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[Roleplay] That day when the world split in half

Forum-Index Roleplay Pokémon RP [Roleplay] That day when the world split in half
Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 715
Posted: Tue, 09/06/2020 17:09 (4 Years ago)
“What reason do we have to fight with ourselves, anyways?” King added, the yellow Pokémon’s tall swayed gently with irritation. He put a hand over his mouth to cover a yawn as he listened to everyone natter on. “Are we okay just... have these legendaries and mythicald out in the open?” Carter asked with concern.
Trainerlevel: 66

Forum Posts: 832
Posted: Tue, 09/06/2020 17:10 (4 Years ago)
“C-Calm down everyone! There’s no need to start a fight here! If we can get this down, I can tell everyone what I’ve been able to find out while investigating!” He said. His nervous tone could definitely be heard while he was trying to make his voice heard
Trainerlevel: 35

Forum Posts: 77
Posted: Tue, 09/06/2020 17:10 (4 Years ago)
'Gah. How are you the so old, yet so childish' Sogeleo asked annoyed. 'Now, Shuichi, this is Cobalion, one of the chosen legendaries to be with a trainer in order to stop the Heart manifistations.'
Trainerlevel: 37

Forum Posts: 910
Posted: Tue, 09/06/2020 17:13 (4 Years ago)
[Carter, Cy, Aria & Shiuchi]
Cobalion sighed 'Yes, I was going to introduce Shiuchi to the rest of the legendaries who had chosen humans but it seems I'm too late...' Cobalion said to Mew
Trainerlevel: 66

Forum Posts: 832
Posted: Tue, 09/06/2020 17:14 (4 Years ago)
"...so that encounter wasn't a dream after all, was it?" Shuichi looked up at the great legendary while holding his hat. He reached for his pocket, holding the fur that Cobalion had dropped during his first encounter. By Cobalion's tone, Shuichi was slightly surprised. It almost implied that he was one of the first to have met his legendary
Trainerlevel: 72

Forum Posts: 2,061
Posted: Tue, 09/06/2020 17:14 (4 Years ago)
Meka rolled her eyes. So many pokemon confused 'childish' with 'childlike' which she was used to, and she usually just brushed it off as 'idiots don't know what they're talking about', simply because she was one of the first pokemon in existence, soon after Arceus, so of course she had zero respect for a lot of creatures, including some legendaries, which contributed with her choice of Miko. She liked people that could understand quirks and personality, even when it was irritating. She also enjoyed the girl's playful spirit.
Trainerlevel: 37

Forum Posts: 910
Posted: Tue, 09/06/2020 17:16 (4 Years ago)
[Carter, Cy, Shiuchi & Aria]
Cobalion glanced at Shiuchi 'No, it certainly wasn't' they replied
Trainerlevel: 66

Forum Posts: 832
Posted: Tue, 09/06/2020 17:18 (4 Years ago)
"...from having to defend myself from attacks...recovering my pokemon's memories of me, to being buried in burning rubble, and having this wish captor blessed by you...to allow me to save myself." He closed his eyes. "It really did happen. It seemed too unreal. But are you sure you have the right person?" He was looking in his bag, he held out, not a Pokeball, but a Luxury Ball
Trainerlevel: 35

Forum Posts: 77
Posted: Tue, 09/06/2020 17:19 (4 Years ago)
'Now there are 7 billion people on earth, so I hope you understand how lucky you are to be presented with such an honor' Sogaleo stated
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 133
Posted: Tue, 09/06/2020 17:21 (4 Years ago)
Aria really didn’t understand the idea of luxury balls. They cost more and increase your pokemon’s friendship artificially instead of through time you spend together. At least it actually gives the pokemon illusions of the trainer to increase the friendship and not just force their friendship to increase. Wow, Aria would make a great Team Plasma member.
I am rubber, you are glue, whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you. ~Patton
PH time +8 hours. She/Her pronouns.
Avatar credits go to Icefox
My online status isn't always accurate.
Trainerlevel: 72

Forum Posts: 2,061
Posted: Tue, 09/06/2020 17:21 (4 Years ago)
Devi whacked Starblazer in the head with her wing. "Stop ruining Colbalion's moment, ya dumb gassball." Devi shook her head as she said this, that wasn't his chosen, so she was pretty strict about shutting him up.
Trainerlevel: 37

Forum Posts: 910
Posted: Tue, 09/06/2020 17:22 (4 Years ago)
'Yes, I do, because you fight for justice which... is rare these days..' Cobalion answered and hit the luxury ball with confidence
Trainerlevel: 35

Forum Posts: 77
Posted: Tue, 09/06/2020 17:23 (4 Years ago)
Sogaleo Roared, but understood what Devi meant. It was Cobalion who had to explain to their chosen one what was what.
Trainerlevel: 66

Forum Posts: 832
Posted: Tue, 09/06/2020 17:25 (4 Years ago)
Shuichi stared. As he watched Cobalion entered the Luxury Ball. He didn't buy Luxury Balls to raise friendship faster. He brought them because he had heard they were of greater comfort to pokemon. "...I see now...alright. I'm prepared to fight." He opened his eyes. "Fine, I'll come with you guys."
Trainerlevel: 26

Forum Posts: 410
Posted: Tue, 09/06/2020 17:26 (4 Years ago)
Cora sat down. "I don't suppose you can heal bruises?" she asks Azelf.
His smile has a grip on me <3

Agent Fallows, signing out~

Trainerlevel: 35

Forum Posts: 77
Posted: Tue, 09/06/2020 17:27 (4 Years ago)
Starblazer nodded 'Then there is one last place we need to go.' Sogaleo opened the UWH again, and the 10 of them walked through/floated through.
Trainerlevel: 66

Forum Posts: 832
Posted: Tue, 09/06/2020 17:29 (4 Years ago)
He decided to nickname his Cobalion 'Tsurugi'. He followed Starblazer into the wormhole with all his pokemon
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 133
Posted: Tue, 09/06/2020 17:30 (4 Years ago)
Aria looked around, soaking in the sight of the inside of the wormhole as she went through. It really was a great view. They left the wormhole soon though.
I am rubber, you are glue, whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you. ~Patton
PH time +8 hours. She/Her pronouns.
Avatar credits go to Icefox
My online status isn't always accurate.
Trainerlevel: 26

Forum Posts: 410
Posted: Tue, 09/06/2020 17:31 (4 Years ago)
Eo was busy. She was scribbling notes on Uxie and Azelf.
His smile has a grip on me <3

Agent Fallows, signing out~

Trainerlevel: 37

Forum Posts: 910
Posted: Tue, 09/06/2020 17:37 (4 Years ago)
[Vex, Aria, Carter, Cy & Shiuchi]
An Ultra wormhole opened up close to the gym