A small sketch celebrating my first ever tall grass egg find [in
spoiler because the canvas is large and idk how to fix it on this
b-grade sketch site]
I'm artsy fartsy, let me join! Username: Kainbunny
Thank you!
I know myself, and I know I will be more of a lurker than anything
else. If that's reason enough to deny the application, that's cool;
just thought I'd put it out there in case it was an issue. :'>
@Jamison - I'm afraid I can't see it ^^; the image is broken for
me, because I'm at school.
@Kain - that rule is mainly just for people who join, but like..
won't ever post anything ever. Gotta throw in some art, lurk, maybe
some advice/critique, lurk more - just something every so often to
let everyone know you're alive.
As said, our main focus of this club is to get the art community
involved with one another in a productive environment. uvu
@Jamison - it's probably on my end. Like, my school / school laptop
blocks some certain sites and images from them, such as imgur. I
can't see them unless I'm on a different device ^^