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FAQ - Short questions

Forum-Index Help FAQ - Short questions
Trainerlevel: 105

Forum Posts: 8,670
Posted: Fri, 29/07/2016 22:46 (8 Years ago)
You have to rub extra honey on the tree, to attract pokémon :)
If you have Combee, you can put them in the Honeycombs to make more Honey.
If you don't have Combee, your rumblers can also find Honey through Rumble Missions, more common in the Silent Forest than anywhere else.
Credits for avatar to ~Cookie~

Kitties! Riako has no idea what he unleashed with that update🙀
Collecting Lovely Larvesta and Silly Seel Plushies~
Looking for Ice Gems and Flying Gems here! Help me hunt a Shiny Articuno!
(You can win your own non-shiny Articuno in return)
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Trainerlevel: 21

Forum Posts: 134
Posted: Sat, 30/07/2016 05:53 (8 Years ago)
Whats the eggdex?
Trainerlevel: 87

Forum Posts: 1,804
Posted: Sat, 30/07/2016 06:47 (8 Years ago)
The eggdex counts pokemon you've hatched by yourself from an egg.

Art credit: gelatin
Trainerlevel: 20

Forum Posts: 23
Posted: Mon, 01/08/2016 00:31 (8 Years ago)

Title: Fishing?

So do you need shiny bait to catch Huntail and Gorebyss? Or is it just pure luck that I caught Huntail the first time I used shiny bait?
Trainerlevel: 84

Forum Posts: 746
Posted: Mon, 01/08/2016 00:32 (8 Years ago)
No, shiny bait just increases the shiny chances. It doesn't effect what species you fish up.
Trainerlevel: 84

Forum Posts: 84
Posted: Tue, 02/08/2016 23:41 (8 Years ago)
Are the gems removed/deleted if you fail to get them in the gem cauldron in time? Or do they go back into your inventory for another try?

(I would just go and test this by failing one but I can't afford to lose the gems if they get deleted if you fail lol)
Trainerlevel: 105

Forum Posts: 8,670
Posted: Tue, 02/08/2016 23:43 (8 Years ago)
They get used up; Gems are put into the Cauldron and immediately start boiling together, so if you fail, you lose the gems you already put in.
Credits for avatar to ~Cookie~

Kitties! Riako has no idea what he unleashed with that update🙀
Collecting Lovely Larvesta and Silly Seel Plushies~
Looking for Ice Gems and Flying Gems here! Help me hunt a Shiny Articuno!
(You can win your own non-shiny Articuno in return)
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Trainerlevel: 84

Forum Posts: 84
Posted: Tue, 02/08/2016 23:44 (8 Years ago)
Awesome, thanks :)

I am really surprised there's no mention of that on any guide or the wiki, or even on the cauldron itself.
Trainerlevel: 97

Forum Posts: 753
Posted: Wed, 10/08/2016 07:22 (8 Years ago)
Hi, can Slowyore from Honeytree be Mega able too? :)
Trainerlevel: 94

Forum Posts: 2,085
Posted: Wed, 10/08/2016 07:23 (8 Years ago)
Yes it can. :)

Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 53
Posted: Wed, 10/08/2016 07:41 (8 Years ago)
Hello I do not know if this is the proper place to ask, but I have two questions: one, How do You evolve Pokémon who need to be traded Kadabra--->Alakazam and two, how do I obtain ites that are needed to evolve Pokémon hence like a moonstone for the evolution of my Nidorino to get a NidoKing
Trainerlevel: 94

Forum Posts: 2,085
Posted: Wed, 10/08/2016 07:52 (8 Years ago)
You have to trade it with another user using the GTS.
If you're having trouble finding a willing trading partner, you can always use the Trade Evolution Station.

There are multiple ways you can obtain Evolutionary Stones.
One would be by purchasing them from the Item Shop (granted they're for sale there). Another way would be by opening Mystery Boxes found Rumbling.

A more simple way would be finding a user to purchase one from as both of the above methods are somewhat unreliable to get a specific stone.

