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Godly Affection. (closed 5ever)

Forum-Index Roleplay Godly Affection. (closed 5ever)
Trainerlevel: 9

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Mon, 14/12/2015 02:37 (8 Years ago)
Once upon a time, Gods and Goddesses may have lived apart from the subject's they ruled, mocking them as simple playthings, until the God of Gods, Arceus cast them all down from their heaven, to live amongst the mortals and learn to fix their unruly behaviors, until they are deemed mature enough to return home.

Unfortunately, the Gods were still acting selfishly and had even started fighting amongst themselves, destroying life and land alike in their squabbles. In an attempt to quell the wrath and anger of the Gods, the rulers of the mortals have finally started working together, building a magnificent fortress for the Gods to live, which they've dubbed 'The Temple of The Great Divine.' This gift, (though it was mostly gifted out of fear and awe, rather than true respect) was able to calm the Gods and their warring, and they all agreed to stay in the great temple, dedicated just to them.

Yearly now, the mortal people travel far and wide to the location of the temple, in order to celebrate a month-long festival in the Gods honor, hoping to keep the fragile peace and even receive unique gifts for the Gods' gratitude. The Gods freely mingle with their mortal subjects, until the end of the festival, when there is a great feast held, where the mortals offer up tributes of food, money, rare or unique objects, and on certain years even mortal people are offered as brides and grooms, or occasionally as sacrifices for the more bloodthirsty Gods.

This year is one of those special years, with most of the mortals offered in the previous years now deceased, new ones will be chosen at random from the population, though they are warned before the festival even begins in order to prepare themselves. Will this be the year that a mortal truly captures a God's heart, or to hold their hand in friendship?


Read these Rules!:


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-PH rules apply.
-Mild swearing/violence acceptable.
-4 characters at most.
-No Godmodding, or OP characters.
-No Mary-Sues/Gary-Stus, please.
- Don't stray from the plot, unless I approve.
-I have the right to reject your form, and ask you to revise.
-I have the right to ban you, though I'll probably give you warnings and chances first.
-Dont spam, please
-The time setting is supposed to be set in a period of time, like middle ages, around the Renaissance. Some futuristic technology and things are allowed, such as clothes popular in 'the future' Or items like cameras, certain weapons, etc..)
-Despite what the plot suggests, you don't HAVE to make your oc have any romance. I'm not gonna force it.
-If you plan on using a legendary, please ask permission beforehand.
-Legendary Pokehumans can transform into their regular pokemon appearance, so you can describe that too if you want.
-If you have a legendary oc, please use the name as their species as their last name. (Ex; Mary Suicune, Fernand Articuno, etc..)
-A mortal MUST be paired up with a God, but it doesn't have to be romantic.
-The most important rule though, is to have fun!




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Age: (A god/goddess's age doesn't necessarily need to be described. Certain pokemon species may have exceptionally long lives. Ex: Ninetales, vulpix, etc.)
Gender: (Typical pokemon genders may be ignored. Ex: female gallade, male latias, etc are allowed.)
Species: (Legendary pokemon are a god/goddess)
Appearance: Gods/goddesses also have their pokemon form.
Abilities: Gods are naturally, gods. But they have certain powers unique to them, and them only. Also gods usually gift mortals who are bonded to them powers, though much much weaker.
God/Godess: (The God that your mortal is to marry/to serve. Leave blank for Gods.)
Mortal/s: The mortal, or mortals that are to marry/to serve your god. Leave blank for mortals)


My Form(s):


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Name: Morta Yveltal, 'God of Death'
Age: ??? Appears 20 years old.
Gender: Non-binary, but currently perfers she/her pronouns
Species: Yveltal
Human form:

Pokemon/'God' form:

