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Posted: Sat, 18/09/2021 16:24 (3 Years ago)

Nido-chans outfit design contest

I decided to post it separately since I don't plan to treat this art contest as the rest of my goals here on PH.

Some information for the contest:
I want it to be a clothing/outfit design one. The rules may change as time goes on, but these are the basics.
✦ To join the contest one must design a clothing piece for Nido-chan. ✦
✦ The submitter will get a participation prize (500k or 1 mil, not decided yet) as payment as I will get to own the design regardless if it wins or not. ✦
✦ I might limit the submissions to 50 max, and 5 max / person as to have enough funds to pay everyone the participation prize ✦
✦ After every 5th unique submission / unique person a new personal pick slot opens up. Basically, I will choose someone's design I liked best. Someone, who has won one of the winning prizes will not be eligible to receive this. There will be only 5 personal pick winners (at least 25 different people will have to join to reach that number). ✦
✦ It has to fit at least 3 tags I provide later on [current tags (it may change): Punk; Rock; Lolita; Black; White; Pink; Spikes; Chains; Lacing; Fishnets; Pearls; Ribbons; Pastel; Pinstripes; Checkered; Studs; Leather; Skull] ✦
✦ The 3 winners will not be chosen by me, they will be chosen by the community. Basically, people have to vote which one they like best and choose the winner that way. It will be multiple rounds and everyone who fills out the voting poll thing will receive some prizes in return. ✦
✦ The submission doesn't have to be professionally made / high quality, I only ask for it to be recognizable as I will later have to transfer it onto a base which will be the one in the voting poll (so people can focus on the design rather than the quality of the work) [ If there are parts that are unrecognizable, or I have a hard time figuring out what you wanted that will get some points docked ] ✦
✦ The submission, when transferred onto the base (I will provide a different base that could help you make the clothing) has to be no less than x number of pixels. Basically to not get people submitting only one bow or earring just to claim the submission prize while others make bigger, and more flashy clothes. I feel it would be really unfair to those who will actually try. ✦

I will edit these as time goes on and I will have more ideas for the contest

|Art contest prep|

Participation rewards

Winner rewards

More potential rewards

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Posted: Tue, 14/09/2021 18:09 (3 Years ago)
Goals reposted and edited

Here is the reposted and revised version of my goals from the first post (that is hopefully no longer there xd )
But anything can happen.

I also still didn't manage to figure out why the sprites are so to the side ._.

General Goals

|One year Premium|

10 000
0% complete

|PD hoard for next year|

17 000 000
0% complete

|Get Dovahkiin to lv 10 000|
5 991/10 000

|Upgrading Eggstorage|

Shiny Hunting Goals

|Full Kanto live dex|
|Next entry on the chopping block|

|Shiny-Mega Mewtwo X and Y|
One year premium
Incredible patience

|Shiny-Mega Gyarados|
One year premium

2 000/2 000

|Shiny-Mega Banette|
One year premium

0/4 000

|Shiny Giratina|
One year premium


|Shiny Mew|
1 700/~45 000

|Shiny Mega Banetteinstein|

One year premium
Incredible patience

100 eggstorage

This post will get gradually edited as I complete this, I will also come back and pretty it up more

Last time updated: 23.01.05.

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Posted: Mon, 13/09/2021 18:20 (3 Years ago)

Giving credit where credit is due

My little credit widget is gone, so I might as well give credit to people who deserve it. I will probably use these as profile pictures so I think it's the littlest thing I can do for these great pictures.

These are plushies that are made by the user Akemie

And these halloween inspired sprites are made by MetalHeadKendra

[the dedenne is absolutely adorable]

That's it for this. I will expand on this one post when I get more art I really love from others and want/will use in the future. c:

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Posted: Mon, 13/09/2021 17:09 (3 Years ago)

Welcome to my diary!

So I finally decided to make one of these to organize my notes more efficiently. I honestly didn't want one of these as I didn't feel too comfortable with it. Nobody really needs to see these publicly, but honestly, I already put them on my page before so for the Hell of it!

So, since this thing is mainly for me, it's going to be decked out with stickers of my characters and whatnot. Why? Cause I can c:
So be ready to see a bunch of art on the sides of the text. And this way this diary will also be an art dump kinda thing since I begin to share less and less artwork I do and hope this will counteract that. (Although what I share will be really limited)
I kinda only want to post 'mons in here too, but I might slip some art of my other chars too as I might end up drawing them instead of my pokes.

