Forum Thread
The Flightrising Club
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FR Elements and Familiars
FR Username: TalonOcharria
About how often do you get online?: I was online all the time but I got a summer job so I check in once a day at least on PH. I try to stay active on FR during fest time mostly.
What's your favorite dragon from your lair?: Zorya was a new member join gift...I just love her to pieces and she has definitely over time altered my lair from full blast nature to gradually more gold light themed dragons.

Which Flight do you like most and why?:I love nature flight for the green and plants and the forums are great. If I ever got wild hair I would try shadow or light but that wild hair probably aint happening. :) Nature for lifes.
Username: -Naoto-
FR Username: ZeroHym
About how often do you get online?: I'm on every day, how long depends on what's happening on the site, I'm pretty active during festivals.
What's your favorite dragon from your lair?: Rupert!

Which Flight do you like most and why?: Never really thought about it, I haven't really read the lores or mingle with the community o; I'll say Fire, just because it's the one I changed to aha.

Obsidian Savannah
Sanguine Safari
Garnet Runes

Obsidian Savannah
Sanguine Safari
Sanguine Runes

Ice Iridescent
Ice Facet
White Gembond
They're for sale, don't have a set price anymore lol. Over 10k for the SavSaf ones please. Need to earn some of the cost back for the parents xD
So a little while back, I bought a dragon I named Koi because its genes and colours reminded me of the fish. When I breed it with the Coatl that I've paired him with, sometimes the hatchlings look just like Koi <3
They are both, Cantaloupe-Piebald> Obsidian-Paint> Obsidian-Underbelly and up for sale on the auction house if any one is interested >w</

Maybe it's because he only have two genes. Maybe it's because of his colors. I don't know.
He's on the AH for 70KT at the moment, but I can go lower if anyone here wants him.
I think I started out at like 150KT, because y'know, gened gen1. But yeah.
Really don't want to go lower than like 45KT.

♫ She/her ♫ -7 PH Time ♫ ISFP ♫ Libra ♫
» Flight Rising » toyhouse »
I haven't. I always forget that they're a thing >>

♫ She/her ♫ -7 PH Time ♫ ISFP ♫ Libra ♫
» Flight Rising » toyhouse »

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|| Subeta: Dover || Flight Rising: Dover || Neopets: (Ask Me) || Dappervolk: Grunt ||
Needless to say I am selling some little sweeties.
Dragons here
FR Elements and Familiars