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Bishop OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 27 |
Posted: Fri, 04/06/2021 00:15 (3 Years ago) |
Bishop OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 27 |
Posted: Wed, 21/06/2017 19:57 (7 Years ago) |
Title: June 22nd (IN GAME TIME)FULL details about my Lotto, 2 weeks before it is over.. THIS EVENT IS OVER. you can check winner list HERE soon. Details: 131 people shared 9 of those shared code from main lotto but were still given an entry, 23 people shared by copy/paste from feeds (NO links) so those did not get an entry. RULES: ![]() 1) You must share the CODE properly (including links) not just a copy and paste from the feeds. 2) You must leave it in your feeds for the entire day, and maybe an hour or so after reset on 23rd to make sure i have time to record all entries. PRIZES: ![]() 1 this Ho-oh 2 2 Enigma Stones and 1 Resolute Stone. 3 125 Nuggets 4 100 Nuggets 5 75 Nuggets 6 5 Big Pearls 7 5 Big Pearls 8 5 Big Pearls 9 5 Big Pearls 10 SET of DNA Splicer (white and black) 11 SET of DNA Splicer (white and black) 12 SET of DNA Splicer (white and black) 13 SET of DNA Splicer (white and black) 14 SET of DNA Splicer (white and black) 15 50 Nuggets SHARE IT CODE: #BestLottoEVER By [user]Bishop[/user] OVER
60M worth of prizes.
Bishop OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 27 |
Posted: Mon, 19/06/2017 20:48 (7 Years ago) |
Title: Site LinksThis site map is to give users a brief description of what every page does, and to help you find a page that you do not quite remember where it is. While it can also be helpful for finding Hoopa Rings and Easter Eggs... please NOTE TWO THINGS: 1) there is no guarantee it will be on any of these pages, as it is possible that not all pages are listed... some pages i am still finding (old outdated obsolete events or even new events that i just forgot to put here). 2) take some time to look and search pages you go to during normal game play for a day or so first, HAVE FUN (looking for eggs/rings is part of the fun/excitement). use this list as a last resort for these events, as it just takes the fun out of it, and you have a week to find all the eggs and unlimited time for rings. SITE LINKS from HOME TAB (red name is LINK from a page above) ![]() PAGE NAME.................... PokeHeroes News Your Party Battle Team VS. Seeker Notifications Notification Wall Trending Hashtags Settings Storage Boxes Bill's House Item Bag Evolve Mystery Box Vitamin Pokedex Badges Puzzle Collection Pokeradar Pokeradar History HeroWalker Event Distribution Wondercards Site Link.............................. PokeHeroes News Your Party Battle Team VS. Seeker Notifications Notification Wall Trending Hashtags Settings Storage Boxes Bill's House Item Bag Evolve Mystery Box Vitamin Pokedex Badges Puzzle Collection Pokeradar Pokeradar History HeroWalker Event Distribution Wondercards Description NEWS:, Give a Hug? And Feed Free Berry! Arrange and look at your party. Use flute Add/Remove pokemon or rename teams Challenge another player to a battle. Post, wall, settings access to trending hashtags, and misc feeds click on any hashtag from wall to search tags details in settings section Bill's House, move or relase pokemon buy, rename and sort boxes. Buy egg storage access tobox/keys, evolve, vitamins. use item on pokemon open boxes use vitamin/candy view your pokemon claim rewards when set is completed view puzzle pieces collected viw history, turn on/off, change screen color change years d/l app, send, retrieve a pokemon to phone work on current event if exist see egg/event pokemon obtained in events SITE LINKS from TOWN TAB (red name is LINK
from a page above), colors (if any) in descriptions are what i
consider important
![]() Page Name Town Fountain Prof. Rowan's Lab Emera Mall Item Shop Sell Items Premium Features Dream World DW Points Event Shop Buy Event Points Event Pass Salon Salon Haircut Battle Shop Daycare Route 53 Honey Tree Honey Comb Moomoo Ranch Tall Grass Safari Zone Emera Square Bug Contest Beauty Contest Accessoires Emera Beach Los Seashellos Leah the Mermaid Berrygarden Tool Shed Berry Market Berrydex Bulletin Board Global Trade Station Set up new trade Public trades Private trades Gifts Your trades Your offers Wonder Trade Station Shiny Wonder Trade Wonder Trade History Auction House Set up an auction All Auctions Missing Dex Entry Shinies Mega-Powered Game Center Coinflip Higher or Lower Treasure Hunt Lottery View your tickets Golden Slot Hangman Concentration