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Searching for: Posts from Eclips98.
Posted: Mon, 03/07/2017 10:59 (6 Years ago)
@xxinsanechickxx: I'll palpad you ^^

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Posted: Mon, 12/06/2017 09:06 (7 Years ago)
@beastboy: Received, ty ^^

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Posted: Wed, 07/06/2017 08:53 (7 Years ago)
@3abbie3, @Anuj_Khurana: Received the gems, ty ^^

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Posted: Sun, 21/05/2017 10:29 (7 Years ago)
@Charmander02, @h_phone001, @heha192: Ty, received the gems ^^

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Posted: Sat, 20/05/2017 14:48 (7 Years ago)
@BILLGOLDBERG: Ty, received the gems ^^
@beastboy: Please use the form

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Posted: Thu, 18/05/2017 14:01 (7 Years ago)
@donalways: Received the Gems, ty ^^

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Posted: Thu, 18/05/2017 13:21 (7 Years ago)
@Shinichi: I'll palpad you
@Silverstar: Offer accepted, when we've received the Gems, I'll send you the Dark Gems. Ty ^^

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Posted: Wed, 17/05/2017 10:23 (7 Years ago)
Trade, Breeding & Boiling Shop

Welcome to our Trade Shop! We (arvind and Eclips98) have set this up to help us with our Shiny Legend Hunts :)

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- All PH rules apply
- Please use the form if you want to order something and hide your signature
- For the prices, we use Price Check.
- We deserve to reject an offer if we think it's not a correct price.

Looking for

Please have a look carefully at this

1) PD and nuggets
2) Maps all kinds (or their summon items)
3) Star Pieces
4) Enigma Stones, Resolute Stones, Light/Dark Stones, Nebula Stones, Meltan Candy
5) Vouchers (except Lugia)


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You can order Regular and Event Pokemon here. If you’re not sure if we can breed the Pokemon you want, feel free to palpad us with any questions. Please use the form below to order.


I'd like to order this Pokemon:
Shiny: no


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Item I’d like to buy:
Offer for the item:
Sending to:


Trading Gems only for Summon Items and Dragon Gems (Palpad Eclips98 for this)
Available Gem types -

Other Items

We also sell more items than those that are listed above (for example forme-change items or evo items), so if you want any item which isn't listed in the thread, you can always ask for it.

Boiling Service

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First come, first served

What do you need to give?
5 Gems of each type (normal cost for Mega Stone)
Service cost (25-50k PD)

What will you get?
Mega Stone (or what comes out of it*)
Boiling (we boil for you ^^)

*Sometimes Mega Stone turns into Black Key or Box, we cant change this as it's random, you get what comes out from this

Go here ^^

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Posted: Tue, 16/05/2017 14:31 (7 Years ago)
@pokemonmaster2057: Received the 5 Dragon Gems, but the other package of 4 Flying, 3 Poison, 5 Rock and 5 Water Gems not yet
@Tejas7: Received the gems, ty ^^
@donalways: arvind will palpad you about the donation and the sale

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Posted: Mon, 15/05/2017 12:20 (7 Years ago)
@Hundemon and @ EuroCash: Received and ty ^^

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Posted: Mon, 15/05/2017 11:23 (7 Years ago)
@professorcam, @BIllGOLDBERG and @pokemonmaster2057: Received the gems, thank you ^^

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Posted: Sun, 14/05/2017 07:46 (7 Years ago)
@McBreezytown, @Anuj_Khurana and @Fernando: Received the gems, thank you ^^
@super_rishi: I'll pp you

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Posted: Sat, 13/05/2017 12:54 (7 Years ago)
@TJRacero: You can send them ^^

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Posted: Sat, 13/05/2017 12:49 (7 Years ago)
@Womble: You can send them to me as I'll hunt Zygarde ^^ Thanks a lot ^^

@Super_rishi: Please use the form

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Posted: Sun, 07/05/2017 12:05 (7 Years ago)
Usernames of the contest holder(s): arvind and Eclips98
Time period/overall goal of contest: Finished when the goal's reached
Link to contest thread/post*: Here

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Posted: Sun, 07/05/2017 10:39 (7 Years ago)
Shiny Summon Raffle

arvind and Eclips98

Ended on December 4!

