Forum Thread
[L] HotSummerLotto COMPLETE
Forum-Index → Contests → User-made contests → [L] HotSummerLotto COMPLETEHot Summer Lotto
Prize List:
Relic Crown
2nd Prize
Shiny Winter Numel + Shiny Van Bagon
3rd Prize

(Choose one!)
4th to 9th Prizes

10th to 15th Prizes

16th to 20th Prizes

Week 2:
Week 3:
Week 4:
Week 5:
Week 6:
Week 7:
This Week's Prize:
Grand Prize Week!
1. All Pokeheroes rules Apply!
2. Subscribe to the thread. I will be making weekly announcements for the winners and to update the weekly prize list.
3. Please make a forum post here filling out THIS FORM!
[b]Items Entered:[/b]
[b]Number of Tickets[/b]
[b]Items Entered:[/b]
[b]Number of Tickets[/b]
(It makes it easier for me to count and keep track! While I also keep track in a Google Spreadsheet, I am not perfect and do make mistakes.)
4. When posting your item entries, make sure to send them either before, or shortly after the post. I will not count tickets that are not yet sent.
5. All ticket sales are final, as said above, this is a Lotto, I will not send tickets back if you don't win the prize you wished for.
6. Tickets will be assigned via number and drawn using
7. You have until the next week's drawing to claim your prize or it will be incorporated into the prizes for the following week.
8. The Grand, Second, and Third Prizes will be from the total amount of tickets handed out.
9. The Weekly Prizes are drawn every week on Saturday at reset!
10. The MVP Item Sender (most items towards tickets by the end of the Grand prize drawing) Will receive a special bonus as well.
If you have me blocked, you will have to unblock me to participate. I will not provide the extra effort of getting you the winnings
Ticket Methods
1.Share the post (with links) daily for 1 ticket per day. Only applicable to weekly drawing, not final prizes.
2. Grand Prize entry totals count towards the weekly prizes as well.
A single ticket for the GRAND PRIZE is worth 5,000 PD (worth is determined using Price Check)
Post to share for weekly entries Can be shared daily,
please do:
#HotSummerLotto by
[b]Grand Prizes:[/b]
* 1st: Relic Crown
* 2nd: Shiny Winter Numel + Shiny Van Bagon
* 3rd: Mega Stone OR A Frozen Lava
* Weekly prizes! This week: [u]Grand Prize Week!
[b]From this point on all nugget an box/key entries are worth x2.[/u]
Week 8 almost over. Only today and tomorrow left to enter.
The final drawings are this week on Saturday at reset! Don't forget the MVP entrant gets a bonus prize!![/b]
[u]You don't have daily share incentive anymore, but it never hurts to share it![/u]
For more info, check out the details in lottery thread link below.
[url=]Lottery Thread[/url] | [url=]Gift[/url]
[b]Grand Prizes:[/b]
* 1st: Relic Crown
* 2nd: Shiny Winter Numel + Shiny Van Bagon
* 3rd: Mega Stone OR A Frozen Lava
* Weekly prizes! This week: [u]Grand Prize Week!
[b]From this point on all nugget an box/key entries are worth x2.[/u]
Week 8 almost over. Only today and tomorrow left to enter.
The final drawings are this week on Saturday at reset! Don't forget the MVP entrant gets a bonus prize!![/b]
[u]You don't have daily share incentive anymore, but it never hurts to share it![/u]
For more info, check out the details in lottery thread link below.
[url=]Lottery Thread[/url] | [url=]Gift[/url]
Google Spread
Ticket Count Here

ChibiTogepi: 48
AndrasteShaw: 58
Melitodes: 3
Faol: 921
charmander02: 2
carterd888: 34
Hundemon: 20
-Hecate: 322
FlameStar10231: 30
Argentis: 644
Inuiza: 1
KittyKatty: 30
VampireQueen326: 21
Honoka: 46
Gottesbob: 30
Sparrow: 176
The_fallen_angil: 2
Mystic: 115
Deamira: 404
maedaisy456: 15
BrookeOak: 24
Pcpal: 19
Atavan: 74
Devil0356: 12
Amdragon87: 30
Yuki-chan: 12
ChibiTogepi: 48
AndrasteShaw: 58
Melitodes: 3
Faol: 921
charmander02: 2
carterd888: 34
Hundemon: 20
-Hecate: 322
FlameStar10231: 30
Argentis: 644
Inuiza: 1
KittyKatty: 30
VampireQueen326: 21
Honoka: 46
Gottesbob: 30
Sparrow: 176
The_fallen_angil: 2
Mystic: 115
Deamira: 404
maedaisy456: 15
BrookeOak: 24
Pcpal: 19
Atavan: 74
Devil0356: 12
Amdragon87: 30
Yuki-chan: 12

