Forum Thread
Contest Approval Thread
Forum-Index → Contests → User-made contests → Contest Approval ThreadTime period/overall goal of contest:Just to collect some PD, Contest ends a week after 100 tickets are sold.
Link to contest thread/post*:I haven't made a thread yet, so here's the outline -
I have a shiny Karp to sell, tickets would be worth 1k PD. Once tickets worth 100k have been sold, a countdown for seven days will start.
EDIT : I did not know that the true value of shiny magikarps was 30k. I'll redraft the contest.
Sorry for the inconvenience.

Time period/overall goal of contest: July 7th, 2017. Overall goal is to have a few human child ocs ( Something that I'm lacking, in terms of Pokemon universe ) ^ ^.
Link to contest thread/post*: [A]Design a Human Contest ٩ʕ◕౪◕ʔو
Time period/overall goal of contest: Until 23.07.
Link to contest thread/post*: #CresseliaLottery
Usernames of the contest holder(s): LuciferMorningstar
Time period/overall goal of contest: 11.000 tikets sold
Link to contest thread/post*: LOTTERY THREAD
Time period/overall goal of contest:to help with a shiny mega hunt I will raffle of acess shinies and normal mega ables. When the shind (and or) Maga able hatch it is when I choose a winner
Link to contest thread/post*: #MASAbsol
Title: Raffle(#GhostlyRaffle)
Time period/overall goal of contest:Till I collect 8000 Nuggets
Link to contest thread/post*: #GhostlyRaffle
Time period/overall goal of contest: Reach 1 million pd
Link to contest thread/post*: #KaytisMilPdGoal
Time period/overall goal of contest:8000 nuggets
Link to contest thread/post*:Here

This awesome art and Avatar is made by Grietine! Visit her deviantart.
Time period/overall goal of contest: July 15th
Link to contest thread/post*: Here it is
Time period/overall goal of contest: 20 Gold Boxes
post: #GoldBoxLottery by Gottesbob
Every Ticket is a Gold box, max one Entry per person, share this whole post and palpad me with your favourite Number (between one and twenty) before sending, ends when all 20 entrys are sold
Prizes are the following:
a) Shiny Ambipom
b) Megable Beedrill
c) Shiny Pidgeot
d) Sala da Menci
e) Mr. Bagon
f) Sir Shelgon
g) Lord Salamence
h) Cursed Rapidash
i) Cursed Rapidash
j) Dark Ponita
k) Dark Ponita
l) Disguised Exeggutor
m) Disguised Exeggutor
n) Disguised Exeggcute
o) Disguised Exeggcute
p) Mewton M. Meowth
q) Retro Togepi
r) Retro Tentacool
s) Unown A
t) Unown H
Time period/overall goal of contest:20K Fighting Gems
Link to contest thread/post*:Here
Time period/overall goal of contest:August/30/2017
Link to contest thread/post*:link
Thesweetsin and ~The_Darkling_Mod_Wolf b]
Time period of each contest (e.g. a month):[ 2 weeks/b]
[b]Outline of what kind of prizes you'd be giving out:
:Mega stone, mega steelix, shiny sharpeedo, shiny noivern, shint retro ducklett, shiny beedrill, shiny sylveon, 2 event torchicks, 2 cursed rapidash, as of right now mysteryboxes include 2 dark blue, 3 pink, 2 purple, 2 browns, and 1 light blue, gems:4 electric, 10 normal, 10 grass, and 5 dark, event marowak, unknown a, p, d, n, shiny skrelp evo, shiny delphox, 2 slowyores, 2 event shroomish.
[b]Link to contest thread/outline of plan (non forum contest):
How to obtain tickets: every 1,000 spent in pd equals 1 ticket. Every nugget spent equals 1 ticket. Every share of #DarkDeadSinRaffle equals one ticket.
Time period/overall goal of contest:8k nuggets
Link to contest thread/post*:Here

This awesome art and Avatar is made by Grietine! Visit her deviantart.
Time period/overall goal of contest: 8000 nuggets (shiny mega medicham)
Link to contest thread/post*: :>>
Time period/overall goal of contest: August 10th, 2017. The prizes are 3 packs of 11 shinies, one for each of 3 winners.
Link to contest thread/post*: It's here ♥
Time period/overall goal of contest: 'Till 1 September
Link to contest thread/post*:Didn't make thread yet, so here's it:
You must make art with Video Game Characters. Best one wins. Prize 1:15 Pokeballs+My drawings of Giygas, Photoshop Flowey and Safer-Sephiroth. Prize 2: 9 random gems+My drawings of Giygas and Safer-Sephiroth. Prize 3:3 gems+My drawing of Giygas.
Time period/overall goal of contest: 1 month
Link to contest thread/post*: here

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