Forum Thread
The Plotless Roleplay (Sign-Ups CLOSED for now)
Forum-Index → Roleplay → RP Sign-up → The Plotless Roleplay (Sign-Ups CLOSED for now)
1. No God-Modding your Characters.
2. No Bunnying/Controlling another User's Characters.
3. Maximum amount of Characters per User is THREE.
4. Violence, Gore, and Romance are all Allowed. (That includes Shipping. You're welcome, Royal.)
5. Mild Swearing is Allowed, but please Censor it as best as you can. (e.g. "You sick B***H!") Ya know, keep it somewhat appropriate.
6. Have as much fun as Physically, Mentally, and Emotionally possible!

Character Name:
Character Age:
Character Gender:
Character Sexuality:
Character Appearance:
Character Personality:
Original Fandom: (Optional)
Character Weapon(s):
Would you like to Join the PalPad Group?:

Username: FatHead
Character Name: Thomas (Tom) Ridgewell
Character Age: 25 Years Old
Character Gender: Male
Character Sexuality: Straight (As far as I know.)
Character Appearance:

Character Personality: Aggressive, Sarcastic, and Often Drunk. And yet he still has his moments where he acts like a total Goofball Idiot.
Original Fandom: Eddsworld
Character Weapon(s): A Shotgun and a Shovel (Oh and he has a Guitar named Susan, but he would NEVER use her as a Weapon.)
Would you like to Join the PalPad Group?: Well Duh-Doy.
Other?: Nope!

Username: FatHead
Character Name: Yuri
Character Age: 17 Years Old
Character Gender: Female
Character Sexuality: Straight
Character Appearance:

Character Personality: Shy, Caring, and VERY into the Genre of Horror. But she does go a bit... Crazy whenever there's a boy around.
Original Fandom: Doki Doki Literature Club!
Character Weapon(s): Just a Knife. Though, she also carries around her favorite Book, "Portrait of Markov".
Would you like to Join the PalPad Group?: I kinda have to, don't I?
Other?: Nope!

Username: FatHead
Character Name: Nicky
Character Age: 16 Years Old
Character Gender: Female
Character Sexuality: Straight
Character Appearance:

Character Personality: Conceited, Thinks she's the best thing ever, and easily Aggressive.
Original Fandom: Friday Night Funkin'
Character Weapon(s): Um... A Microphone and her Bare Fists, I guess.
Would you like to Join the PalPad Group?: I'm the one Creating the PalPad Group, Baka.
Other?: Nope!

- Tom: The Drunken Demon
- Yuri: The Obsessive Schoolgirl
- Nicky: The Conceited Competitor
- Loremaster: The Compliment-Giver
- Ace: The Split Personality
- Jevil: The Chaotic Energy
- Chara: The Cold-Natured Friend
- Otto: The Romantic Keyster
- Golden: The Cruel but Friendly One
- Banny: The Energetic Bounce
- Kaori: The Solitary Softie
- Proton: The Emotionally Distant One
- Kari: The Carer
- Keylyon: The Smart Guy
- Missing: Unknown Suffering
Title: The Mad Scientist
Character Name: Loremaster
Character Age: 23
Character Gender: Female
Character Sexuality: Bisexual
Character Appearance:

Character Personality: Loremaster is cheerful, affable, and enthusiastic, being quick to give compliments when surprised or amazed and rarely holding grudges. That said, she can also be flippant, immature, and capricious.
Original Fandom: Helltaker (Optional)
Character Weapon(s): Machines/inventions, whatever is nearby
Would you like to Join the PalPad Group?: Yerp
Other?: Might use this one in other rps
(Backstory/fun facts:) Loremaster is a fallen angel/demon yet she denies that she has actually transformed into a demon, and claims to still be an angel working for Heaven and is just wearing a disguise. She painted her horns white to appear older.
At some point she lost her arms in an unknown battle, replacing them with robot arms. She is also the current ruler of Hell after overthrowing Lucifer and making her a royal servant. (Lucifer is female in this universe if you are confused.)
Character Age:15
Character Gender:Male
Character Sexuality:no sex?
Character Appearance:MY PFP
Character Personality:split personality:
Original Fandom: (Optional)MY OC
Character Weapon(s):Scythe that could morph into a knife and could do sans ability
Would you like to Join the PalPad Group?:Yessir~
Character Name:Jevil
Character Age:500+
Character Gender:genderless
Character Sexuality:none
Character Appearance:
Character Personality:CHAOS and energetic
Original Fandom: (Optional)Deltarune
Character Weapon(s):The scythe though he could summons many ace shaped bullets and has tracker arrow bullets and his scythe could cause explosion and could summon boxes with Ace picture and explodes
Would you like to Join the PalPad Group?::)
Other?:is this valid?
Character Name:Storyshift chara (could also called chara)
Character Age:13
Character Gender:Female
Character Sexuality:none
Character Appearance:

