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Hoenn's Mystery

Forum-Index Roleplay Private RP Hoenn's Mystery
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 439
Posted: Sat, 10/03/2018 04:11 (6 Years ago)
Note: This roleplay is only for those who joined this RP or one of the previous ones. This one is going to be private due to how busy it gets, and other reasons. I'll send a message to those who are in the RP. Anyways to the Plot.


A few months passed since the events of this RP. Peace has returned to Johto and the region is back to normal. Though Tiger's left New Bark for Hoenn with Kyogre talking to him, warning, or mocking, him of things to happen. Though he's quiet and to himself for some reason as if he's afraid of what might happen? What's going on in Hoenn, and will it lead to another battle to save the region. [sorry it's not completely done. It will be built onto later on. Also you can age up your trainer if you want to, but I don't mind.]

(Same as always)

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This isn't a totally literate roleplay. So one liners are allowed. However, they must continue the plot, and not lead to dead ends.
No godmodding or power playing even if some people think the ability to speak pokemon can be godmodding, but if your trainer has that ability then the pokemon in your party must have different characteristics, and not be 1 dimensional characters.
The roleplay will start off slow, and the main plot won't kick in until a little later. As the characters still need to learn more about their new teammates, and catch pokemon.
Special abilities for trainers are allowed, please don't have any over powered ones (like wins every battle, or controls all pokemon...) only one per trainer. (Some ideas can be, can speak to pokemon. But any ability must have a downfall. Like if a trainer can speak pokemon, they can be effected by sounds that only pokemon can hear)
A trainer may have a summons item, but only to pokemon from out of region, and the legend associated with it will only show up in times of need (Not every fight just a life or death situation). Only one per trainer
If you come up with a Subplot that might change the direction of the roleplay, please run it by me first so I'm not confused by the whole thing.
Pokeheroes rules apply

Taken Legends:

Celebi: Lucky
Lugia: Ninja
Ho-Oh: Ninja
Raikou: Ninja
Kyogre: Ninja
Groudon: V
Deoxys: Toma
Rayquayza: V
Jirachi: Toma
Arceus: Toma
Giratina: Sylph
Melloetta: Atavan
Cresselia: Shadow
Lunala: V
Tapu Koko: Ninja
Palkia: Sylph
Virizion: Shadow
[if I missed anyone feel free to tell me via palpad]


Hometown/Region they grew up in:
Looks/wears: (picture is fine)
Summons item: (Optional)
Rival (if any):
BF, GF, Crush: (If any)
Special ability: (Optional)

My forms:

Name: Tiger Spruce
Age: 18 (almost 19, he'll turn 19 at the end of the rp)
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Cyndaquil: (level 90)
(Sassy nature)
Aerial ace

Charm: [Shiny Charizard with X megastone] (level 89)
(Bashful nature)
Dragon claw
Brick Break

Kibo: [Dragonite] (level 85)
(Brave Nature)
[Has Multi scale]
Dragon rush
Ice beam
Fire punch

Akio: [Lucario] (level 80)
(Gentle Nature)
Aura sphere
Bone Rush
Healing Pulse
Stone edge

Yuki: [Umbreon] (level 80)
(Serious Nature)
Shadow ball
Mean look
Dark Pulse

CottonFluf (Cotton): [Ampharos] (level 80)
(Quiet Nature)
Thunder Punch
Signal beam
Thunder wave
Power Gem

Temporary Pokémon Team (after the first fight in the rp):

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Pokémon: [spoiler]Cyndaquil: (level 90)
(Sassy nature)
Aerial ace

Charm: [Shiny Charizard with X megastone] (level 89)
(Bashful nature)
Dragon claw
Brick Break

Kibo: [Dragonite] (level 85)
(Brave Nature)
[Has Multi scale]
Dragon rush
Ice beam
Fire punch

Setchi: [Tyranitar] (Level 75)
(Adamant Nature)
Dark Pulse
Hyper beam
Stealth rock

Yuki: [Umbreon] (level 80)
(Serious Nature)
Shadow ball
Mean look
Dark Pulse

CottonFluf (Cotton): [Ampharos] (level 80)
(Quiet Nature)
Thunder Punch
Signal beam
Thunder wave
Power Gem

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Not in his team, but at his house cause I don't want to stop using this cat.