Personality: She's very emotionally distant, at least on the surface, and is always trying to play the 'intimidating, cold-hearted-death god', though truthfully she's very lonely, and upset about the role she plays. She's absolutely dedicated to her job, however much she may dislike it, and on the now-rare occasions that she needs to reap a soul herself(she has quite a few ghosts to help her out, by now), she makes sure to comfort and help the poor soul move on. She's distant purposefully, because she thinks she'll just end up killing anyone she gets close to- even any of the gods.
Abilities: She controls the exact moment, place and way of death for every living thing, though she refused to tell anyone exactly how she does so. She also helps the souls of the dying move on, but can also afflict horrible curses that drain the life force of any living thing. At the end of her 'life', she drains the life force of many, many living beings before turning into a cucoon and awaiting her next 'rebirth'
Mortal/s: Nikola Lister
History: She's got a new lease on life, baby.
Other: Every time she's revived after being in her cucoon, she has a different appearance, personality and she forgets most of the memories that she had before. She becomes a completely different person, who only has a vague sense of feelings and memory from previous bodies. It can get quite confusing and upsetting.


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Name: Evelio Xerneas
Age:??? But definitely a little older than Morta. Appears 20 years old.
Gender: Non-binary. uses he/him only. Will wreck u if you call him a girl.
Species: Xerneas
Personality: He is a stark contrast to his sister, being very confident, outgoing and being an all around sweetheart. The only thing that ever gets him visibly upset is if someone's harassing/disrespecting his siblings, or if someone's picking at his feminine appearance, which he'll be absolutely terrifying. He's an overprotective big brother, especially when it comes to Morta, and he's often defending her in any matter. He's very well liked, due to literally being the reason everyone is alive, and because he's pretty nice. And pretty.
Abilities: He can tell the birthdate of every living creature (gr8 4 birthdays) and technically creates every new creature that is born. He also has an amazing ability to heal, and can heal most mortal wounds. He cannot, however, bring someone back to life, with a few exceptions while working w/Morta.
Mortal/s: TBA maybe?
History: Morta's brother. Along with their sibling Kosmos Zygarde, they are the only people who Morta remembers when they are resurrected, and the few who are not afraid of them. He, Kosmos and Morta are some of the eldest gods- thus many do not remember how they acted as 'children', and who don't truly understand the strong relationship between them.
Crush: openn


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Name: Kestrel Fiore
Age: 20
Gender: Agender (They/Them, occasionally He/Him)
Species: Swellow
Personality: They are very serious, about anything they do, even if they really shouldn't be. Often, they'll lose their composure, and are easily flustered and embarrassed, which they'll alost completely shut down during, until they calm themselves down, rather quickly. They try to act much more mature than their age. They have a strong faith in the Gods, and worships them completely and utterly, and often will do anything they are asked to do, out of a sense of duty beat into them as a child.
Abilities: TBA
God/Godess: Yasuo Kyogre
History: They grew up in a small, heavily religious village, where they trained to be a temple priest since they were young. When they were chosen to be sent off as a sacrifice, the whole village celebrated, despite the fact they could be a blood-sacrifice, though they were readily prepared to be one, due to the nature of their upbringing.
Crush: TBA//if any





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Accepted Characters:


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Obviously my characters//
Death: Eindride Dialga, Akash Palkia & Vis Maya
SandeviRae: Nikola Lister & Elva Lange
dragonkitty: Serenity Mew & Frost Articuno
Neptune: Rose Slyveon
NyanCat15: Soren Regice, Gael Arberus & Titus Zekrom
Hikari12: Rose Nightfall
Ceres: Laroc Reshiram & Shano Kramire
Inugami: Yasuo Kyogre & Liselotte Groudon
bellric: Ren Yukimura
Neverlight: Ellenor Jirachi & Vennidal Krakalenge
Memeizard: Lucile Avari & Breeze Lugia
ZephyrTenjoin: Raven Nightingale & Mynx Kirkland

Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 520
Posted: Mon, 14/12/2015 04:18 (8 Years ago)
*slams fists on the table* tHIS IS THE KIND OF CONTENT I AM HERE FOR

and ehhh, mind if I take Dialga? If that's ok? o3o asking before i run off and make a form lol

If anything here is wrong let me know in the thread or via palpad if I don't see your message.

