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Forum Thread

Shiny Summon Raffle [ended]

Forum-Index Global Trade Station Shiny Hunting Shiny Summon Raffle [ended]
Trainerlevel: 108

Forum Posts: 159
Posted: Sun, 07/05/2017 10:39 (7 Years ago)
Shiny Summon Raffle

arvind and Eclips98

Ended on December 4!

(through random.org)

Main Prize
1st - Shiny Legend from Game Center + Mega Pokemon + 500k PD - Hammerstad
2nd - Shiny Legend from Game Center + Mega Kyogre + 300k PD - Aarush_khurana
3rd - Shiny Legend from Game Center + 150k PD - B-Senpai
4th - Random Shiny (except easy rarity, legend/event etc) + 100k PD - ThCPro
5th - Random Shiny (except legend/event etc) + 100k PD - marcus54312

Extra Prize
1st - Ditto - 3abbie3


- Limit of sharing once a day (1 Ticket) - Note: Sharing only counts if you share the latest feed correctly (found here at the bottom of the thread or on one of our profile pages)
- Use the Form below if you’d like to donate or sell some Gems
- All PH rules apply


Main Prize

1st - Shiny Legend from Game Center + Mega Pokemon + 500k PD
2nd - Shiny Legend from Game Center + Mega Kyogre + 300k PD
3rd - Shiny Legend from Game Center + 150k PD
4th - Random Shiny (except easy rarity, legend/event etc) + 100k PD
5th - Random Shiny (except legend/event etc) + 100k PD

More prizes will be added when we’ll collect more!

Minigoal [1000/1000]
Every set amount of items that are donated, we'll give away a random Shiny or Mega Able (except legend/event/genderless etc.).
Current prize: Shiny Venusaur

Extra Prize



Main Prize (and Minigoal)

Flying Gem - 1 Ticket
Fire Gem - 1 Ticket

Dark Gem - 2 Tickets
Ghost Gem - 2 Tickets
Ice Gem - 2 Tickets
Psychic Gem - 2 Tickets
Normal Gem - 5 Tickets

Mystery Key (except Brown/Golden/Black) - 5 Tickets
Mystery Key (Golden) - 10 Tickets

Fossils (except Old Amber) - 20 Tickets

Extra Prize (and Minigoal)

Old Amber Fossil - 20 Tickets

Sky Pillar Map/Terra Cave Map/Marine Cave Map/Submarine Volcano Map - 180 Tickets *
Hollow Space Map/Vortex of Time Map/Volcano Cave Map/Spooky Manor Map - 150 Tickets *
New Moon Map/Full Moon Map - 300 Tickets *
Light Stone/Dark Stone - 200 Tickets
Enigma Stone/Resolute Stone - 100 Tickets
Light Rock/Hard Rock/Cold Rock - 100 Tickets
White Powder - 150 Tickets
Star Piece - 50 Tickets
Bottled Message - 60 Tickets
Griseous Orb - 90 Tickets

Mew (Retro) Voucher - 500 Tickets
Ho-Oh Wonder Trade Code - 450 Tickets
Uxie/Azelf/Mesprit Voucher - 70 Tickets
Retro Starter Egg Voucher - 60 Tickets

Mystery Key (Black) - 250 Tickets

Mega Stone - 250 Tickets

*Donating its Summon Item gives you 10 extra Tickets.

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I would like to donate some Gems/Items!
Amount and type of Gems/Items:
Sending to:

The more you donate, the more chances you’ll have to win one of the prizes! ;)

We’re also buying and trading Gems. We can offer PD, different kinds of items (other Gems too), Pokemon, help with dex, …
If you’re interested to trade some Gems for our items or Pokemon, feel free to have a look at our Trade & Breeding Shop. ^^

Ticket Tracker

Main Prize

Extra Prize



If you have any questions, palpad or PM one of us!

Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 31
Posted: Sat, 13/05/2017 12:40 (7 Years ago)
I would like to donate some Gems!
Amount and type of Gems: 11 Rock Gems and 1 steel gem
Sending to: Any of you who needs it ^_^

PalPad me when your ready to recieve it ^_^
Trainerlevel: 33

Forum Posts: 170
Posted: Sat, 13/05/2017 12:46 (7 Years ago)
I would like to donate some Gems!10 water gems
Username: super_rishi
Amount and type of Gems:10 water gems
Sending to:the one who pp me firs

Check my Check my ARTICUNO LOTTERY
Trainerlevel: 108

Forum Posts: 159
Posted: Sat, 13/05/2017 12:49 (7 Years ago)
@Womble: You can send them to me as I'll hunt Zygarde ^^ Thanks a lot ^^

