Forum Thread
Forum-Index → Roleplay → WWZ*Ruben was walking down the hall with Talla next to him. He was practically about to lead 7 people to their deaths......... including his surrogate daughter Talla. He stops walking and so does Talla. Ruben looks at Talla and nods. Talla shouts* EASY COMPANY. ATTENTION.
``What do you think they want us to do now?``
.-Elisanne would give a tiny shrug-.
I thought that they would last 5 minutes max.
``Well, we did sign up for this sort of stuff, we have to be prepared.
.-Derek would say to Elisanne while smiling. Derek would then pass Elisanne some ammo for her dual pistols. Elisanne would get out her pistols and put the ammo into the guns and flicked them around-.
``Thanks... I guess.``
.-Elisanne would say, with a sigh, still kind of worried-.

“ kenny / ken “ / 18 / english + german / sprite by DustyZoiveon
``Well, I'm not too sure, it depends whether my weapon is mounted or not.``
``And for me, not so much``
.-Elisanne would say looking at the pistols in her pockets. Derek would get out a bottle from his bag that he had filled with water. He'd drink out of it before closing the lid-.

“ kenny / ken “ / 18 / english + german / sprite by DustyZoiveon
``Well... This is it, I guess it's time to go.``
.-Derek would say with a sigh. Elisanne was still a bit nervous, Derek noticed this and put a hand on her shoulder-.
``I know it seems like it's so much to handle, but I think you'll do just fine. This is what you've signed up for by the way, you must expect challenges.``
.-Elisanne would sigh-.
``Thanks brother.``
.-Elisanne would say to her brother. Then, at last, they made it to the Flight Pad and waited for orders-.
``Never expected to be late, I thought we went the quickest route?``
.-Derek would say to Elisanne-.
``Well, we kinda had a talk on the way there... Didn't we?``
.-Elisanne would say to Derek as she looked at Talla-.

“ kenny / ken “ / 18 / english + german / sprite by DustyZoiveon