Character form shortcuts for later use:
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Death (Eindride Dialga & Akash Palkia & Vis Maya)
SandeviRae (Nikola Lister & Elva Lange)
dragonkitty (Serenity Mew & Frost Articuno)
Neptune (Rose Slyveon)
NyanCat15 (Soren Regice & Gael Arberus & Titus Zekrom)
Hikari12 (Rose Nightfall)
Ceres (Laroc Reshiram & Shano Kramire)
Inugami (Yasuo Kyogre & Liselotte Groudon)
bellric (Ren Yukimura)
Neverlight (Ellenor Jirachi & Vennidal Krakalenge)
Memeizard (Lucile Avari & Breeze Lugia)
ZephyrTenjoin (Raven Nightingale & Mynx Kirkland)
Houndoomite (Andra Rayquaza)

Listed in order of joining. I've edited the urls for Ceres and Inugami so their posts should lead to their forms correctly now. They used to want to lead to the top of page 2 for some odd reason. If a similar thing happens to anyone else, let me know and I'll fix it.

Pairings reference:
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Deities are listed first to minimize confusion. (Note: These are not strictly romance pairings, just which mortals follow which gods.) Edited slightly so they should be in (vaguely) pokedex/region order, with unpaired mortals listed at the bottom. I'm such ocd trash.

Frost Articuno x Shano Kramire
Serenity Mew x Rorias Slyveon
Breeze Lugia x Lucile Avari
Soren Regice x Rose Nightfall
Yasuo Kyogre x Kestrel Fiore
Liselotte Groudon x Vennidal Krakalenge
Andra Rayquaza x ???
Ellenor Jirachi x Vis Maya
Eindride Dialga x Elva Lange
Akash Palkia x Grimoire Norcross, Raven Nightingale
Laroc Reshiram x Gael Arberus, Ren Yukimura
Titus Zekrom x Akatsuya Ampère
Morta Yveltal x Nikola Lister
??? x Mynx Kirkland

i have fists for hands and fire for fists

Trainerlevel: 9

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Mon, 14/12/2015 04:19 (8 Years ago)
(Also ye)

Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 520
Posted: Mon, 14/12/2015 05:41 (8 Years ago)
Eindride Dialga
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Name: Eindride Dialga (Shortened names used are "Ein" and "Eins")
Age: Appears to be somewhere in his 20's or perhaps early 30's if you want to push it.
Gender: Non-binary, uses both he/him and they/them, although they/them may be considered more appropriate most of the time, not for the sake of being non-gendered but considering Ein often refers to himself as a "we."
Species: Dialga
QuoteTop is his "neutral" appearance, the second is his "Primal Dialga"/"Dark Dialga" appearance, basically his blue accents on his clothing and hair changes to a reddish orange when his power fluctuates or when he's extremely angry.

More pics below in Akash's profile as well.

Personality: Ein is pretty much a chill god, he usually sits back and watches things, for the most part. Absolutely nothing comes as a surprise to him, given that he can see every imaginable possibility and alternate timeline that could happen. Sometimes he mutters scientific nonsense to himself, or he talks to the "other Eins." His chill exterior covers endless amounts of stress he gains from witnessing horrific timelines and/or living through them.
Abilities: His mind hold memories of everything that has happened or could happen in past, present, and future. Every decision that someone makes leads to another timeline, splitting and dividing and occasionally joining to create limitless possibilities, each with their own Ein. The Eins can essentially "communicate" with each other, given that they are able to see and experience anything that happens to an Ein from another timeline and thoughts and words are shared by all of them. They can also switch places with other Eins, although this ability goes mostly unused since every Ein has memories from the other timelines, whether they've experienced it or not, so it really wouldn't make a difference. People touching him can also be taken with him when he switches places with himself, but he chooses not to do so because of the strain it puts on timelines. A similarly unused ability of his is his "reset button" where he can essentially turn back time (or even turn it forward), but this is basically just switching places with himself but only in one direction. The other timeline still remains a possibility and thus him or one of the other Eins will experience it so it makes no difference to him.
God/Godess: -
Mortal/s: Elva Lange
History: Everything. Just, everything.
Crush: Idk...possibly none or TBA. Being in love is stressful for him because it's sad and awkward for him, not because he's bad at socializing but because he's seen every timeline that they've lived happily along with every timeline that they've died, timelines where they don't even exist, and meeting someone for the first time that he loves is like meeting an old friend to him while the other person doesn't even know who he is. But hey, it allows for angst which I am looking forward too. :')
Other: Encounter Theme
Fight Theme
Questions/Concerns: -

