Forum Thread
The Plotless Roleplay (Official RP)
Forum-Index → Roleplay → The Plotless Roleplay (Official RP)
- Thomas (Tom) Ridgewell
- Yuri
- NickyGirl
- Loremaster
- Ace Spade
- Jevil
- Chara (Storyshift)
- Otto Apocalypse
- Golden Freddy
- Banny
- Kaori Kim
- Proton
- Deadpool
- Jax Teller
- Opie Winston
Tom, Yuri, and Nicky all awaken to find themselves in a large Library. Tom's first instinct is to pull out his Flask and begin to drink. In his eyes, any situation looks better when you're drunk. Yuri heads toward the Horror Section of the Library Shelves. Meanwhile, Nicky just lies on the floor, having not the slightest idea of where she is, and more importantly, where the Plot is.
Kaori sighed, and stood up. She carefully put a hand to her sheath and looked around, and sighed in relief when she noticed that she was the only person in the aisle. For now, at least.
✿ Where there are bees there are flowers ✿
✿ And wherever there are flowers, there is new life and hope ✿
✿ And wherever there is new life and hope, there is love, and someone there ✿

As she wakes up Loremaster takes around to find herself in a library she's never seen before. She mumbles to herself, "I don't think this is Hell." She begins to walk around until she sees someone, she then creeps over to them hoping they don't see her.
Proton, a former Team Rocket Executive
You'd think after the second time you're forcefully taken from your home and placed in an unfamiliar place, you'd be used to it by now. But no, that's stupid, and you're stupid for believing so.
Isolated in a separate section of the library, Proton of
On that note, he noticed most of his Pokeballs were missing, bar the two marked clearly for being his Umbreon and Crobat's, respectively.
"Alright, Proton," he mumbled to himself. "Let's just figure out what you're here to do. Hopefully nothing else related to Team Rocket.."
He hoped that last part wasn't spoken too loudly.
Proton, a former Team Rocket Executive
He jumped. He hadn't grown quite used to being so hyper-vigilant, but that Noble Electrode had really given him a run for his money. As such, he was quite expected to react with surprise when Loremaster tapped him on the shoulder.
Immediately, one hand was holding his Crobat's Pokeball. Had he had any less common sense, he'd have thrown his trusted partner Pokémon to the wolves and fled the scene. However, he was neither a coward, nor a poor trainer. (Well, that could be debated. He used to be vile, but he'd changed, right?)
His tense posture was only highlighted further by the wide-eyed, flabbergasted stare he was giving Loremaster.
"Hey do you know where we are?"
"In a library, duh," he commented, as if that was the most obvious thing in the world. To him, it was.
Proton, a former Team Rocket Executive
"That's already known but what I meant was are we in Hell, Earth, or somewhere else?"
Proton choked back a snicker; something he was sure his Crobat and Umbreon were up to as well, if they heard what he was saying. Fortunately, the Survey Corps. member had enough self-control to not say something stupid again. (If his absolutely hilarious commentary could even be classified as stupid.)
"Well that's a less stupid question. I almost wish I had an answer for you."
He dismissively waved a hand as he spoke, but his hold on Crobat's ball was still firm. His expression had shifted to one of smugness, as if he was almost basking in the peculiarity of the situation at hand. He probably looked just as out of place as Loremaster did here.
Proton, a former Team Rocket Executive
"You really are getting on my nerves y'know, I'm just trying to see where I am but you obviously don't either."
Considering his responses, Proton felt that it was.. pretty blatantly clear he had no clue where he'd ended up either. He almost considered consulting the Arc Phone, but it didn't take much thinking to realize that if he wasn't in Hisui, contact likely wouldn't be possible. In fact, the more he thought about it..
..This looked more like a modern library that he'd see in Kanto or Johto, than anything he would've found in the Hisui region; specifically, in Laventon's area of the Galaxy Team HQ.
"Thanks for pointing out the obvious." Proton rolled his eyes. It'd be a waste of breath to try calling out some advice, so instead he made the executive decision to try to appear as an unsuspecting individual. Sure, it was likely hard to do with the two Pokeballs on his person and his unusual attire, but maybe someone would assume he was some sort of..
..what were they called..
..cosplayers? Yeah. Maybe someone would assume he was a cosplayer or something.
Proton, a former Team Rocket Executive
..Why is there fire?
Proton's heart started pounding with alarm as the flames sprang to life. Between the Noble Arcanine and Noble Electrode, he'd dealt with enough fire and explosions for a single lifetime, thanks! With a flick of his wrist, Crobat was freed from its Pokeball.
"Sorry for the rude awakening," he mumbled, voice muffled by his scarf. "Think you'd be willing to clear a path through the flames with a Gust?"
The Pokémon chittered with displeasure at being woken up, and finding itself in an unusual environment. However, it took notice of its trainer's distress; the way his visible eye glanced around nervously, as if he was anticipating something. Not wanting to deal with whatever outcome that'd provide, Crobat fluttered its wings, whips of invisible air casting away the flames in Proton's path.
The trainer really needed to properly thank his Pokémon for the help they provided him. And he was seriously going to get angry at whoever thought a fire was a good idea in a library. The books cost more money than what he got paid on survey jobs, for Ho-oh's sake!
✿ Where there are bees there are flowers ✿
✿ And wherever there are flowers, there is new life and hope ✿
✿ And wherever there is new life and hope, there is love, and someone there ✿
As she followed behind Kaori, Loremaster turned and saw Proton, much to her dismay she called out to him and pointed at the window she was running to. Then jumped through and landed right behind the Demon Slayer. She asks, "What just happened?"
Proton, a former Team Rocket Executive
Well.. He supposed he could go through the window. Honestly, his first idea had been to go out the front door. The only issue was that glass was sharp, and he wasn't looking for a repeat of a certain noble.
Crobat seemed to be nudging its trainer toward the window. Okay, okay, I get it, you don't want me to burn, he thought. It was a nice thought; his Pokémon actually caring despite their trainer being less than kind to.. most people, honestly. But he didn't have time to think about that! He needed to get out so that Crobat and Umbreon wouldn't burn in here.
The Gusts helped to clear the path. He didn't even have to try to roll to dodge anything; Crobat could always scoop him up at any moment, but it didn't. Instead, as Proton approached, the Poison-type's ball was back out, and he was returning the Pokémon to its place.
And.. out the window he goes. Proton is almost certain he was going to be cut by shards of glass, but he could always patch up the wounds later. For now, he had a situation to figure out.