Forum Thread
Undertale Club
Forum-Index → Fan Clubs → Inactive Clubs → Undertale ClubI was worried it was sans x asriel and I was like what why how?
Also, correct me if I'm wrong, the only time I remember shipping making someone leave was they were upset a character got shipped in a way they disagreed. That's kind of the opposite of what the rule is trying to prevent, isn't it?
On the other hand, I've seen several
So no matter the ship, y'all have to accept there will be different opinions, and be able to state your opinions without insulting someone else's opinion.
So it doesn't matter if the ship is Charisk, Soriel, NicePants, or even Mettablook.
No hurting each other for their differing opinions.
Some of the users who left messaged me instead of posting here for the things that were said
If you can read this, you know how to read.

Trick and Treat art by Podunk
Anyway, I try to stay polite about opinions. Like I said in my other post, the only people I remember leaving left because they didn't agree with others' ships, not because their ship got hate.
My only ships are Toriel x Asgore and Undyne x Alphys
As for Soriel, I really, really don't like it. I've explained my view on it.
Kinda off-topic, but I made a few animated UT icons. I would make more if I wasn't this tired...

((too lazy to change frisk's skin color, maybe later???))

Investigating the odd and novel is key to
any good merchant's success!
halberd, he/it/they or none,
adultkind of like the way i think about papyton (but admittedly this is mostly for the comics)
I always try to respect other people's opinions and such, though.
I havent seen much of nicepants, tbh it sounds cute af
then they show him nursing a bottle of ketchup and says "im in love with a goat" xD
Name: -Chara-
Do you own Undertale?
Heck yeah I do. I've done so many Pacifist and Genocide runs. <':
10/10, would give Sans a bad time again.
Who is your favorite Undertale character?
Oooooooobviously it's Jerry.
That's why my whole profile is themed after Chara, yeah, totally.
...Don't quote me on that. No one likes Jerry.
Here we go.
It's nice ship, don't blame ya.

Question for me?
I'm very sleep-deprived and cold, but I thought I'd share my New Year's project with you all!

The colors you see are all before it's fired! I'll get it back in a week, maybe I'll share another photoset then.
If anyone wants to see the still frames, let me know!
((I very not so subtly hinted at Omegalovania on this mug lol))
Cool, so you're up here too! Also I changed my username because CHARA!

Question for me?