Akash Palkia:
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Name: Akash Palkia
Age: Appears roughly the same age as Eindride, but perhaps a bit younger.
Gender: Nonbinary technically, but uses male pronouns.
Species: Palkia

Personality: For someone who looks tough, he's actually quite the softie. He genuinely enjoys making friends with people and is upbeat personality is quite likable. He would take a bullet for those close enough to him, although since he's a god I suppose that isn't saying much (since a bullet wouldn't be able to kill him), but he is a protective, bodyguard type. His attention span however, is very short. Most of the time he enjoys bouncing from thing to thing, whatever will keep him entertained at the moment. When he's tired or upset he becomes rather snarky and will make snide remarks at others if he doesn't like them.
Abilities: He can teleport anywhere he has potential to be at will via the use of portals, but if he's just transporting himself he can simply pop in and out of existence. The latter has basically become second nature to him. If he's making a portal, it takes the least energy for him if he uses an existing structure as a frame, for example, opening a door to the bedroom, but instead of the bedroom it leads to a restaurant, perhaps. The vaguer the frame, the more concentration it takes for him to do it. He can even use street corners, for example turning the corner and suddenly standing in his home. He can also take people with him if he uses this technique over making himself "exist elsewhere." It takes the most energy to create a physical portal out of thin air, although this lets him take other things with him, including other people of course.
God/Godess: -
Mortal/s: Grimoire Norcross
History: He likes to brag about how he helped create the universe. Besides that he pretty much just helps Ein with various space-time things.
Crush: Anyone hot lol None
Other: He knows how much stress Ein gets from the timelines and spends a lot of time caring for them, although he can't experience the timelines for himself.
Encounter Theme
Fight Theme
Fighting Together with Ein
Questions/Concerns: -

Vis Maya:
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Name: Vis Maya
Age: 17
Gender: Gender fluid, they/them/he/she
Species: Zoroark
QuoteNeutral // male // female
Changes appearance at will using illusions

Personality: They tend to mirror the personalities of others around them. If Vis is in a group of loud people, it tends to bring out their "party" personality: a rather loud and obnoxious one with a lot of sass. If they're in a group of quiet people they tend to be more reserved. The only true recurring trait is their saltiness.
Abilities: Can impersonate anyone, down to their habits, voice patterns, movements, and even personality. However, abilities are unable to be taken. (Also has gifted god abilities on top of Zoroark abilities as follows: ) Being around them acts as a natural good luck charm, and Vis has uncannily good luck themselves. Probably why they're a pickpocket tbh.
God/Godess: Ellenor Jirachi
Mortal/s: -
History: Traveling entertainer and pickpocket, currently staying for the festival, perhaps permanently if they find living in the area suits them.
Crush: Open!!
Other: bringing this one back lol
Encounter Theme
Pre-Fight Theme
Fight Theme
Vis is too slippery to fight. But if you can find a way then there's no stopping you and then just punch them in the face really that's all it takes. Maybe if you can find their secret???
Questions/Concerns: -

i have fists for hands and fire for fists

Trainerlevel: 9

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Mon, 14/12/2015 05:58 (8 Years ago)
Ayy, acceptedddd)

Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 996
Posted: Mon, 14/12/2015 14:34 (8 Years ago)