But let's get into the middle of it as there are a lot of things to do and I want to finally submit something as a first post xd

Links for easier access

✦ Giving credit where credit is due ✦
✦ Goals reposted and edited ✦
✦ Contacts ✦
✦ Nido-chans outfit design contest ✦

Last time updated: 21.10.24

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Posted: Fri, 10/09/2021 20:13 (3 Years ago)
I want: Plushie
Reference of my character: Boop
Comment (e.g. special wishes): They are hidden for personal reasons, but his th ID is 5510949 (but you can send the plushies through pm or pp if that's better ^^ )

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Posted: Wed, 01/09/2021 10:32 (3 Years ago)

Edit: Sent it to the character th profile


Maybe Froggo or Karina?

But anyone from here is also fine

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Posted: Wed, 01/09/2021 04:52 (3 Years ago)
It's so adorable! Thank you!

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Posted: Tue, 31/08/2021 18:39 (3 Years ago)
I want: Plushie
I am paying: 330 nug nugs
Reference of my character: boop
Comment (e.g. special wishes): 0v0

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Posted: Mon, 16/08/2021 13:17 (3 Years ago)

Creepy patch doll child c: (banette x mimikyu)
I kinda love it tbh cx

I mostly want any of the following

-Lady Dimitrescu themed Hatterene
-Vaporeon x Drizzile/Rowlet/Eternatus/Mew
-Blitzle x Rapidash

-Any creepypasta themed pokemon
(Jeff, Jane, Eyeless Jack, Masky, Hoody, Ticky Toby etc.)
[Please send these via pm since these obviously contain some sort of elements that might be sensitive to some (although you can choose not to illustrate it if you whish, or pick one that does not contain any)
Also, don't choose this if your are sensitive to this type of thing, thank you.]

But I have more on my whishlist if none of the above tickled your fantasies.

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Posted: Wed, 21/07/2021 06:06 (3 Years ago)

/!\ Due to the inability of completing the claim, the person above me has no right to use this design anywhere. It does not belong to them, or anyone they may know, be friends with or are in a family-type relationship with as they have failed to complete their part of the trade /!\

Cleiming Hex c:

It looks so yummy :F

So hear me out, I know it's not a character, but
Could you make Froggo a pirate outfit?

If it's none of your taste then I have more stuff you can choose from c:

For example, you can design a frog council member :D
kind of an idea if you go for the biggest.
Edit : sorry, if you went with the fusion I'll love the idea to that too, but I konda want all of them to be pure rn since the onse I got are pure too. Biggest could be mega or giga venosaur or a sesmitoad(but that rather be a smaller one)

But I do have a whishlist if you don't like frogs too much cx

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Posted: Sun, 18/07/2021 13:15 (3 Years ago)

A smol shaymin just for you c:

Either Froggo or Alexander

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Posted: Sat, 17/07/2021 14:21 (3 Years ago)

I haven't learned how to shade those style of pieces yet, but I still hope you like it c:
I sent it to the characters TH gallery.

I'd like to Froggo be drawn c:

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Posted: Mon, 21/06/2021 14:42 (3 Years ago)
Claim ^^

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the rabdom number generator chose flareon for the g rapidash fusion c:
Hope you like it ^^ I had a blast working on it

Maybe one of The Frog Council members :>

Or otherwise I do have a Wishlist

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Posted: Tue, 15/06/2021 06:09 (3 Years ago)
Almost done with the other one, so I'm just gonna claim this ¬v¬ *takes the comment and runs off cackling*

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One wapotales c:
The idea is that her scales/fur glitters in the light and changes color (blue, green, yellow)

Maybe one of The Frog Council members :>

Or otherwise I do have a Wishlist

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Posted: Sat, 12/06/2021 11:47 (3 Years ago)
Claim :d

the random nunber generator gave me skitty -3-

Maybe one of The Frog Council members :>

Or otherwise I do have a Wishlist

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Posted: Wed, 09/06/2021 06:43 (3 Years ago)
Claiming cookie

I always wanted to make a one of the pan trio into an oc, but I didn't like their overall design, so making this for you wan an absolute treat c:

Maybe one of The Frog Council members :>

Or otherwise I do have a Wishlist

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Posted: Sat, 29/05/2021 17:43 (3 Years ago)
Claiming again c:
I'm on a designing spree xd


Maybe one of The Frog Council members :>

Or otherwise I do have a Wishlist

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Posted: Thu, 27/05/2021 19:01 (3 Years ago)
Claim c:


Maybe one of The Frog Council members :>

Or otherwise I do have a Wishlist

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Posted: Mon, 24/05/2021 08:05 (3 Years ago)
Claim c:

Edit: sent it to the characters TH gallery.

I'd like some art of my sweet Froggo -3-

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Posted: Wed, 10/03/2021 22:15 (3 Years ago)
Gon claim this :o

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sent to TH too :d

Would be neat if you could draw him
but if you want to do something else than anyone from here or here

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