Forum Thread
Skar's Market ¬OFFERS¬
Forum-Index → Global Trade Station → Trade Shops → Skar's Market ¬OFFERS¬PEOPLE WHO SPEND 20K OR MORE GET 10K OF THAT SAME PURCHASE
*First come first serve
*When ordering please be patient I've got other things to do, so I would get to you as soon as possible
*Please use the form provided, as the password write your favorite pokemon anywhere so I know you have read the rules.
*When order accepted I will ask for pd first and then I will send the item/pokemon
*if I think the price isn't high enough I will ask if you could raise.
*most prices are from the Price check and other items have the prices lowered from the price check
Hey skar, id like to buy some stuff!
Items/pokemon id like to buy:
Total Cost:
Anything else:
~Items for sale~

evo./summon items



Mystery keys/boxes
















Battling items

Pokémon for sale
Also selling pokemon from my For Sale box
~Pokemon prices~ (by rarity)




Last updated on 10th September
Name: Amilee
Items/pokemon id like to buy: all your normal, dark and electric gems
Price I am willing to pay: 80k for all?
Anything else: cyndaquil is kinda nice

"Magic exists.
Who can doubt it,
when there are
rainbows and wildflowers,
the music of the wind and
the silence of the stars?"
Name: Tobey
Items/pokemon id like to buy: all Mystery Boxes + Keys, rock, ground & fire gems
Price I am willing to pay: I would reserve them for now bc my break at work is almost over, but I would pay all the prices rounded up !:')
Anything else: Gengar is love.
Items/Pokemons I'd like to buy snowsbuck and pachirisnow
Total cost:pachirisnow (common)-5k
Snowsbuck -8k
So is that okay?
Items/Pokemons I'd like to buy:snowsbuck
Total cost:9k pd
Anything else:Arcanine is king