Character Personality:Friendly,cold
Original Fandom: (Optional)Storyshift tale
Character Weapon(s):Glowing red knife for weapoun and could summon knives to throw and could use the chaos blaster
Other?:Is this valid? lol cuz this is my first time signing up a girl

Character Name: Otto Apocalypse
Character Age: 571 assuming this takes place in 2023
Character Gender: male
Character Sexuality: straight
Character Appearance: blond, blue hair. Tall. By no means buff, but menacing enough to make you scared of him
Character Personality: A romantic. Watched their one true love die at the hands of the honkai, supernatural sentient source of power normally coloured pink. This power can warp reality, create honkai beasts, power and take over machines and (rarely) creates herrschers, outerversl beings with devastating power, most of whom hate humanity. Otto has searched for a way to ressurect his love kallen ovwr his vast life, even going as far as to consult the herrscher of death, said to be able to ressurect the dead for help. The herrscher didn't cooperate, so otto was forced to slay the little girl that was hosting the herrscher, siezing the honkai core within her and ripping it out,resulting in the little girls death. Otto had become apathetic to all else at that point. 300 years had passed, and otto had lost all traces of empathy in his body. From the core of the herrscher of death, he crafted one of the first divine keys, a jewel mask resembling the death mask of his lover, a purple and black raven mask. This mask had the ability to prevent him from aging and make him effectively immune to old age. This still wasn't what otto needed to revive kallen though,despite the masks great power. Otto set out, slaying herrschers left and right to sieze their cores. He gained a total of five more cores. The core of truth, the core of wind , the core of the fire, the core of binding and the core of the void. Some of these cores were weak and brittle due to being siezed rematurely. The core of truth and the core of wind. These shrank into gems, truth becoming the gem of reason and wind becoming the gem of desire. These two couldn't be used to make divine keys, so he inserted them into two people, gem of reason into welt joyce and (a few years later) the gem of reason into Wendy. Joyce was an ordinary citizen, plucked out of a Honkai radiation infested city and rescued by schiksal, a company owned by otto used to fight the honkai. Wendy menwhile was. Valkyrie, an A rank to be exact. Valkyries are honkai infused humans who use the power to fight the honkai beasts. Joyce was an empty vessel, perfectly suited to host the gem of reason, and was blessed with herrscher powers as long as the gem was within him. Wendy meanwhile, was not so lucky. Due to her already having an infusion and strain of rogue honkai in her body, the gem rejected her, and the gem was inserted into her leg, even as she started screaming and leaking honkai radiation. Moments later, she became crippled and lost a leg. With the other two cores, fire and binding, he created the judgement of shamesh from fire, a pair of pistols that vould transform into a greatsword which fires a beam of fire from each of them that cannot be put out until either it burns itself out of the person they hit dies. User will be consumed by flames upon single use. Basically, insta kill but takes you off the census at the same time. The only people able to survive using them were the kaslana family, a family that had a great track record when it came to being a valkyrie, with cells integrated to them so they'd have the durability of a herrscher. It was still dangerous for them to use though. Only two of the kaslana family has survived greatsword form, siegfreid and kevin kaslana. From the core of binding, he made the oath of judah, a divine key that takes the form of a giant cross the size of a 12 year old child. It can be opened to reveal boomerangs and blades that have the ability to drain honkai energy and store them inside the blades and boomerangs to add honkai infused damage to their attacks. Welt joyce, the now good herrscher of reason (Not truth mind you, reason.) proffered a leftover chip of his gem to otto. From this chip, otto made the void archives, a archive taking the form of a ring. This archives auto updates and stores information of every weapon that has ever existed, and owns the ability to manifest any weapons within its archives, this includes divine keys mind you. (A weaker and more fragile version.) The user is also able to occasionally use the herrscherr of reasons power. They strted collecting divine keys, and all of them keys were eventually logged in (Here is a list of all the keys) None of them were able to ressurect the dead though, so otto began to despair. Then, he came up with an idea. What if he used the second key (Cosmic juggernaut) and traversed different universes to look for one in which kallen survived? So here begins his adventures through space and time, eventually leading him to the plotless world, in hope of finding a better past.
Original Fandom: (Optional)Honkai impact 3 (my own au)
Character Weapon(s): Here is a list of all the keys
Would you like to Join the PalPad Group?: yes
Other?: Most of the divine keys will cause insta death for otto upon use in my au, so no worries wether he wil be op or not.
Character Name: Golden Freddy
Character Age: 22
Character Gender: Male
Character Sexuality: Gay
Character Appearance: He's on my pfp
Character Personality: Cruel but can sometimes be friendly
Original Fandom: (Optional) Fnaf
Character Weapon(s): Sword
Would you like to Join the PalPad Group?: Yes :)
Other?: Nope but i was hoping if anybody's character would be his love interest
Username: ~Goldie-Bear~
Character Name: Banny
Character Age: 20
Character Gender: Female
Character Sexuality: Bi
Character Appearance:
Character Personality: Friendly, Always Happy, Energetic
Original Fandom: (Optional) TWF
Character Weapon(s): Knife
Would you like to Join the PalPad Group?: Yuppers
Other?: Nope :)

