Forum Thread
Pokémon Sun and Moon
Forum-Index → General Discussion → Pokémon Sun and MoonBUT
I did still pre-order both of them as soon as they were announced available for presale at my game stop. My first purchase with my income tax refund >.<
I hope that if there is an app, it's compatible with the phones too. Because I want to play, but have no use for a tablet!!

I really hope for some new mega evolutions, especially Nidoqueen & Nidoking, Bisharp and Marowak. I'd really love to see some megas for them. Also, a continuation of Kalos would be nice! I love the Kalos region, but I felt that it was somewhat incomplete. Just think the locked doors of the power plant or the train station in Couriway Town. I'd love for the game to include two regions like in Gen II.
Fire-: Well, a Fire/Flying or a Fire/Dragon starter, with awesome attack and special attack stats, draconic looks and cool red flames.
Water-: A Water/Dark or Water/Fight, a Speedy pokemon, sleek and not like the water types from gens I to V.
Grass-: I'm not sure on that but, I guess we could do with a Grass/Psychic starter.
I guess the Mega Johto starters will be debuting, and I guess the remakes will be of the sinnoh region... So I'll like the mega johto and mega sinnoh starters.
Why i think that? I'm basing this on TCG.
Raichu got a BREAK evolution, any pokémon that have a Mega Evolution doens't have a BREAK evolution. Who have a BREAK will not have a Mega...
Confused? I hope someone understand my logic!
Don't get me wrong, I loved the gameplay and there are quite a few Pokémon from Gen 6 that I really do love.
Also, I wish there was some sort of twist in the plot. All the games' stories have been quite repetitive. Moving into a new town, getting your first Pokémon, going out fighting the bad guys and there's some legendary Pokémon involved. I would at least like some sort of twist that's different from the norm.
So, I'm just kinda hoping that it will be a more, thought out game, with an entirely knew Gen (Gen 7). And maybe with some cool Pokémon of animals that never have been in the game before? Yeah, that would be really cool.

Character owned by me, art by JadeING
the .5 gens for me =
3.5 - Fire Red/Leaf Green
4.5 - Heart Gold/Soul Silver
6.5 - Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire
And after Sun/Moon, am I the only one hoping for Sinnoh remakes? Before BW/BW2, Sinnoh was my favorite region.