Malu: [Torracat] (level 60)
(Lonely Nature)
Fire fang
Double kick

[Not on his team, but traveling with Mel at the beginning of the RP. Theo: (shiny Pignite) Level 20)

Hometown/Region they grew up in: NewBark/Johto
Looks/wears: small for his age with emerald eyes, and brown and black hair. He has a scar from his shoulder to his wrist which was extended in Johto after a fight with Ho-Oh his first scar is a bit darker now due to the attack. He has a black jacket that is very worn down and tattered. He only wears the jacket in the cold. He has black skate shoes, a blue bag, and a blue baseball cap with a lightning bolt on it.
Summons item: Silver Wing
Rival (if any): Lion
BF, GF, Crush: N/A
Special ability: He can speak pokemon. However he can't stand noises that only pokemon hear.
History: this work in progress here
Other: ~ he doesn't like evil teams at all.
~ He is a professor in training, and will become Johto's professor when Elm retires.
~ Guardian of Johto (but secretly still doesn't want to be. He won't show his hatred for the title in this rp, but it'll be hinted at)
~ Was champion of Johto for a few minutes before stepping down
~ has a burn from Houndoom on his cheek, and his left shoulder that hurt him at the worst times.
~ has a fear of Houndoom, however Cyndaquil helps him through a fight against Houndoom
~ Cyndaquil sometimes helps coach him through important battles, as well as acts sort of like a brother to him

Name: Lion Marston
Age: 19
Pokémon: Blast (Blastoise (has blastoiseite), Level 85), Espeon (Level 70), Fearow (Level 70), and Manetric (Level 40)
[Not on his team, but his Espeon's son. Partially owned by Faye as well: Silver (Shiny Eevee level 10]
Hometown/Region they grew up in: New Bark, Johto
Looks/wears: He is about five foot seven with gold eyes, and spikey golden hair. He has slightly tan skin. He wears a red shirt with a black vest and a blue bandanna is tied to his right shoulder, there's a keystone on the bandanna and he rarely uses it. He has gray shoes, and a brown bag with a Charizard pin attached to it. He has all eight Johto badges pinned to his bag as well
Summons item: Rainbow Wing.
Rival (if any): Tiger
BF, GF, Crush: Faye
Special ability: -
History: He and Tiger grew up together in New Bark town. He's older than Tiger by a few months, but they grew up side by side, and created a sort of brotherly bond. He traveled through Johto with Tiger for a small bit, and soon he and Tiger separated ways. He never went to the league, but is training to be a gym leader.
Other: ~ He'll become New Mawville's gym leader at the end of this rp.
~He lives in Lillycove with Faye.
~ is one of the guardians of Hoenn

Name: Snow Spruce
Age: 17
Pokémon: Raichu (Rai, level: 60), Poliwrath (Swirl, level 55), Kuro (Dragonair level 50), and Toucannon (Lem, level 49)
Hometown/Region they grew up in: Saffron, Kanto
Looks/wears: Snow is 5'3 with Sandy brown hair and frosty white tips (similar to Snow on the sand in the winter [thus his name], he has blue eyes and looks very similar to Tiger. He wears a black collared shirt and blue jeans with a green bag
Summons item: strange Souvenir (electric) Tapu Koko
Rival (if any): Mira (a friendly rivalry now)
BF, GF, Crush: Used to have a crush on Kimberly. He hasn't seen her for quite some time though so he gave up on trying to look for her.
Special ability: (Optional)
History: here's a chapter and a WIP

Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 239
Posted: Sat, 10/03/2018 05:08 (6 Years ago)
Amelia Moliére // Mel // Aubrey Vitale


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Acier // Riu (Lucario) | Male | Inner Focus | Level 68
Aura Sphere, Focus Punch, Bone Rush, Dark Pulse

Dew (Roserade) | Female | Natural Cure | Level 65
Weather Ball, Magical Leaf, Solar Beam, Venoshock

Acciaio (Lucario) | F | Inner Focus | Level 59 | ★
Aura Sphere, Metal Sound, Heal Pulse, Close Combat

Amaterasu (Arcanine) | M | Flash Fire | Level 73
Crunch, Agility, Flare Blitz, Heat Wave

Hometown/Region they grew up in:
Shalour City, Kalos


Summon Item:
Griseous Orb // Giratina


BF, GF, Crush:
N/A // Bisexual/Biromantic

Special Ability:

This completed story here uwu

Since the last rp, she’s made quite an impact on Kalos; After Korrina chose to step down from being a gym leader and focus on mega evolution, Mel took over the Shalour City gym. She’s also a major actress, saying “she’s always been an actor anyway,”.