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Name: Nikola Lister
Age: Somewhere in their early 20s
Gender: Demifemale (she/her/they/them pronouns)
Species: Garchomp
Appearance: image from google
Personality: Nikola is a very stubborn and "rough" individual, as she's had to work in order to survive her whole life. She's pretty quick to anger and has a very volatile personality, but though she puts on a tough face, she's more worried about actually becoming attached to someone and having to leave them behind. Nik can be awfully rude and rambunctious sometimes, but she means well, most of the time.
Abilities: She can see and interact with recently dead souls and can inflict minor curses that cause a lack of energy as well as minor weakness and illnesses. Nothing on a major scale, but nothing says revenge like giving someone the flu.
God/Goddess: Morta
History: Nikola was a skilled mechanic and engineer before she was offered up to the God of Death due to her incorrigible personality. Originally, she had thought she was going to be a blood offering, but was instead offered as a consort/companion, which was, in her opinion, much worse. The rest is to be RPed.
Crush: (Eventually) Morta
Questions/Concerns: N/A

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Name: Elva Lange
Age: Around 27 or so
Gender: Female
Species: Altaria
Appearance: image from google
Personality: Elva is a very light hearted and gentle individual, usually optimistic and supportive. She's somewhat shy when first introduced, but is surprisingly stoic when she puts her mind to it. She often tries to be friendly, but is often a bit too timid at first to actually form friendships with others, and as a result, was pretty lonely before she was offered up as a bride for the God of Time. She's far more outgoing once she becomes acquainted to someone compared to usual first interactions.
Abilities: Elva has the abilities to temporarily slow and pause time, (Which doesn't affect Ein himself,) to peer into other versions of her timeline, and to interact with other versions of her, a power that's almost entirely useless since she only exists in a couple of timelines, and many of those "other Elvas" had died young, so she's pretty much the only living "Elva" around.
God/Goddess: Ein
History: To be RPed
Crush: Ein
Questions/Concerns: N/A

Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 474
Posted: Mon, 14/12/2015 18:51 (8 Years ago)

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Name: Serenity Mew
Age: Unknown, appears about 18
Gender: Female
Species: Mew
Appearance: Human: Pokémon:Here
Personality: Serenity's generally nice and keeps herself to herself, but if something or someone annoys her she's not afraid to lash out. She likes making friends and makes an effort to be kind to people she meets, but if they don't return her kindness then she quickly grows to dislike them.
Abilities: She can use any move she wants at any time, and can switch between them quickly, using Flamethrower one second and Thunder the next. She can also become invisible, but doesn't usually see much point in it, unless it's an emergency. Her mortal can become invisible, but only for a certain length of time.
Mortal/s: Rorias Sylveon
History: Meh, she doesn't really care too much about the past.
Crush: Open~
Other: She's hella gay and wants a bride
Questions/Concerns: N/A

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Name: Frost Articuno
Age: ??? Looks about 20
Gender: Agender but prefers female pronouns
Species: Articuno
Personality: Frost is usually shy and retiring, but is very friendly and warm when she gets to know somebody. She can be quite pessimistic and, unless she has someone to help her, can become scared or depressed for long periods of time.
Abilities: She can fly (obviously), and she has the power to control ice. She can freeze water and things around her, and can create complex shapes out of ice and snow. She freezes stuff around her when she's scared, and when she's depressed a small black snowcloud will inexplicably hang over her head, making it snow, but only around her.
Mortal/s: Shano
History: To be RPd maybe
Crush: open~
Other: She often stays in her room for hours making ice sculptures and shapes.
Questions/Concerns: Nah

Trainerlevel: 9

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Mon, 14/12/2015 21:10 (8 Years ago)


Trainerlevel: 13

Forum Posts: 268
Posted: Mon, 14/12/2015 22:01 (8 Years ago)
Name: Rorias Slyveon
Age: 18
Gender: female
Species: Slyveon
Appearance: X
Personality: Quiet, and very introverted. She is nice to some, but may seem cruel to others. She is pretty much a tsundere. She is nice to all gods, especially Serenity. But, she doesn't usually like mortals, though she is one.
Abilities: She has been given the gift of invisibility from her goddess, though she can only stat invisible for a short amount of time. (If that's okay)
God/Godess: Serenity
Crush: Serenity

”Hello There! I am Alter Ego, your technological guide!"
Trainerlevel: 9

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Mon, 14/12/2015 22:05 (8 Years ago)

