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Posted: Sat, 04/03/2023 18:29 (2 Years ago)
𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓞𝓷𝓮

𝙃𝙚'𝙨 𝙈𝙞𝙣𝙚...
Part Two

Exactly twenty minutes later, the entire club had finished their lists and shared them. Many of the Yanderes had similar ideas, such as the 'Stuck-In-The-Cave' idea, but many others also had new and abstract ones.

The room was buzzing with chatter, but that soon died down when the Yandere leader stood up in the front of the room. She clapped hear hands twice, and the room quickly fell silent. Standing tall, she read through the list that the club had created and nodded her approval.
"Okay, everyone! Great job all of you! The list looks great! I wish I could keep on going with the compliments, but we are running out of time for today! So let's wrap things up!" The leader said, and started to pack things up, and started clearing out the room. Right behind her, the Yanderes also packed up their things and moved in a straight line and went their separate ways.

Shimofuri and Akeru were in the back of the line, whispering to each other.
"Hey, Akeru-Chan, who's your crush?" Sa-Yeon had asked. She had been wondering all day, and was worried that Akeru might be liking the same guy as her. And that would be a big problem.

Akeru stopped walking for a second to think. Then she said slowly and quietly,
"I have a crush on... Yoru-Kun. What about you?" Shimofuri froze. 'Of course she had to have a crush on him! The one guy that should be mine! Why him?? Akeru, why...'

Shimofuri was lost in her thoughts of anger, betrayal, and most of all, pain. She didn't want to be fighting against her best friend over a boy, but she also wanted him for herself. And she would do anything to ensure that. Even if it meant going head-to-toe with Akeru, her best friend...

The two girls reached their homes, Shimofuri at her own, and Akeru at her place. By then, Shimofuri had snapped out of her trance and told Akeru, "Call me after you have dinner... we have some things to talk about... Okay?" Confused, Akeru opened her mouth to ask why, but quickly shut it when she saw the serious look on Shimofuri's face. "O-okay..." Akeru said apprehensively.

And have a call, they did...

Right after Akeru had her dinner, she explained the situation to her parents, and they let her call Shimofuri. So she hesitantly dialed her best friend's number and waited nervously for her to pick up, which Shimofuri did almost immediately.
"Ah, Akeru-Chan! There you were! I was worried you were never going to call!" Shimofuri exclaimed with a bright tone to her voice, which instantly calmed Akeru down. "H-hey... Why did you need me to call you...?" Akeru replied nervously. "I'll tell you! Just wait one little second while I explain everything!" Shimofuri paused for a second to take a breath before she continued, "Look, you're my best friend and all, but I don't think that things will work out between you and Yoru-Kun. You see... he's mine."

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Posted: Fri, 03/03/2023 23:37 (2 Years ago)
Kaori had stood at the position right outside of the window for a bit, watching the library burn to the ground. But after the library burned down, there was no use for her to remain there. So she picked her kunai from the floor, and faced towards the outside world, full of demons that had escaped from the grasp of humanity. Smiling slightly, she unsheathed her katana, ready to kill that demon first.

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Posted: Fri, 03/03/2023 14:27 (2 Years ago)

Reminds me of 'kawaii', but is really hard for me to try pronounce...

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Posted: Fri, 03/03/2023 04:24 (2 Years ago)
Kaori turned around and saw somebody behind her. She instantly unsheathed her katana, and pointed the blade towards the figure. But as a book fell off the shelf, burning, Kaori put away her sheathed her katana and gestured towards the window behind her. She pulled out a kunai from her belt and chucked it straight, and the kunai went straight into the glass, not shattering the window. Muttering a silent curse, Kaori pushed the kunai all the way through and twisted her arm, forcing the kunai to make a large hole in the window. She jumped gracefully through the window and looked back at the person who had been behind her. Gesturing with her hands, she pointed towards the window, telling the person to jump through and get out.

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Posted: Thu, 02/03/2023 23:40 (2 Years ago)
Kaori woke up, and is rather delighted to find herself alive instead of dead. 'Though being dead would be rather nice...' she thought, as she looked around her. She seemed to be inside a large library, with tall shelves reaching the roof, books everywhere. A rather tight space, which meant that whoever had committed the 'teleport' had no means of her to kill the others. Which meant that she would have to leave them alive.