She was pulled into some sketchy business when she lost the griseous orb. She announces several times that she’d die if anything happened to it.

• Siderodromophobic - Fear of Trains that was triggered when she was younger. Nobody knows the clear cause of it, but it’s a good way to get information out of her.
• Riu is extremely claustrophobic; Even looking at small spaces can trigger an anxiety attack.
- Riu is also completely blind in both eyes after an incident in Kalos that involved a literal trainwreck. He’s forced to see through his aura.
• Fluent in both French and English. She switches to French when angry or emotional.



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Foncé (Umbreon) | M | Level 50
Shadow Ball, Confuse Ray, Dark Pulse, Psychic

Midori (Meganium) | M | Level 46
Poison Powder, Magical Leaf, Bodyslam, Light Screen

Pom (Ambipom) | F | Level 42
Double Slap, Swift, Acrobatics, Low Sweep

Hometown/Region they grew up in:
Newbark, Johto

Major WIP for him whoops

Summons Item:

Lustrous Orb // Palkia


Considers Mel a friendly rival

BF, GF, Crush:
He's tied with Riu for "Top Gayest Character Sylph's Ever Made" Riu's still winning atm I think--. Impress him.

Special Ability:
Can see the aura of others and likes to compare them.

Grew up in Johto with his parents, who died. He spent years living in a forest until Mel found him and pretty much adopted him, much to his surprise. He spent the last few months living with her and attempting to learn about society.

• Diagnosed with synesthesia; He loves the colors that Mel and Snow speak.
• Extremely pediophobic (Fear of Dolls)-- Not quite sure where it came from, if he's honest.
• Fluent in sign language.
- He doesn't speak much English, considering he was alone in the woods for a solid ten years of his life.

Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 439
Posted: Sat, 10/03/2018 05:15 (6 Years ago)
Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 576
Posted: Sat, 10/03/2018 05:19 (6 Years ago)

Drew Paris
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Mismagius "Misty" | F | Levitate | Sassy | Lvl 77
- Power Gem, Dazzling Gleam, Shadow Ball, Thunderbolt

Empoleon "Leon" | M | Defiant | Serious | Lvl 77
- Flash Cannon, Hyrdo Pump, Rock Slide, Ice Beam

Drapion | M | Sniper | Gentle | Lvl 75
- Cross Poison, Night Slash, Toxic Spikes, X-Scissor

Hydregion | F | Levitate | Quirky | Lvl 72
- Defog, Draco Meteor, Earthquake, Throat Chop

Magmortar | M | Flame Body | Naïve | Lvl 73
- Clear Smog, Fire Blast, Brick Break, Psychic

Abomasnow | M | Snow Warning | Rash | Lvl 74
- Blizzard, Earthquake, Energy Ball, Grass Knot

Hometown/Region they grew up in:
Grew up in Eterna, Sinnoh or Veilstone, Sinnoh. Currently resides in Snowpoint, Sinnoh.
Looks/wears: (picture is fine)
Drew is 5'6, with dark skin and medium length curly black hair that's usually somewhat combed, and parted on the left side. It's fluffy, like really fluffy, and she hates getting it wet She has dark blue eyes and a small amount of freckles, and a strong jawline. clothes are a wip bc im gonna draw
Summons item: (Optional)
18 Plates - Arceus
Rival (if any):
BF, GF, Crush: (If any)
Special ability: (Optional)
does understanding two of her pokemon count
Her family died in murder plot, a fire, after which she was kidnapped by Cyrus and became a team galactic admin. Until she was about 14, she lived and worked in the Galactic HQ. When she was 14, she was able to escape and lived with the family of a friend she'd met while she was able to leave the HQ for missions. Currently, she works as a researcher of Pokémon legends [as in stories]. She has spent the past few months working with Sinnoh recovery efforts, and living with her friends in a home they all rent.

