Forum Thread
Ametrine's Shiny Shop **OPEN**
Forum-Index → Global Trade Station → Shiny Hunting → Ametrine's Shiny Shop **OPEN**Unless you're lost I think I can safely assume you are interested in purchasing slots for some shiny or even mega-able pokemon! Great! Right now, I have a years membership and the flute combo is active! I also always use a breeding couple that get along perfectly. Before we continue, however, I must set down some simple rules:

1. All PH rules apply,
of course - do not spam, be rude, harrass et cetera
2. Do not beg for anything or try to rush me, I'm only human
3. Make sure I confirm your slot before you send payment to prevent confusion/misunderstandings
4. Continuing on from the previous rule, once your order is accepted you have to send the payment ASAP I will not add you to the list before I recieve payment.
5. The password is your starter on this site + the number of letters/symbols in your username. This is put in place to make sure you read all the rules thoroughly
6. When the shiny/mega-able is hatched I will notify you and set up the private trade on GTS. From that moment you have a week to collect your pokemon else I will give it to the next customer or keep it for myself
7. Failure to follow these rules will most likely get you a warning and perhaps even blocked. You will be added to the list located at the end of this post.
Thank you for reading the rules, I know they're basic and boring (but important)!
2. Do not beg for anything or try to rush me, I'm only human
3. Make sure I confirm your slot before you send payment to prevent confusion/misunderstandings
4. Continuing on from the previous rule, once your order is accepted you have to send the payment ASAP I will not add you to the list before I recieve payment.
5. The password is your starter on this site + the number of letters/symbols in your username. This is put in place to make sure you read all the rules thoroughly
6. When the shiny/mega-able is hatched I will notify you and set up the private trade on GTS. From that moment you have a week to collect your pokemon else I will give it to the next customer or keep it for myself
7. Failure to follow these rules will most likely get you a warning and perhaps even blocked. You will be added to the list located at the end of this post.
Thank you for reading the rules, I know they're basic and boring (but important)!
Now that you've read the rules, below is the form you must fill out so I can accept your order. You can simply copy & paste the following:

Shiny or Mega-able:
Form of Payment:

Max slots per person: 2
Taking gender preferences: no
Shiny Price: 300k PD
Alternative Payment:
• Nuggets are worth 1.5k PD each
• Mega Stones are worth 500kPD each - if you send one as payment I'll pay what you over payed in PD (if I can)
• Gems - consult this Price Guide for the worth of each gem
• Weather Balloons are worth 8k PD each
• I don't mind if it's a mixture of the above as long as the total value equals the price


1. Sparrow
6. Me ♂
7. Me ♂
8. Me ♂
9. Me ♀
10. Me ♀
11. Me ♀
12. Me ♀
Future Hunts:

Max slots per person: 2
Taking gender preferences: yes, for an extra 50k
Shiny Price: 130k PD
Alternative Payment:
• Nuggets are worth 1.5k PD each
• Mega Stones are worth 500kPD each - if you send one as payment I'll pay what you over payed in PD (if I can)
• Gems - consult this Price Guide for the worth of each gem
• Weather Balloons are worth 8k PD each
• I don't mind if it's a mixture of the above as long as the total value equals the price

Max slots per person: 3
Taking gender preferences: no
Shiny Price: 240k PD
Alternative Payment:
• Nuggets are worth 1.5k PD each
• Mega Stones are worth 500kPD each - if you send one as payment I'll pay what you over payed in PD (if I can)
• Gems - consult this Price Guide for the worth of each gem
• Weather Balloons are worth 8k PD each
• I don't mind if it's a mixture of the above as long as the total value equals the price


4. Me
5. Me
6. Me
7. Me
8. Me
9. Me
10. Me
11. Me
12. Me
13. Me
14. Me
15. Me
16. Me
17. Me
18. Me
19. Me
20. Me

Max slots per person: 2
Taking gender preferences: yes, for an extra 50k
Shiny Price: 130k PD
Alternative Payment:
• Nuggets are worth 1.5k PD each
• Mega Stones are worth 500kPD each - if you send one as payment I'll pay what you over payed in PD (if I can)
• Gems - consult this Price Guide for the worth of each gem
• Weather Balloons are worth 8k PD each
• I don't mind if it's a mixture of the above as long as the total value equals the price
That's all the hunts for now!
If you have any questions, don't be afraid to PalPad or Private Message me! I will always respond as soon as i can :D
Unfortunately, this may be necessary for users who don't accept the rules:

⚠ Warned Users:
• No users so far
⛔ Banned Users:
•No users so far
Don't worry, simple misunderstandings will not result in you being added to these lists! Even if rules are broken, small mistakes will be allowed as long as they were accidents and are then corrected.