@Super_rishi: Please use the form
Trainerlevel: 37

Forum Posts: 5
Posted: Sat, 13/05/2017 12:51 (7 Years ago)
I'd like to donate some gems!
Username: TJRacero
Amount: 20 Poison Gems
Sending to: arvind

PM me through the process so I can donate the gems, please.
Trainerlevel: 108

Forum Posts: 159
Posted: Sat, 13/05/2017 12:54 (7 Years ago)
@TJRacero: You can send them ^^
Trainerlevel: 52

Forum Posts: 5
Posted: Sat, 13/05/2017 12:58 (7 Years ago)
I'd like to donate some gems!
Username: blackshark
Amount: 1 Rock, 5 Normal
Sending to: Eclips98

I'd like to donate some gems!
Username: blackshark
Amount: 8 Flying
Sending to: arvind
Trainerlevel: 85

Forum Posts: 90
Posted: Sat, 13/05/2017 13:17 (7 Years ago)
Thanks ^^
Trainerlevel: 51

Forum Posts: 4
Posted: Sat, 13/05/2017 14:07 (7 Years ago)
I would like to donate some Gems!
Username: Fernando
Amount and type of Gems: 10 normal gems, 10 Steel gems, 15 poison gem also a Mystery Key Gold
Sending to: arvind
Trainerlevel: 50

Forum Posts: 59
Posted: Sat, 13/05/2017 17:37 (7 Years ago)
I would like to donate some Gems!
Amount and type of Gems: 21 rock gems and 50 steel gems
Sending to:Arvind
They laughed they loved they cried.
Trainerlevel: 54

Forum Posts: 18
Posted: Sat, 13/05/2017 18:56 (7 Years ago)
I would like to donate some Gems!
Username: Anuj_khurana
Amount and type of Gems: 5 water gems , 35 steel gems , 10 rock gems , 10 poison gems , 8 normal gems , 10 flying gems and boxes - 4 brown , 1 dark blue , 2 green and keys - 1 pink , 1 purple , 1 gold
Sending to: Eclipse98 and arvind
Trainerlevel: 50

Forum Posts: 59
Posted: Sat, 13/05/2017 20:15 (7 Years ago)
I'd like to donate gems!
Username: Mcbreezytown
Amount and type of gems: 17 water gems, 53 steel gems, 22 poison gems, 22 flying gems m, 1 dragon gem, and 5 fairy gems.
Sending to: Eclips98

Also I didn't know if you wanted me to post again or edit the last so I just made a new one
They laughed they loved they cried.
Trainerlevel: 108

Forum Posts: 159
Posted: Sun, 14/05/2017 07:46 (7 Years ago)
@McBreezytown, @Anuj_Khurana and @Fernando: Received the gems, thank you ^^
@super_rishi: I'll pp you
Trainerlevel: 17

Forum Posts: 7
Posted: Sun, 14/05/2017 08:31 (7 Years ago)
I'd like to donate gems!
Username: pokemonmaster2057
Amount and type of gems:71 poison,1 flying , 14 rock gems
Sending to: Eclips98 and arvind
Trainerlevel: 75

Forum Posts: 84
Posted: Mon, 15/05/2017 11:08 (7 Years ago)
I would like to donate some Gems!
Amount and type of Gems:steel gems=107
Sending to:arvind
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 3
Posted: Mon, 15/05/2017 11:11 (7 Years ago)
I'd like to donate gems!
Username: professorcam
Amount and type of gems:1 flying
Sending to: arvind
Trainerlevel: 108

Forum Posts: 159
Posted: Mon, 15/05/2017 11:23 (7 Years ago)
@professorcam, @BIllGOLDBERG and @pokemonmaster2057: Received the gems, thank you ^^
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 5
Posted: Mon, 15/05/2017 11:36 (7 Years ago)
I'd like to donate some gems!
Username: RedRangerFTW
Amount: 3 flying, 2 normal, 17 poison, 5 rock, 4 water, 1 steel, 3 fairy, 4 water
Sending to: arvind
Trainerlevel: 85

Forum Posts: 90
Posted: Mon, 15/05/2017 11:42 (7 Years ago)
@RedRangerFTW received thanks :)
Trainerlevel: 26

Forum Posts: 3
Posted: Mon, 15/05/2017 11:45 (7 Years ago)
I would like to donate some Gems!
Username: EuroCash
Amount and type of Gems: 5 Steel Gems
Sending to: Eclips98