Faye Albein
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Togekiss | F | Super Luck |
- Aura Sphere, Air Slash, Ancient Power, Dazzling Gleam

Flareon | M | Guts
Heat Wave, Fire Spin, Dig, Body Slam

Alola!Ninetales | F | Snow Warning
- Moonblast, Ice Beam, Psyshock, Aqua Tail

Gardevoir / Mega | F | Pixilate
- Psychic, Moonblast, Shadow Ball, Thunderbolt

Mawile | F | Hyper Cutter
- Play Rough, Crunch, Fire Blast, Flash Cannon

Mimikyu | F | Disguise
- Shadow Claw, X-Scissor, Leech Life, Play Rough

Alternate for her E4 Team
Blue!Florges | F | Flower Veil
- Aromatherapy, Petal Blizzard, Moonblast, Endeavor

Hometown/Region they grew up in:
Originally lived in Maile, Alola, but then moved to Saffron, Kanto. Owns a house in Lillycove, Hoenn, where she lives with Lion.
Looks/wears: (picture is fine)
Faye has curly, flame red hair [with that deep tossed part, y'know what i mean] and misty blue eyes. She wears a white t-shirt with a blue stripe over the chest, ripped grey jeans, and blue high tops. She is covered in freckles, and I mean covered in freckles. Wears a star piece & mega stone around her neck along with a third necklace. Short at about 5’3, but looks taller because she has long legs.
Summons item: (Optional)
Star Piece - Jirachi
Rival (if any):
BF, GF, Crush: (If any)
Special ability: (Optional)
Lost her mother when she was 3 because yikes her mom was a bad person. Was adopted by her neighbor, before going to a Pokémon academy in Kanto and then residing there for a bit. Then, she met Lion, and moved to Lillycove.
- drowned this one time and has to take medication for a lung issue caused by that
- an Elite 4 member in Hoenn. "funny how my name means fairy and im a fairy trainer"

Kimberly Wang
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Serperior "Peri" | Contrary | Lvl 69 | Female | Hasty | Holding Miracle Seed
- Leaf Storm, Grass Knot, Aqua Tail, Dragon Pulse

Ambipom "Hazel" | Pickup | Lvl 67 | Female | Sassy | Holding Sticky Barb
- Tail Slap, Fire Punch, Thunder Punch, Ice Punch

Braviary "Spade" | Defiant | Lvl 68 | Male | Serious
- Brave Bird, Defog, Heat Wave, U-Turn

Krookodile "Poppy" | Moxie | Lvl 66 | Female | Naughty
- Earthquake, Stealth Rock, Foul Play, Shadow Claw

Haxorus "Noir" | Mold Breaker | Lvl 67 | Female | Jolly
- Dragon Claw, Draco Meteor, Night Slash, Poison Jab

Araquanid "Gray" | Water Bubble | Lvl 65 | Male | Brave
- Ice Beam, Liquidation, X-Scissor, Sticky Web

Hometown/Region they grew up in:
Nimbasa, Unova
Looks/wears: (picture is fine)
Short at 5'1, small in size but is athletic. Her size does fool people, but she is very strong mentally and physically. She has tan skin, dark brown eyes, long straight black hair and black glasses. She wears a black windbreaker with two horizontal white stripes on the upper arm sleeves and a PPD [Pokémon Police Department] logo on the back, camouflage print shirt, black jeans and laced boots.
Summons item: (Optional)
Comet Shard // Deoxys
Rival (if any):
She considers herself Snow's rival.
BF, GF, Crush: (If any)
Used to crush on Snow.
Special ability: (Optional)
- could actually beat you up
- a pokemon police officer
- doesn't have time for ur crap
- spouts curse words like theres no tomorrow

Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 439
Posted: Sat, 10/03/2018 05:22 (6 Years ago)
Accepted (of course lol)
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 677
Posted: Sat, 10/03/2018 06:49 (6 Years ago)
Victor Ignis

18 (will turn 19 in some time)

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Volt (Raichu)
Impish Nature| Ability: Lightning Rod | Male | Level 90
Moves: Volt Tackle | Thunder Wave | Iron Tail | Focus Blast

Blaze (Typhlosion)
Serious Nature | Ability: Battle Bond*| Male | Level 100
Moves: Eruption | Focus Blast | Fire Blast | Solar Beam

Flare (Charizard, holds Mega X Stone)
Sassy Nature | Ability: Blaze | Male| Level 89
Moves: Flare Blitz | Dragon Claw | Thunder Punch | Earthquake

