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Searching for: Posts from Hipsterpotamus.
Posted: Fri, 18/06/2021 15:02 (3 Years ago)
Lawful evil, a dragon at a mcdonalds lol XD

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Posted: Wed, 16/06/2021 16:08 (3 Years ago)
Id love to join! 💄💋

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Posted: Tue, 15/06/2021 18:01 (3 Years ago)

Edit- I did a deep sea pokemon :D

What i would love:
- Woodland or sea creature
- Powerful pokemon fusions or redraws
- Horror pokemon

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Posted: Tue, 15/06/2021 16:42 (3 Years ago)

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Posted: Tue, 15/06/2021 01:51 (3 Years ago)

Warning, there is a little gore. I remade Lickilicky as a ghost type.

What i would like;

- Cute woodland or sea creatures
- Humans based on pokemon
- Woopers fusion and redesign :D
- Any pokemon retypes into ghosts.

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Posted: Thu, 01/04/2021 18:17 (3 Years ago)

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Posted: Tue, 30/03/2021 20:14 (3 Years ago)
@Yvelette, heres your little boi, hope u like him ^^

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Posted: Mon, 29/03/2021 00:40 (3 Years ago)

Welcome back to the PH times~ :D

By PokeliciousBae!

28/03/20 || Issue #105 || Editor: Hipsterpotamus and Absbor

“Perfection is attained by slow degrees; it requires the hand of time.’’

Finally after such a long time, we can finally get some Shiny Impoleon plushies! Along with shiny alola Raichu!

Besides that a new limited Plush was published! for

It was our spriters - Giltine13 - birthday on the 25th of March. We were able to buy each other, her PokéSona Geisha, to celebrate that occasion on that day. As this is already stated,Giltine13 original character plush, it’s not allowed to be stolen, used for your own profile decoration, edited for your own purpose or any kind of your own use! For more information regarding this, look under rule 8.1.1 Art Theft!

Lastly, four new permanent plushies are out.


Happy Exchange!

Bunnelby's Easter Egg Hunt
Special Event
Your task is to search for Easter Eggs that are hidden carefully on PokéHeroes.

You receive a new Event Pokémon for finding 16 out of 20 eggs.

You receive a special reward for finding all 20 out of 20 eggs.

This Event ends on April 4th, 23:59. The reward can be claimed on April 5th.

OF date 18/03/2021, riako and the moderators have noticed that some messages havent got delivered. The issue has been fixed. If you have an unanswered question or problem then please re-submit your request![img]https://staticpokeheroes.com/img/artworks/zeraora.png" style="max-width: 100%"/>
It's this time of the year again. After such a strong thunderstorm, the mythical Pokémon Zeraora has shown themselves among people again. Even more shinies have been discovered than previously!
After a lot or not a lot of interacting the thunder kitty will show themselves on the bar, click on the icon and you can receive an egg!
Happy interacting everybody.

Weekly Fun Fact of Current Event

Suggested by -Prajju
Everytime a new PH Times comes out, we also give you a fact! They can be knowledgeable or funny or even both at the same time? Have fun! :D

Painting on an egg is called: Malyovanky –from malyuvaty (малювати) - “to paint”.

Source: Wikipedia

In this week’s Beauty Contest Electric type Pokémon had their chance to shine in the theme of ‘Circus’. Congratulations to the top 3 of the latest Contest!

First Place

by Ravenswing

Second Place

by Tuna

Third Place

by Curon

Want to look into your future?

Writer:Hipsterpotamus & Absbor

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January 20 - February 18

AQUARIUS: Pay attention to money matters on the 28th and 29th, and you will come out ahead. An investment you make will pay off. Don’t give in to someone using emotional tactics on the 30th and 31st to take advantage of you financially. Be proactive and handle your responsibilities and negotiations yourself. Sit tight and don’t commit to anything. Spend time on home and self-improvement projects. Listen to an offer on the 1st and 2nd but don’t be too quick to get involved. Verify facts and figures before you decide to get involved. You’ll want to make a change on the 3rd but before you sign on the dotted line, consider the emotional, physical, and financial cost involved. Choose moderation over excess.
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March 21 - April 19

ARIES: Ponder over what you have to work with on the 28th and 29th, and you’ll find a way to perfect and produce what works best for you. Take physical action and execute your plan. Question investments and joint ventures on the 30th and 31st. A deal isn’t likely to live up to the hype you are hearing. Weigh the pros and cons before you get involved in a financial partnership. Do the groundwork on the 1st and 2nd before you talk to someone in an administrative role. Preparation will make the difference between getting what you or being denied. Emotions will be difficult to control on the 3rd. Time is on your side, and observation is in your best interest. Choose peace over discord.
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February 19 - March 20