Though you can also obtain some Evolutionary Stones by other means such as playing the Golden Slots, exchanging Game Chips for them at the Prize Exchange or exchanging Festival Points for them at Emera Square. :)

Trainerlevel: 12

Forum Posts: 4
Posted: Thu, 11/08/2016 02:52 (8 Years ago)

Title: Icon Menu Bar

What does the icon of celebi with a x2 mean???
Trainerlevel: 105

Forum Posts: 8,670
Posted: Thu, 11/08/2016 03:03 (8 Years ago)
It means that interactions count double today :)
Credits for avatar to ~Cookie~

Kitties! Riako has no idea what he unleashed with that update🙀
Collecting Lovely Larvesta and Silly Seel Plushies~
Looking for Ice Gems and Flying Gems here! Help me hunt a Shiny Articuno!
(You can win your own non-shiny Articuno in return)
Breeding events for the cause here!
Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 105
Posted: Wed, 24/08/2016 21:23 (8 Years ago)
I have a couple of questions, if that's ok:
1. Regarding the Honey Tree, can you immediately tell if the pokémon you lured is shiny or do you have to catch it to find out?, and
2. When you miss an egg in the Daycare, where does it go? The notification you receive when an egg is bred says "into the wild", but does that mean it gets deleted or that it's sent to the Tall Grass?
3. Thought of another one! How come sometimes the links I've placed in my profile to forum posts show up as a link to my profile when you are viewing my profile? The code stays the same, but the link is changed while viewing my profile. EDIT: Well, I figured out what's causing the issue, but not what's causing the cause. Somehow, quotes keep getting injected into my formatting. Rather than url=link, it's somehow changing to url="link" and apparently those quotation marks are confusing the system. I'll go ahead and post in the bugs forum, though I have not the faintest idea as to what on Earth is causing this to happen. o.O

Thank you! ^.^ ♥
Trainerlevel: 105

Forum Posts: 8,670
Posted: Wed, 24/08/2016 21:35 (8 Years ago)
Of course that's alright :)

1. You can tell immediately; the pokémon at the tree is shiny, it has a different position than a non-shiny one and it says (SHINY) in the little green box under the tree.
2. It's sent to the Tall Grass; eggs found in the Tall Grass are signified as "Found in the Wild"
3. That's weird and it shouldn't; maybe you should make a bug/complaint thread about it?
Credits for avatar to ~Cookie~

Kitties! Riako has no idea what he unleashed with that update🙀
Collecting Lovely Larvesta and Silly Seel Plushies~
Looking for Ice Gems and Flying Gems here! Help me hunt a Shiny Articuno!
(You can win your own non-shiny Articuno in return)
Breeding events for the cause here!
Trainerlevel: 13

Forum Posts: 7
Posted: Fri, 26/08/2016 11:16 (8 Years ago)
Short question, how am I supposed to plant the berry seeds in the garden? I tried repeatedly to plant them but nothing happened.

This is how I've been doing it(please let me know what I'm doing wrong!)

1. open the seed bag
2. click on the seed I want to plant
3. X out of the seed bag because nothing happens
4. Click on the dirt

I don't know if it's a glitch or if I'm just stupid......

nevermind. figured it out 0_0
Trainerlevel: 94

Forum Posts: 2,085
Posted: Fri, 26/08/2016 11:19 (8 Years ago)
If you're having to close the Seed Bag, you're not doing something correctly because it closes on its own when ready to plant.

Are you clicking which level of the seed it is you want to plant? It should display something like this for you to choose from. Once you choose the level, you should be able to plant the seeds in the dirt.

Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 105
Posted: Mon, 29/08/2016 05:06 (8 Years ago)
Got another one for yall. XD

Is there any way to make the background I choose for my Storage Boxes stick? I keep selecting the pawprint background but every time I refresh or navigate away from the page, I have to reselect it when the page loads again. I don't see a "Save Changes" button or anything of that nature anywhere. I'm at a loss. :C
Trainerlevel: 56

Forum Posts: 77
Posted: Wed, 21/09/2016 03:02 (8 Years ago)
Why did my auctioned poke, which I put up for 99,999 PD, and the last bid I saw was 100,000 PD, only give me 97,947 PD after the auction was done? LOL, were "poke-taxes" implemented and I somehow missed that? XD