Trainerlevel: 12

Forum Posts: 42
Posted: Mon, 14/12/2015 23:30 (8 Years ago)

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Name: Soren Regice
Age: very old lol. Looks about 20
Gender: Male
Species: Regice
Personality: Very calm and collected. Soren is seen as being either eerie or too quiet for his own being. He isnt one of the gods who enjoys fighting, and is more likely to break up fights. He doesnt have much of a temper and chooses to keep a cool head. Soren is known for being rather blunt and cold hearted, and really believes on treating mortals sort of as pawns. He normally thinks about himself and not really others.
Abilities: He has ice powers p much
God/Godess: N/A
Mortal/s: Rose
History:no thnx
Crush: Open
Other: Encounter theme
Fight theme
Questions/Concerns: nah


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Name: Gael Arberus
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Species: Seviper
Personality: Gael is very laid back and lazy. He doesnt necessarily let the little things get to him. He kinda does what he wants and doesnt let anyone get in his way. He's rather tsundere and doesnt know how to express his feelings to someone. Gael has a slight promiscuous side, and likes to flirt. That often ends in disaster.
Abilities: N/A
God/Godess: Laroc
Mortal/s: N/A
History:no thnx
Crush: Open
Other: Encounter Theme
Fight Theme
Questions/Concerns: nah


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Name: Titus Zekrom
Age: old af/Looks 25
Gender: Male
Species: Zekrom
Personality: Very serious and militaristic. Titus is a stubborn and strong god who puts up with nobody. He is known for being rather cold hearted and uncaring of others. Although stuck up, he has a bit of a soft side, which isnt normally seen. He suffers from slight PTSD and can be triggered by the fighting of others. Titus is really not the bravest of the gods, even though he tries to prove it, he feels too weak and too much of a burden to everyone else
Abilities: Lightning n stuff ayyy
God/Godess: N/A
Mortal/s: Akatsutya
History: Prefers not to speak about it
Crush: Open
Other: Encounter Theme
Pre-Fight Theme
First Fight Theme
Final Battle Theme

Questions/Concerns: nah

Who is your true family...?

Trainerlevel: 21

Forum Posts: 12
Posted: Mon, 14/12/2015 23:45 (8 Years ago)
(( ;w; Could I possibly claim Kyogre? I'd be making a mortal character, as well. Just wanted to ask about Kyogre~ ))
Trainerlevel: 9

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Mon, 14/12/2015 23:46 (8 Years ago)
((Hurry up u memer//

Also yeah! Thanks for asking!! You're totally fine to use Kyogre//)

Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Tue, 15/12/2015 00:06 (8 Years ago)
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Name: Rose Nightfall
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Species: Charizard

Personality: She can be a bit of a tough cookie, depending on the situation and the person she is talking to or with. Otherwise she is rather kind, always looking out for those around her, which can sometimes lead her to be protective and defensive of them. She can be very competitive and fiesty, as is the nature of her Charizard blood.
Abilities: TBA?
God/Godess: Soren
Crush: Open XD
Trainerlevel: 45

Forum Posts: 1,083
Posted: Tue, 15/12/2015 00:09 (8 Years ago)
I'm gonna join this later. I'll edit my form into here. Is it ok if I'm a Gogoat? I love goats.
Trainerlevel: 9

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Tue, 15/12/2015 00:22 (8 Years ago)
@Hikari2, accepted!

@Memeizard, sure! You only need permission to be a legendary, so go ahead!))

Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 306
Posted: Tue, 15/12/2015 01:09 (8 Years ago)
//Can I go steal Reshiram? ;w;

and i was always tired but never of you

Trainerlevel: 9

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Tue, 15/12/2015 01:11 (8 Years ago)
((Ye, go ahead bb)

Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 306
Posted: Tue, 15/12/2015 01:27 (8 Years ago)
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Name: Laroc Reshiram
Age: Super old but looks around 22
Gender: Genderless, but looks and prefers female pronouns
Species: Reshiram

Personality: She is known to be rather modest and kind towards the mortals, but has a rather short temper. Laroc is most likely the honest and loyal goddess, save for Arceus itself. Around other gods, she is quite friendly with them...if they don't try to provoke her and ending up getting strangled.
Abilities: She manipulates and summons fire at her will, although no very often. The goddess may summon a large jet of fire (Blue Flare) that can scorch almost anything in it's path. Laroc will not use her abilities unless if needed or somehow provoked.
God/Godess: ---
Mortal/s: Gael
History: Later bye
Crush: Open
Encounter Theme
Fight Theme
Questions/Concerns: ---

Name: Shano Kramire
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Species: Ninetails (Pretend he's not a shiny)
Personality: TBA
Abilities: TBA
God/Godess: Frost Articuno
Mortal/s: ---
History: Later
Crush: Open
Encounter Theme
Fight Theme
Questions/Concerns: ---

and i was always tired but never of you

Trainerlevel: 21

Forum Posts: 12
Posted: Tue, 15/12/2015 08:42 (8 Years ago)
(( ;w; editing this with my character sheets~ ))

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Name: Yasuo Kyogre
Age: appears 25 || much, MUCH older
Gender: male
Species: Kyogre
Appearance: chibi images drawn by me || Non-chibi soon-ish?

regular ||

primal ||

aloof || careful || strategic || unmotivated || lazy || loyal

Yasuo tends to lounge around a lot, or nap as opposed to doing his duties, and comes across as lazy. While that holds some truth, he's unmotivated due to his lack of energy and hasn't regained his strength from his more recent slumber. He prefers not to act unless he absolutely has to, and is quick to remove himself from any tiresome or irksome situation. Taking to strategy rather than a hasty approach, he often comes across as slow or weak. This is, however, far from the truth. If given the right reason, he will put aside his aversion to his duties and act as needed.

Abilities: Yasuo can cause heavy rain and storms, has moderate control over his element and can breathe under water. When in his primal form, his storms become even more savage as does his mastery over water. He also gains immunity to fire while primal.
God/Godess: ---
Mortal/s: Kestrel~
History: will sort this out at some point.
Crush: none, at the moment
+ romance wise, he has a preference for strong personalities, no matter the gender. Whiny and/or dependent people WILL annoy him.

+ he reverts to his primal form when enraged, though he can't sustain it for more than thirty minutes. He tries his best to avoid doing so, however, as it drains him entirely.

+ Yasuo prefers loose clothing and hates shoes or anything covering his feet.

+ more here soon?

Questions/Concerns: none that I can think of~

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Name: Liselotte Groudon || is called Lotte by Yasuo
Age: appears 22 || much older
Gender: female
Species: Groudon
Appearance: non-chibi & primal soon?

regular ||

hot tempered || rash || reckless || brave || competitive || determined

something more here soon~

Abilities: Liselotte has control over fire, though it becomes a bit unstable when she gets frustrated and loses focus. She can also call upon the sun, warming lands and helping crops, or even to cause droughts on her enemies. Unlike her brother, she can become primal at will due to years of training, but it's still rather draining. The stone at the end of her sword is the red orb, thus without her blade, she can't revert to her primal state. In this form, however, she never loses focus over the fire she controls and can transform a large lake to steam if she wished.

God/Godess: ---
Mortal/s: feel free to ask~
History: soon? Yasuo and Liselotte have fought for years, though the Kyogre does his best to avoid her one-upmanship. They are ancient siblings, both having slumbered for extended periods of time. Liselotte, however, doesn't sleep for long and spends much of her time training for battle.
Crush: none, at the moment~
+ she has a secret preference for cute things, whether you're talking about gifts or people.

+ she lives for fighting and war, but also cute, fluffy things~

+ she has other clothes besides armor, but good luck ever seeing her in anything else.

+ the sibling rivalry between Liselotte and Yasuo wasn't always as...friendly as it is, currently. When war amongst the gods was more common, their battles were savage and endless. Things have calmed down now, though this is mostly due to Yasuo preferring not to continue most of what she tries to start.

Questions/Concerns: none~