PIECES: Look at the facts on the 28th and 29th, pay attention to detail, and recognize when someone is playing games with you. A relationship will suffer if it lacks equality. Don’t offer more than what you get in return. Look for alternative ways to divvy up responsibilities and expenses on the 30th and 31st, and it will help eliminate discord. A problem with a financial institution will prompt you to change the way you handle your money. Be a good listener and keep your opinions to yourself on the 1st and 2nd, and you’ll receive information that will help you bypass an argument. An online job post will grab your attention on the 3rd. Don’t hesitate to follow through. A positive change is heading your way.

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April 20 - May 20

TAUROS: Keep your thoughts to yourself on the 28th and 29th. A sudden change will backfire if you haven’t prepared properly. Call on those who can offer insight, and you’ll view your choices differently. Inconsistency will cause a problem for you on the 30th and 31st. Don’t feel rushed to do something if it doesn’t feel right. Pay close attention to detail and let your intuition help you navigate your way forward. Refrain from mixing emotions and money. Purchases or deals made for the wrong reason will be difficult to rescind. Be positive before you commit to anything or anyone. You’ll face a learning curve on the 3rd when dealing with someone you think you can trust. Don’t share personal information prematurely.
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June 21 - July 22
CANCER: Consideration, insight, and action will help you get ahead on the 28thand 29th. Address issues that are bothering you with compassion, understanding, and suggestions. Keep the peace, and make a difference. Set up virtual meetings on the 30th and 31st, and you’ll encounter information that will help you recognize your best path forward. Moderation will be necessary if you want to maintain control over your finances and your future. Physically follow through on the 1st and 2nd and live up to your promises. How you conduct business will affect your reputation and ability to excel. You may not like change, but it will be in your best interest on the 3rd. Learn through observation, and you’ll figure out what to do next.
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May 21 - June 20
GEMINI:Look for an opportunity on the 28th and 29th, and you’ll discover something to occupy your time. Someone you meet will spark your interest. Romance is featured. Don’t rely on someone to help you get ahead on the 30th and 31st. Sharing too much information will give someone the chance to adopt your ideas and promote them as their own. Emotions will build upon the 1st and 2nd between you and someone you deal with every day. Maintain your professionalism to avoid looking bad. Focus on what you have to achieve and avoid getting into a dispute. A change of scenery on the 3rd will give you a chance to rethink your strategy and make the necessary adjustments. Do what’s best for you.

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July 23 - August 22
LEO:Make a change on the 28th and 29th because you want to, not because of what someone else does. Look inward and decide what’s best for you. Focus on personal growth, fitness, and being the best you can be. You’ll get plenty of advice but before you jump on someone else’s coattails, consider investing more time, effort, and money in something that will benefit you. Get involved in virtual networking groups on the 1st and 2nd, and it will broaden your sense of what’s possible and what isn’t. Expand your interests, friendships, and knowledge. Romance is in the stars. An unexpected turn of events on the 3rd will make you question what you do with your spare time. Focus on self-improvement, creativity, and love.
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September 23 - October 22
LIBRA: Reach out to those who share your sentiments on the 28th and 29th, and you’ll come up with a plan that will help you make a positive lifestyle change. A meaningful relationship will lead to stability and security. The experience you encounter will be resourceful on the 30th and 31st when applied to earning a living and getting along with your colleagues. Maintain equality and avoid regret. Put your energy into something physical on the 1st and 2nd. Fitness, laborious projects or a passionate encounter with someone you love will ward of frustration and anxiety. Put emotions aside on the 3rd and fact the facts. Do what’s right and move along before matters escalate into an argument.
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August 23 - September 22
VIRGO: Concentrate on what you can accomplish on the 28th and 29th, and don’t waste time on the impossible. A partnership will undergo tension if you cannot respect one another’s point of view. Plan to do something energetic on the 30th and 31st, and it will alleviate stress. Being productive and moderate will be the perfect balance for achieving something that will improve your life. Settle into something that you find relaxing on the 1st and 2nd. Your patience is short, and having an outlet will make a personal change that will enhance your mood on the 3rd. Spend time with someone who sparks your imagination and supports your efforts. Avoid emotional spending or joint ventures that you cannot afford.