Kaori sighed, and stood up. She carefully put a hand to her sheath and looked around, and sighed in relief when she noticed that she was the only person in the aisle. For now, at least.

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Posted: Thu, 02/03/2023 00:57 (2 Years ago)
~✿ Username: ✿~

~✿ Character Name: ✿~
Kaori Kim

~✿ Character Age: ✿~

~✿ Character Gender: ✿~

~✿ Character Sexuality: ✿~

~✿ Character Appearance: ✿~
Kaori has some sort of a cold glare. Her dark red eyes seem to bore into your soul, and she seems to be contemplating whether or not to spare you. This look is exaggerated with her high ponytail with red bow, blue diamonds in her dark black hair, and red cherry blossom-designed kimono.

~✿ Character Personality: ✿~
Kaori is rather solitary, and keeps to herself. She is also very harsh and can be quite cruel with the way she speaks. She also is rather cruel with her blade, and seems to have no sense of sympathy when she is focused on a victim, often not relenting until they are dead.

Though Kaori may seem to be a cold, heartless person, on the inside, she is in fact a very soft person. Inside, she is very gentle, kind, and caring, but on the outside, yep, she's the exact opposite. This is all because of a very harsh life, which has formed the layers of ice.

Most people will not be able to 'witness or access' the soft side of Kaori, as only the people closest to her can. And that means... nobody. :D

~✿ Original Fandom: (Optional) ✿~
Demon Slayer

~✿ Character Weapon(s): ✿~
Kaori has a katana and 4 kunai strapped at her waist.

~✿ Would you like to Join the PalPad Group?: ✿~

~✿ Other?: ✿~

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Posted: Thu, 02/03/2023 00:43 (2 Years ago)
Kaori thought for a second then came to a realization. She turned towards the one with the parasol, and muttered, "So you killed all the elves in the castle...?" She shook her head. No way all of the castle elves were dead. They had just debated for a couple minutes, yet someone had just made their own choice and killed all the elves in the castle?!

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Posted: Thu, 02/03/2023 00:21 (2 Years ago)
At this moment, Kaori decided to speak up. After a moment's hesitation, she said, "In your perspective, it seems as if you are implying that elves are only the downside of the world. But surely, there are advantages that the elves bring to society, economy, etc?"

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Posted: Wed, 01/03/2023 23:58 (2 Years ago)
Hearing somebody say the wondrous word "massacre", Kaori snapped out of the daze she was in. Was it for real? Had somebody finally said that massacring for no reason was unjust? Kaori tilted her head, and was now curious: what were other's ideas on the idea of pleasured massacre and bloodbath? She listened carefully, now intrigued in this conversation.

And then when she did hear his- apparently his name was Kendo- reason, she turned her head. Thousands of thoughts were racing through her head, all of them consisting of: 'Murder... an interesting topic... a sign that someone isn't a weakling... but they are a murderer, are they honestly someone worth sparing? After all, they kill... Yet, I cannot use that argument, as I kill too...' She was practically arguing with herself in her head.

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Posted: Wed, 01/03/2023 14:37 (2 Years ago)
Kaori had lagged behind for a minute or two, but had just caught up with them. She, being a civilized-enough human, walked like a normal person across the rope. Step by step, she walked quickly across, and soon, she was at the other side. She became emo again walked a small distance away from the others, not interested in their silly little conversations.

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Posted: Wed, 01/03/2023 03:18 (2 Years ago)
Kaori tilted her head before she placed a hand on her hilt. Her brain was working nothing something out, and to her, it seemed as if there were more than one elf, who had just previously died a rather flashy death. Because if there were more than one elf, it seemed that there would need to be a greater need to polish her sword later.

She kept her hand on her hilt, and waited very patiently...

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Posted: Wed, 01/03/2023 02:46 (2 Years ago)
Kaori looked up from polishing and saw that some of them started leaving. She tilted her head to the side, and stood up. She sheathed her katana and started walking, slowly. Who knew what they were getting into?