(through random.org)

Main Prize
1st - Shiny Legend from Game Center + Mega Pokemon + 500k PD - Hammerstad
2nd - Shiny Legend from Game Center + Mega Kyogre + 300k PD - Aarush_khurana
3rd - Shiny Legend from Game Center + 150k PD - B-Senpai
4th - Random Shiny (except easy rarity, legend/event etc) + 100k PD - ThCPro
5th - Random Shiny (except legend/event etc) + 100k PD - marcus54312

Extra Prize
1st - Ditto - 3abbie3


- Limit of sharing once a day (1 Ticket) - Note: Sharing only counts if you share the latest feed correctly (found here at the bottom of the thread or on one of our profile pages)
- Use the Form below if you’d like to donate or sell some Gems
- All PH rules apply


Main Prize

1st - Shiny Legend from Game Center + Mega Pokemon + 500k PD
2nd - Shiny Legend from Game Center + Mega Kyogre + 300k PD
3rd - Shiny Legend from Game Center + 150k PD
4th - Random Shiny (except easy rarity, legend/event etc) + 100k PD
5th - Random Shiny (except legend/event etc) + 100k PD

More prizes will be added when we’ll collect more!

Minigoal [1000/1000]
Every set amount of items that are donated, we'll give away a random Shiny or Mega Able (except legend/event/genderless etc.).
Current prize: Shiny Venusaur

Extra Prize



Main Prize (and Minigoal)

Flying Gem - 1 Ticket
Fire Gem - 1 Ticket

Dark Gem - 2 Tickets
Ghost Gem - 2 Tickets
Ice Gem - 2 Tickets
Psychic Gem - 2 Tickets
Normal Gem - 5 Tickets

Mystery Key (except Brown/Golden/Black) - 5 Tickets
Mystery Key (Golden) - 10 Tickets

Fossils (except Old Amber) - 20 Tickets

Extra Prize (and Minigoal)

Old Amber Fossil - 20 Tickets

Sky Pillar Map/Terra Cave Map/Marine Cave Map/Submarine Volcano Map - 180 Tickets *
Hollow Space Map/Vortex of Time Map/Volcano Cave Map/Spooky Manor Map - 150 Tickets *
New Moon Map/Full Moon Map - 300 Tickets *
Light Stone/Dark Stone - 200 Tickets
Enigma Stone/Resolute Stone - 100 Tickets
Light Rock/Hard Rock/Cold Rock - 100 Tickets
White Powder - 150 Tickets
Star Piece - 50 Tickets
Bottled Message - 60 Tickets
Griseous Orb - 90 Tickets

Mew (Retro) Voucher - 500 Tickets
Ho-Oh Wonder Trade Code - 450 Tickets
Uxie/Azelf/Mesprit Voucher - 70 Tickets
Retro Starter Egg Voucher - 60 Tickets

Mystery Key (Black) - 250 Tickets

Mega Stone - 250 Tickets

*Donating its Summon Item gives you 10 extra Tickets.

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I would like to donate some Gems/Items!
Amount and type of Gems/Items:
Sending to:

The more you donate, the more chances you’ll have to win one of the prizes! ;)

We’re also buying and trading Gems. We can offer PD, different kinds of items (other Gems too), Pokemon, help with dex, …
If you’re interested to trade some Gems for our items or Pokemon, feel free to have a look at our Trade & Breeding Shop. ^^

Ticket Tracker

Main Prize

Extra Prize



If you have any questions, palpad or PM one of us!

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Posted: Thu, 13/04/2017 11:34 (7 Years ago)
@Avi: Yes, there's place for a third breeder ;)

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Posted: Sun, 05/03/2017 16:17 (7 Years ago)
[1/6] First Shiny Geodude ^^

[2/6] Shiny Geodude




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Posted: Sat, 18/02/2017 18:42 (7 Years ago)
[4/4] Shiny Gastly

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Posted: Thu, 16/02/2017 21:54 (7 Years ago)
[3/4] Shiny Gastly

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