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October 23 - November 21
SCORPIO:Pick a side on the 28th and 29th. Indecisiveness will stand between you and what you want to accomplish. Follow your intuition, and don’t look back. Say what’s on your mind on the 30th and 31st, and you’ll find out where you stand. Overreacting won’t help a sensitive situation. Be more observant, to the point, and a good listener if you want to resolve issues peacefully. The past can offer plenty of valuable information on the 1st and 2nd. Remember what’s happened, and be prepared to protect yourself from anyone using compliments or temptation as a pressure tactic. Protect against injury or taking a risk with your health on the 3rd. Avoid large crowds and people who don’t take the same precautions you uphold.
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December 22 - January 19

CAPRICORN: You’ll encounter problems with a friend or relative on the 28thand 29th if one or both of you force your will on the other. Consider the consequence and choose to go about your business and avoid the hassle. A unique opportunity will surface on the 30th and 31st if you take a unique approach to the way you earn your living. Be bold when it comes to technology and what’s trending. Work on personal growth on the 1st and 2nd, not trying to change others. Take better care of yourself physically and emotionally and stay away from anyone tempting you to make poor choices. Emotions will surface on the 3rd if you are sensitive to criticism. Consider what’s implied and make adjustments.
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November 22 - December 21

SAGITTARIUS: Focus on achieving what you set out to do on the 28th and 29th. Hard work will pay off and improve your work ethics and balance your personal and professional responsibilities. Gather information on the 30th and 31st. Call up people who can offer insight into something you want to pursue. A change you make will alter the way you handle your money. Refuse to let emotions mess with living moderately. Excessive behavior will be your downfall. Put more into health, fitness, and romance on the 1st and 2nd. Peace of mind comes from doing what’s right and best for you. Don’t be fooled by what you hear on the 3rd. Go directly to the source and verify the facts before taking action.

Writer: LordSamton

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It's Lopunny!

Lopunny is known as the "Rabbit" pokemon
Japanese name: "ミミロップ" Mimilop
Typing: (Normal)
Abilities: Cute Charm | Klutz
Hidden ability: Limber
Evolution Line: It evolves from Buneary through friendship.
--- --->

Gender: 50% | 50%
Egg groups: Field | Human-Like
EHP: 5,355
Pokedex Entry: The ears appear to be delicate. If they are touched roughly, it kicks with its graceful legs.

Soon we’ll be back!

This week:

What did the fish say when i swam into the wall? "Dam."
By Mr_Puppydawg

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Thank you to all who sent jokes! If yours didn't win, feel free to send them again :D

Want to earn more tickets for the PH vending machine? Send us one of your original jokes and we will choose the best one to publish. If you get picked, you will earn a ticket.

When we made P.H. Times, We had done it with a dream of uniting the entire user-base and being a platform for public discussions for users. Feeds of all users may not always be noticed. Have a story to share? Want to talk about something? PM me the article and we will publish it! We look forward to listening from you!!

Do you have an idea how the Ph Times could expand? OR just a cool idea to share with the crew? Contact me! I will be more than happy to hear about your ideas!

You could even earn some PH vending machine tickets by contacting us with amazing ideas

When is your Birthday? Tell me so we can celebrate it by adding it to the list! Want to surprise one of your friends' days on ph? Send me a message so we can organize a party for them! ヾ(。・ω・)シ

We can advertise shops, contests, giveaways, etc. It is 10k PD for advertisement of an already scripted one. We can also script it for you for just a 5000 PD extra! If you want to advertise, Shoot Hipsterpotamus a message!

You should palpad Hipsterpotamus or Absbor the Answer. :D
You will get 100 PD for every correct answer you send me. No negative if you get them wrong! If you get all of them correct, you will be one of the winners, and will get 2k PD and earn a PH vending machine ticket. Also, the person who got the most right each month gets 10k PD extra on the last post of the month and a extra PH vending machine ticket! So, Good Luck!!

It’s back to some pokemon quiz! :D
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1. This Pokémon needs 510 EHP to hatch.
2. You receive this Pokémon as a gift for completing your Kanto and Johto dex and need 30,855 EHP to hatch.
3. This Pokémon fights with a leek and hatches with 5,355 EHP.

By Absbor

Answers from last week:
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1. Blipbug
2. Dottler
3. Orbeetle

The responders from last week are:

Made by Rice
Welcome back everyone to some puzzles made by the crew.

It's currently on hiatus.

Send us your art so we can post it here! The ownership is still with the artists, and we will not use it for anything. This is just to advertise your arts. We will use proper credits and provide exposure to the artist, so we hope you participate in this. You could earn some PH vending machine tickets. by sending us some art!