~✿ Character Name: ✿~
Kaori Kim
~✿ Character Age: ✿~
~✿ Character Gender: ✿~
~✿ Character Sexuality: ✿~
~✿ Character Appearance: ✿~
Kaori has some sort of a cold glare. Her dark red eyes seem to bore into your soul, and she seems to be contemplating whether or not to spare you. This look is exaggerated with her high ponytail with red bow, blue diamonds in her dark black hair, and red cherry blossom-designed kimono.
~✿ Character Personality: ✿~
Kaori is rather solitary, and keeps to herself. She is also very harsh and can be quite cruel with the way she speaks. She also is rather cruel with her blade, and seems to have no sense of sympathy when she is focused on a victim, often not relenting until they are dead.
Though Kaori may seem to be a cold, heartless person, on the inside, she is in fact a very soft person. Inside, she is very gentle, kind, and caring, but on the outside, yep, she's the exact opposite. This is all because of a very harsh life, which has formed the layers of ice.
Most people will not be able to 'witness or access' the soft side of Kaori, as only the people closest to her can. And that means... nobody. :D
~✿ Original Fandom: (Optional) ✿~
Demon Slayer
~✿ Character Weapon(s): ✿~
Kaori has a katana and 4 kunai strapped at her waist.
~✿ Would you like to Join the PalPad Group?: ✿~
~✿ Other?: ✿~
✿ Where there are bees there are flowers ✿
✿ And wherever there are flowers, there is new life and hope ✿
✿ And wherever there is new life and hope, there is love, and someone there ✿
Character Name:
(Real name unknown.)
Character Age:
23 Years
Character Gender:
Character Sexuality:
Biromantic + Asexual
Character Appearance:
Warning: Proton's face is covered heavily in scars. His injuries will usually be covered by his hair, but the first reference is just to show his appearance. The second still shows his injuries, but to a lesser extent.
Character Personality:
As the former scariest and cruelest Executive of Team Rocket, Proton has a streak of being cold and uncaring. He is emotionally distant from others, and it's rumored that he has a violent temper to match. However, he has mellowed out significantly since his days in Team Rocket, and is far more passive. While he is very blunt and uncaring to most people, he ironically seems to fare well with the Pokémon in his care. He doesn't emote much; often having a blank or vacant stare to him. His "airheadedness" seems to unnerve people, but he has yet to cause any actual harm since he turned over a new leaf.
Original Fandom:
Pokémon (Heart Gold & Soul Silver)
["Isekai Proton" AU by yours truly!]
Character Weapon:
While not necessarily a weapon, he has a Crobat and an Umbreon. Neither of these Pokémon are Alphas.
If he's the one to be fighting hand to hand, he has a pair of kitchen shears on his person at all times.
Would you like to Join the PalPad Group?:
Yes please!
"If there's anyone qualified to handle explosives, it's not me."
-Proton two seconds before the Noble Electrode exploded on him.
Character Name: Kari
Character Age: 21
Character Gender: F
Character Sexuality:
Character Appearance:

Character Personality: Mostly a keep to self type of girl, but is very caring for other people.
Original Fandom: None
Character Weapon(s): Dual Blades
Would you like to Join the PalPad Group?: Sure
Character Name: Keylyon
Character Age: 15
Character Gender: male
Character Sexuality: straight
Character Appearance: (I wish I had an image for this).
Black lab coat with a brown shirt underneath. He has cold blue eyes. He alse has a dark red hat with goggles 🥽 on it. He has brown pants a black shoes.
Character Personality: he is calm smart. He does not like rich people
Original Fandom: (Optional): It's an OC.
Character Weapon(s): Dual swords
Would you like to Join the PalPad Group?: Of course!
Other?: He is a thief. But he only steals from rich people.
I buy every honey worth 20 pokedollars or less. I'm 100% to blame for honey inflation.