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Undertale Club
Forum-Index → Fan Clubs → Inactive Clubs → Undertale ClubI'm totally the opposite of you. I despise grinding. No wonder I've blacked out so many times on Platinum and Heart Gold, and never completed a nuzlocke. It's so boring. And when it comes to the CORE, blech, I could fall asleep. I've only completed 2 genocide runs, once as first experience, second after installing a colour sprite mod. I've tried doing it again, but I find I delete the save and start a pacifist/neutral.
I like the pacifist/neutral because it means I can just speed through the game. I quite enjoy speed running games.
Genocide is easier in terms of time, but it certain is not easier in terms of difficulty, haha.
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But grinding in games is another thing... You kind of need to put focus into the game to notice the encounters, battle, etc, whereas shiny hunting is just mashing a button and looking down at the screen.
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With genocide, Toriel and Papyrus is heartbreaking, but when you get to Undyne you get so fed up of her cheating attacks and constant deaths that you don't care she dies. It lingers over the Mettaton who you just "whatever" and OHKO. And then the raging starts again at Sans and you probably will just breathe a sigh of relief once it's done. I know I did.
The neutral deaths makes me want to slam my fist into a desk while tears build up in my eyes, before quickly shutting the game off so my sin had never happened. Toby really knew how to make a few lines of text make you feel disgusting at what you just did.
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Check out my official Pokemon shinies here