Have some free to use plushies

By Absbor

Looking for sponsors, to help us maintain this. Donations will be used strictly for the newspaper, whether it'll be for a PH Times contest or bonuses for all our staff. It can be anything, from pd to even free arts. It can also be articles from talented writers.

Now for our sponsor Sponsor Eagle~ Kamini, thank you for sending the Ph Times the funds so that everyone gets paid and that we have enough pd for some amazings prizes :heart:

A huge thanks to those who donated; The incredible Syd_the_Squid, the wonderful Phantomx and the generous lycanwolf.

♥ And the juiciest kiss to all that has participated in the #PHTimesSupport ♥

Any questions, concerns, comments, suggestions or even violent reactions, just message us.

Accepting sponsors and donations.
PH Times banner edited by Elzah
Art banners (whos that pokemon, roleplays, astrological art and the art wall banners) made by Furret
Emera Square Banner and puzzle Banner by Rice
Thanks to amitlu89 from Deviantart for the 'Who's that pokemon' template.
Thanks to Dragonflycave's sprite generator, Bulbapedia and PokeHeroes for the sprites and art.
Word arts were made from https://picasion.com/glitter-maker/ and https://cooltext.com/
Information on 'The Pokemon Of The Week' & Pokémon Quiz taken from Pokeheroes Pokedex and Bulbapedia.
Some Quotes from https://www.brainyquote.com/topics/positive-quotes
Information from the horoscope taken from www.eugenialast.com

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Posted: Sun, 28/03/2021 21:22 (3 Years ago)
Reminds me of jayden animations turned evil

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Posted: Sun, 28/03/2021 04:03 (3 Years ago)
In mailbox :D

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Posted: Sun, 28/03/2021 02:13 (3 Years ago)
In mailbox :D

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Posted: Sun, 28/03/2021 02:08 (3 Years ago)
Username: Hipsterpotamus
Text: There comes a time when a man has to stand and fight! That time is when his friends’ dreams are being laughed at! And I won’t let you laugh at that! – God Usopp
Text Color: Yellow and red for the one piece flag
Background color: greyish black
Size (Default is 700x300): big enough for a signature. So wider then the length
Other: can u make God Usopp in yellow and red? For his outfit? this palette

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Posted: Sun, 28/03/2021 01:55 (3 Years ago)
o(≧∇≦o) I had a lot of fun with it, I'm glad you like how I drew him. I was scared that I went a little overboard haha

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Posted: Sun, 28/03/2021 01:28 (3 Years ago)
In mailbox :D

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Posted: Sun, 28/03/2021 01:16 (3 Years ago)
From the pokedex entry of heartgold "When it bites with its massive and powerful jaws, it shakes its head and savagely tears its victim up." (๏д๏) I would have to decline.

Would you cuddle a sweet slugma that is crying because its trainer left it? ( ´•̥̥̥ω•̥̥̥` )

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Posted: Sun, 28/03/2021 00:17 (3 Years ago)
@Tsukoyomi, heres ur boi! Hope you like it!! As always, if theres something youd like to change just tell me ^^
Gore warning

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Posted: Sat, 27/03/2021 17:17 (3 Years ago)
@Dorcas I sent a palpad just for some clarifications so not yet accepted. ^^

@Yvelette, thats a special character so many things. He's cute tho, ill try to do him justice ;p also thanks for the support at the PH time haha

@Dorcas accepted :D

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Posted: Thu, 25/03/2021 16:01 (3 Years ago)
Username: Hipsterpotamus
Name: Yuki Diamond
Age (14-18): 16
Gender: Male
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My boi Yuki (●♡∀♡)

Personality: A soft boi with hard features that can scare most, but once you know him you'll find a loyal friend. He has incredible dedication and determination.
Skill Level (how good they are at baseball): His infield skills aren't the best, he needs practice with catching popflies and grounders but hes not the worst. His batting abilities are horrible. He hardly ever hits, misses most of the time and when he does make contact, he can't control the direction of the hit.
Other: But my boi puts in the work.

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Posted: Sun, 21/03/2021 20:14 (3 Years ago)
Claim! Theres this one good boi whos so cuuute that I need to do ~


For next, anyone here?

Or fan art of any one piece characters??

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Posted: Sun, 21/03/2021 04:08 (3 Years ago)
Awwwn ty, happy to hear that 🥰, you can post it on th no problem~ you can link it to my profile. I use the same username: Hipsterpotamus

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