Shine (Dragonair, Shiny)
Quiet Nature | Ability: Marvel Scale| Male | Level 70
Moves: Sunny Day | Fire Blast | Draco Meteor | Extreme Speed

Meta (Metang, Shiny)
Nature: Brave | Ability: Clear Body | Level 44
Moves: Bullet Punch | Zen Headbutt | Meteor Mash | Earthquake

Scarlet (Delphox)
Nature: Calm | Ability: Blaze | Male | Level 50
Moves: Hypnosis | Mystical Fire | Psyshock | Dazzling Gleam

Hometown/Region they grew up in:
Pallet Town

An attempt at drawing Victor by me
Victor has an ornate bracelet made of silver which he wears in his right hand. The bracelet has a key stone embedded in it, along with an emerald, which contrasts with his mostly-red attire. He also wears simple brown rubber-rimmed glasses.

Summons item:

Rival (if any):
He considers Tiger a friendly rival

BF, GF, Crush:
Has a tiny crush on Mira, but tries to hide it.

Special ability:
He can talk to his Raichu, but isn’t very adept at knowing the exact words of other Pokémon.

Hs a special grudge with Team Flare since they experimented on Blaze earlier (more on it in "Other") He had won the Kalos league title of champion, but stepped down shortly later to continue his journey to grow as a trainer. He tried to battle the Alola league, but lost to Kukui.
After the events at Johto, he wishes to attempt the Hoenn league. He has obtained the 8 badges and needs to challenge the Elite four and Champion now.
(I'll be posting a story after my exams)

A long time ago when Team Flare were experimenting with Battle Bond Ability, they managed to make a Cyndaquil with this ability. Victor rescued the Cyndaquil, and it ended up unlocking its ability, and its Battle Bond Form called VBlaze (art by me).
Victor also likes arguing and this mostly brings him closer to other people (occasionally resulting in crushes).



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Mystic (Delphox)
Nature: Sassy | Ability: Blaze | Female | Level 70
Moves: Hypnosis | Mystical Fire | Psychic | Future Sight

Meowstic (Shiny)
Nature: Calm | Ability: Infiltrator | Female | Level 69
Moves: Light Screen | Psychic | Reflect | Yawn

Khan (Kangaskhan, holds Mega Stone)
Nature: Brave | Ability: Scrappy | Female | Level 65
Moves: Fake Out | Power Up Punch | Return | Outrage

Flutters (Volcarona)
Nature: Impish | Ability: Flame Body | Male | Level 40
Moves: Sleep Powder | Fiery Dance | Giga Drain | Morning Sun

Hometown/Region they grew up in:

She's average height for her age and has waist length wavy brown hair which she likes to keep open. She has added blonde highlights to them recently.
- wears white jeans with a light golden-yellow top, which has no designs. Laura has emerald green eyes which contrast with her clothing. She wears a single earring with a keystone her mother gifted her.

Summons item:
Lunala/Moon Flute

Rival (if any):

BF, GF, Crush:

Special ability:
can heal injuries, but gets exhausted from the effort.

After the events of the Johto RP, she has trained to become a Healer/Nurse.

Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 439
Posted: Sat, 10/03/2018 06:50 (6 Years ago)
Trainerlevel: 48

Forum Posts: 317
Posted: Sat, 10/03/2018 07:49 (6 Years ago)
Name: Robert Cornwall
Age: 18
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Pokemon: Chesnaught
Name: Quill
Level: 76
Gender: Male
Ability: Bulletproof

Pokemon: Bisharp
Name: Pawn
Level: 76
Gender: Male
Ability: Inner Focus

Pokemon: Venomoth
Name: Pose
Level: 76
Gender: Female
Ability: Tinted Lens

Pokemon: Amphros
Name: Fluff
Level: 76
Gender: Female
Ability: Static

Pokemon: Alakazam
Name: Ala
Level: 52
Gender: Female
Ability: Magic Guard

Hometown/Region they grew up in: Jubilife City/ Sinnoh
Looks/wears: Robert has short chestnut hair and bright blue-grey eyes. He is starting to develope a light tan. He wears a white tee, black jeans, combat boots, and a tan leather jacket. He also has the shell bell as a necklace. (Just realized that Robert is essentially Dean Winchester from Supernatural...lol.)
Summons item: Shell Bell
Rival (if any): N/A
BF, GF, Crush: Drew
Special ability: N/A
History: Work in progress.
Other: Allergic to chocolate.

