive to any bright lights.
Other: Uhmm... cookie?
Username: snookie040604
Character name: Oliver
Personality: Oliver isn't really the social type, maybe because he can't really have a normal discussion to save his life. He is rather aloof and easily lost in his own thoughts.
Gender: Male
Other: Cookies, likely.
Character name: Sydney
Personality: Sydney is quite kind at first glance, but she vows to do everything in her power to stop the Outsiders... even if it means she doesn't live to tell the tale
Gender: female
Other: chocolate

Sprites made by MetalHeadKendra, CyndaquilLuvsVan_Halen, and froge, respectively. All credit goes to them. PFP is an image of Oshawott from the Pokémon manga.