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Posted: Wed, 01/03/2023 02:35 (2 Years ago)
Kaori had woken up earlier, and the totally best thing to wake up to is a special GiyuShino moment of two people obnoxiously flirting with each other. She turned her head in disgust and walked off to a shadow for emo people. She merely sat down, polishing and sharpening her katana, while waiting for the two children people stopped arguing.

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Posted: Tue, 28/02/2023 14:55 (2 Years ago)

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Posted: Tue, 28/02/2023 14:12 (2 Years ago)
"Only those who have the flaming sparks of strength should be left alive..."

~✿ Name:✿~
Kaori Kim

~✿ Age: (18-27) ✿~

~✿ Fandom: (optional) ✿~

~✿ Appearance: ✿~
Kaori has some sort of a cold glare. Her dark red eyes seem to bore into your soul, and she seems to be contemplating whether or not to spare you. This look is exaggerated with her high ponytail with red bow, blue diamonds in her dark black hair, and red cherry blossom-designed kimono.

~✿ Personality: ✿~
Kaori is rather solitary, and keeps to herself. She is also very harsh and can be quite cruel with the way she speaks. She also is rather cruel with her blade, and seems to have no sense of sympathy when she is focused on a victim, often not relenting until they are dead.

~✿ Motivation/Backstory: ✿~
Kaori's main goal is to destroy the weaker people. She is a big protestor of protecting those who are weaker and more childish, and strongly stands against them. She believes that the world would be stronger, and stand taller, if it would be led by people who are powerful and firm.

~✿ Abilities: ✿~
Cowboy Kebab: Kaori had mastered the use of the Katana, and is an extremely adept fighter. She has quick strikes, led from quick attacks, which leads to an upper hand in fighting. She is also rather skilled at handling other weapons, though she prefers to sticking to kunais and katanas. Though she is a quicker fighter, she lacks rather in strength, which is why she relies a lot on her BARBECUE power, to help her defeat her enemies more quickly without suffering too extreme injuries.

Barbecue Kebab: Kaori suddenly gets a rapid speed boost and multiplies her speed by 1.5%. This is often helpful when faced with enemies who are stronger then her, so that Kaori has the upper speed factor, allowing her to have small yet quick strikes. This boost also allows Kaori to have even faster attacks, which proves to help support her lack of strength. Like any power, this boost only lasts for 3 minutes, until she reverts back to her normal speed.

Burnt Kebab: Kaori's katana suddenly heats up rapidly and radiates a powerful heat. When her sword is in this mode, it is capable of burning many things, such as flesh, weaker bones, etc. This flame also boosts Kaori's weak strength, giving her the strength of a capable swordsman/woman. But Kaori can only activate this flaming mode every 32 hours, so she keeps it on standby, only for emergencies. Plus, while Flaming Blade is activated, all other boosts are extremely reduced to nothing, until Kaori runs out of strength.

~✿ Main Weapon: ✿~
Yes, once again, I have summoned my nonexistent Japanese side, and I have decided that Kaori's main weapons are her katana and kunais.

~✿ Other? ✿~

~✿ Palpad: (Y/N) ✿~

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Posted: Tue, 28/02/2023 05:46 (2 Years ago)
I have no idea what they both are!! :DDDD

Demon Slayer in English Dub or Sub?

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Posted: Tue, 28/02/2023 05:41 (2 Years ago)
... That is so hard TwT. How can I choose between my favorite OC and the best anime character ever? For this one... I've got to say Nezuko~

Which do you choose: Rengoku or Ace Spade?

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Posted: Tue, 28/02/2023 05:35 (2 Years ago)
No. My phone has severe parental controls on it, and I am dying from lack of anime...

Is it possible to survive a day without looking at a Rengoku Donut meme?

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Posted: Tue, 28/02/2023 04:46 (2 Years ago)
Kamado Tanjiro is the main protagonist in Kimetsu no Yaiba, also known as Demon Slayer. He is technically an orphan, and when a demon killed his entire family except for his sister Nezuko, who was turned into a demon, he joined the Demon Slayer Corps to cure his sister.

Are you going to watch the new Demon Slayer season?

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Posted: Tue, 28/02/2023 04:43 (2 Years ago)
If Chef Akaza makes it: yes. HOMEMADE RENGOKU DONUTTT

If Akaza did not become a chef, would the Rengoku Donut still exist?

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