Name: Jamie Cornwall
Age: 18
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Pokemon: Venasuar
Name: Leaf
Level: 75
Gender: Male
Ability: Chlorophyll

Pokemon: Ferrothorn
Name: Fear
Level: 75
Gender: Male
Ability: Iron Barbs

Pokemon: Dusknoir
Name: Dusk
Level: 75
Gender: Female
Ability: Levitate

Pokemon: Nidoking
Name: King
Level: 75
Gender: Male
Ability: Poison Point

Pokemon: Vulpix.
Name: Rose
Level: 51
Gender: Female
Ability: Drought

Hometown/Region they grew up in: Jubilife City/Sinnoh
Looks/wears: Long yet limp chestnut hair that he has in a bun and dull blue eyes. They are sickly pale but always has a smile on their face. Wears a light purple tee, white jeans, and black work boots. Has also started to wear purple fingernail polish.
Summons item: N/A
Rival (if any): N/A
BF, GF, Crush: Random person from Orre.
Special ability: He can understand Pokemon but they need to trust him.
History: Work in progress.
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 439
Posted: Sat, 10/03/2018 12:12 (6 Years ago)
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 227
Posted: Sat, 10/03/2018 13:43 (6 Years ago)
Name: Zara
Age: 20
Pokémon: Shadow (Zoroark, Level 72), Glacie (Glaceon, level 70), Scar (Liepard, level 70), Suki (Shiny Dragonair, level 34), Mimi (Mimikyu, level 20)
Hometown/Region they grew up in: Unova

Summons item: Lunar wing - Cresselia
Rival (if any): nope
BF, GF, Crush: Snow
Special ability: a special gift she got from Kyurem on her 20th birthday
History: Z is the daughter of N and White (the girl from the original black and white games) and grew up alongside many different Pokémon. She was raised to be a kind to all as long as they have pure intentions. Her first Pokémon was a Zorua which she named shadow. she became the queen of team plasma when the legendary dragons, her mother and father, and the elite four disappeared. She left after she found them.

Name: Angelica "Angie" Blackless
Age: 15
Pokémon: Berloom | Loom | M
Leafeon | Leaf | F
Sceptile | Blade | M
Tsareena | Dancer | F
Hometown/Region they grew up in: Unova

Summons item: Viridian Épée - Virizion
Rival (if any): N/A
BF, GF, Crush: (If any)
Special ability: can speak to grass type pokemon
Trainerlevel: 50

Forum Posts: 597
Posted: Sat, 10/03/2018 13:45 (6 Years ago)
Mira Tonak


Toka (Dragonite, Level 87), Char (Arcanine, Level 85), Tira (Arcanine, Level 88), Amana (Kantonian Persian, Level 87), Watt (Pikachu, Level 26), Aite (Zoroark, Level 80)

Hometown/Region they grew up in:
Kanto, Three Island

Thanks to *Shadow* for art
Mira is around 5'2. Her smaller stature comes at no cost to her; she's nimble and extremely muscular, mostly due to her obsession with sailing her boat (which tends to be labor intensive) and her more recent kickboxing lessons. She's got brown hair that comes down a bit past her shoulders and square blue glasses covering light brown eyes. She wears an older brown jacket with fur around the hood, blue jeans, and a t-shirt.

Summons item:
GS Ball (Celebi)

Rival (if any):
Snow (friendly)

BF, GF, Crush:

Special ability:
Can understand Kantonian pokemon and Mel's, Tiger's, Z's, Jamie's, Robert's, and Zara's teams (as well as her own's), but she does have trouble with the accents of some pokemon on the teams


-Has a boat
-If you touch said boat you will die
-Employed as an assistant for Oak; she mostly draws pokemon cards, but does take on more traditional tasks as well
-There are pins on her bag, and she has a keystone on a necklace around her neck that fits into an anchor charm. She never uses says keystone, however.
-Guardian of Kanto (for details check this short story)
-Agoraphobic. Her fear of crowds spawns from a very young age; since she lived on an island for 11 years where she only came into contact with fifteen different people, crowds of over fifty people downright terrify Mira. This can, at times, come as an advantage, since her normal response to fear is to fight and punch. But she will occasionally freeze up in large mobs and more commonly in big cities.
-Takes kickboxing with Bruno, the fighting-type member of the Indigo League


Colin Mishoka


Lum (Eevee, Level 10)
Tua (Helioptile, Level 20)

Hometown/Region they grew up in:
Kanto, Three Island

Colin has black-blue hair that is pretty shaggy. He wears a blue-green plaid blazer over a white shirt and jeans with sports sneakers.

