Hello! If you have any questions, my Pal Pad is open! None of my stuff is for sale so please do not message me asking about my items or pokemon.
・ ・ ・ ・ ・

Item: Enigma Stone
Progress: 113 / 250

Item: Lustrous Orb
Progress: 49 / 150

Item: Purple Feather
Progress: 75 / 115

Item: White Powder
Progress: 14 / 215

Item: Grass Gem
Progress: 37,226
Game Records
Trainer ID: #588448157Registration: 14/11/2015 (9 Years ago)
Premium member until 01/Nov/2026
Time Played: 14913:35 Hours
Total interactions: 77,212,858
Money: 3,165,899

Starter Pokémon:

⇸ collection || gift log ⇷

art credits:
☆ yuuta plushie by BakugouKatsuki ☆ yuuta cheeb by Airisu ☆ elio pixel by kitkat ☆ elio sprite by Furret ☆ avatar by RC_CLOWN ☆