I really love "Harvest Moon", I fully finished only two of its
game.. seen their endings and all.. But, those "hints" are uber
hard.. for now, that is. :S
I gotta find those elusive sprites some day..
I don't know how they'll appear though. Lol. :D
I won the "Event Spriting Contest"
as it says on News Announcement #224.
and how to find them? You just have to go to a specific page in the
game and it will be on the screen? Do you need to click on a
specific Pokemon and will report that found him?
@IceKitsune I don't now anything, but maybe you've got a Voucher or
something? or had a full party?
You can find Vouchers in your Itembad -> "special"
If it's not that..I don't know q.q
(yeah even Staff doesn't know anything.. it really drives me
crazy... but on the other hand..why should we xD)
Yeah I don't know how to search for them either... Do they appear
randomly? And do I get a notification like with Icecream Cones? Or
do I have to find the Sprite and click it? And do they look like
art or like sprite?
Normal Gems for Ditto collected:
1 561 / 10 000
To get:
& Event Megas