Summons item:

Rival (if any):

BF, GF, Crush: (If any)

Special ability: (Optional)

Once Mira's sworn enemy, the two share an almost filial bond with one another now. He is a technological genius trained by Bill and prefers attacking in the way he knows how to best; through technology.

-Small and fast
-A technological genius

Credit to Viper
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 439
Posted: Sat, 10/03/2018 13:47 (6 Years ago)
Both accepted shadow just tell me when you're done with your form and we'll start the Hoenn rp.

(sorry for double posting, Shadow's done with her form so we can start. Everyone will start off in Littleroot. With little to no information on where Tiger went. Lion will come later and tell them where to look.)

Snow jumped off the ferry that he had taken from Johto. He had tried to visit his brother, but Elm had told him about how Tiger went missing. He looked around the town and narrowed his eyes, the Dragonair in his party was next to him.
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 677
Posted: Sat, 10/03/2018 14:37 (6 Years ago)
Victor, and Volt walked out of the Sootopolis, both cheerful, and Victor brandishing the rain badge. "We did it!" The trainer said happily, high-fiving his Raichu's tail.
"We've got all the Hoenn badges!" The trainer said, sending out all his Pokemon from their Pokeballs. All of them cheered in unison.
Trainerlevel: 48

Forum Posts: 317
Posted: Sat, 10/03/2018 14:45 (6 Years ago)
Jamie was sitting on a bench watching as Dusk convinced Rose to play a bit. He and Robert had come to Hoenn due to Jamie getting quite a few dress demands. They were currently using their time in Littleroot to take a break from the busy schedule. He frowned slightly as he looked at Rose.

"Penny for your thoughts?" Robert mused.

"Worried about Tiger."
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 439
Posted: Sat, 10/03/2018 14:47 (6 Years ago)
Snow yawned and looked around, he spotted Jamie and Robert and waved a greeting. "Hey guys long time no see" he said kindly and walked over.

[Heads up Cyndaquil did keep his promise. He's been messaging Mira and Mel to about what happened but he couldn't get Tiger's exact location yet. I forgot to post that in the plot. Whoops.]
Trainerlevel: 48

Forum Posts: 317
Posted: Sat, 10/03/2018 14:53 (6 Years ago)
[Fixed my post.]

Robert and Jamie looked over at Snow. "Hey!" They said together.
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 439
Posted: Sat, 10/03/2018 14:59 (6 Years ago)

Snow blinked, and sighed. "Guess you're here looking for Tiger as well?" He asked, his tone was slightly concerned as he spoke about his brother.
Trainerlevel: 48

Forum Posts: 317
Posted: Sat, 10/03/2018 15:04 (6 Years ago)
"That and Jamie is here for work as well." Robert answered as he glanced over at the pokemon.
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 439
Posted: Sat, 10/03/2018 15:06 (6 Years ago)
Snow nodded in response and looked around. "Ah alright, hmm. I could've sworn everyone else was meeting up here." He said partially to himself, and remembered how Elm said to meet the rest of the group in Littleroot.
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 239
Posted: Sat, 10/03/2018 15:07 (6 Years ago)
"No? .. I got it. .. Yes, missing. .. I know. .. Alright, whatever. Bye!" Mel sighed and pulled her pokégear away from her ear to click the 'end' button on it, effectively shutting down the conversation.

"Mia?" Connor was grinning, his green eyes shining in amusement. The past few months had been good to him. He'd grown a bit, and his eyes had regained a lively green tint to them.

Mel rolled her eyes as she pocketed her pokégear. "Of course. Can't go anywhere anymore," She snickered, shaking her head.

Behind them, Pom was covering her ears with her tails and whining, while Riu ranted about something. Neither trainer was too sure, and neither wanted to know.