Week 1: Accident
Week 2: Argentis
Week 3 Daemira
Week 4 Faol
Week 5 Argentis
Week 6 Faol
Week 7 AndrasteShaw
Winner 1: Faol PROOF
Winner 2: Argentis PROOF
Winner 3: Daemira PROOF
Winner 4: Sparrow] PROOF
Winner 5: -Hecate PROOF
Winner 6: Mystic PROOF
Winner 7: Carterd888 PROOF
Winner 8: Atavan PROOF
Winner 9: AndrasteShaw PROOF
Winner 10: FlameStar10231 PROOF
Winner 11: Honoka PROOF
Winner 12: ChibiTogepi PROOF
Winner 13: Pcpal PROOF
Winner 14: Amdragon87 PROOF
Winner 15: KittyKatty PROOF
Winner 16: Gottesbob PROOF
Winner 17: Devil0356 PROOF
Winner 18: Yuki-chan PROOF
Winner 19: Hundemon PROOF
Winner 20: Melitodes PROOF
Most Entries: Faol
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Week 2: Argentis
Week 3 Daemira
Week 4 Faol
Week 5 Argentis
Week 6 Faol
Week 7 AndrasteShaw
Winner 1: Faol PROOF
Winner 2: Argentis PROOF
Winner 3: Daemira PROOF
Winner 4: Sparrow] PROOF
Winner 5: -Hecate PROOF
Winner 6: Mystic PROOF
Winner 7: Carterd888 PROOF
Winner 8: Atavan PROOF
Winner 9: AndrasteShaw PROOF
Winner 10: FlameStar10231 PROOF
Winner 11: Honoka PROOF
Winner 12: ChibiTogepi PROOF
Winner 13: Pcpal PROOF
Winner 14: Amdragon87 PROOF
Winner 15: KittyKatty PROOF
Winner 16: Gottesbob PROOF
Winner 17: Devil0356 PROOF
Winner 18: Yuki-chan PROOF
Winner 19: Hundemon PROOF
Winner 20: Melitodes PROOF
Most Entries: Faol
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Special thanks to Argentis who wrote the original page I based the coding for this on!

Items Entered:2 Dragon Gems
[bNumber of Tickets 20[/b]
<p align=center><a target=_blank href=><img border=0 src=></a></p>
Items Entered: 15,000PD, 7 Green Boxes, 5 Pink Boxes, 6 Red Boxes, 2 Star Pieces, 6 Green Keys, 8 Light Blue Keys, 6 Purple Keys, 6 Pink Keys (I always have a problem trying to figure out which color is shown so I sent both)
[bNumber of Tickets[/b] 111(?)

Items Entered: 50,000 PD & 5 Red Boxes
Number of Tickets: 20 Tickets

How might you know me?
|| Subeta: Dover || Flight Rising: Dover || Neopets: (Ask Me) || Dappervolk: Grunt ||
Items Entered: 250 nuggets, 110x common gems, 11 Normal + 39 Fairy Gems
Number of Tickets 192 (? with the double... original ticket #=96)
Okay, so Atalina and Argentis know this, but now you will too lol. I'm not the best at math but I think yours breaks down like this: 250 nuggets/50 for 15 tickets is (250/50)x15. Plus 11 tickets for the common gems, plus a ticket per normal and fairy gems so.. ((250/50=5)x15+((110/10=11)x1)+11+39=136 then times 2 for the current x2 on gems and nuggets. So 272 @Accident ? Does that sound right? XD

Items Entered: a mixture of 15 boxes/keys (no blue or darkblue)
Number of Tickets 30 × 2 = 60 tickets in total thank you ^-^
Items Entered: 5,000 pd
Number of Tickets 1