Prize Exchange Gem Collector Gem Exchange Info Kalos Eggs Gem Cauldron Rumble Areas Start a Mission View Rumbling Pokemon Royal Tunnel Ancient Cave Harvest Sprites Jirachi Raylong Giratina Reshiram Zekrom Unown Site Link Town Fountain Prof. Rowan's Lab Emera Mall Item Shop Sell Items Premium Features Dream World DW Points Event Shop Buy Event Points Event Pass Salon Salon Haircut Battle Shop Daycare Route 53 Honey Tree Honey Comb Moomoo Ranch Tall Grass Safari Zone Emera Square Bug Contest Beauty Contest Accessoires Emera Beach Los Seashellos Leah the Mermaid Berrygarden Tool Shed Berry Market Berrydex Bulletin Board Global Trade Station Set up new trade Public Trades Private Trades Gifts Your trades Your offers Wonder Trade Station Shiny Wonder Trade Wonder Trade History Auction House Set up an auction All Auctions Missing Dex Entry Shinies Mega-Powered Game Center Coinflip Higher or Lower Treasure Hunt Lottery View your tickets Golden Slot Hangman Concentration Prize Exchange Gem Collector Gem Exchange No Link Available Kalos Eggs Gem Cauldron Rumble Areas Start a Mission View Rumbling Pokemon Royal Tunnel Ancient Cave Harvest Sprites Jirachi Raylong Giratina Reshiram Zekrom Unown Description picture with links to rest of town click on fountain for possible bonus adopt eggs. Get ROWAN QUEST links to the 5 shops buy things, changes daily. Buy nuggets sell your items (get more selling to players) Benefits of Premium Membership listed buy others plushies, link to get DW points do task to earn points hourly/daily. purchase events, links to more and pass buy EP with Nuggets 10:1 Buy Pass to get Shiny Event buy stat treatments. Link to haircuts temp/perma change Furfrou haircuts buy items to improve battle teams breed to get eggs for shiny hunts links to honeytree, honeycombs and ranch use honey to lure pokemon, catch w/balls put Combee here to collect honey put Miltanks here to collect Moomoo Milk find things in tall grass including legends shiny hunt Vivillon patterns, find legends bug hatching, beauty contest, Meloetta catch/rate bugs from 1st to 7th of month do task to get items for pictures. 14th-21st spelled wrong, design pic for beauty contest go fishing, get mega stones or shinies more energy to fish, waiters dress by tipping trade fish for items (Mega Stone) plant/harvest berries, import from item bag turn berries to seeds for planting, cook sell your goods, buy from others shows progress of all your berry levels fulfill orders for rewards (white powder) access to buy/sell/trade and other features setup your pokemon for trade look through all, search for specifics private trade sent to you/friendlist gifts sent to you see your current trades listed see offers you current have out trade pokes daily for others hope for Ho-oh trade shiny twice a week, hope for Ho-oh view trade history view few auctions, scroll down to set up yours set up your own auctions search all available auctions search just the available that you do not have search for shiny available search for mega or mega-able available access games and prize center flip coin heads/tails guess higher or lower from 1-10 1 in 9 chance to win BIG buy daily lottery tickets to win Lugia look at tickets bought and prev draw from INTERACTING, win useful items yep… hang man… easy game chips, win 5 different Retros cash in your winnings for items/pokemon buy pokemon for gems, access to other area exchange your gems for others. click info to learn more about an offer buy starters and some Legendaries. make EVO items (incl Mega Stone) learn how, start, view start a rumble in many areas, evo change check remaining time and items found Gigi family earned here, LOTS of gems too. several mini quest. Summoning area. place to collect SPRITES hidden everywhere get Jirachi LONG, costly Raylong quest. Giratina mini game You need the Light Stone for this quest! You need the Dark Stone for this quest! collect all Unown EGG DEX and pokemon SITE LINKS from both SETTINGS and
COMMUNITY TAB (red name is LINK from a page above), colors (if any)
in descriptions are what i consider important
![]() PAGE NAME Settings Profile Settings Change Avatar Contact Links Country Settings Edit Signature Poll Manager Style Settings Misc. Settings Premium Settings Community Union Room Interaction Stats View Who is online View unreturned favors Newest Adoptions Clicklists Online Userlist Unreturend Favors Friendlist (Party) Friendlist (Storage Boxes) Newest Adoptions Random Clicklist Referred users Premium Members Staff Members Forum forum subscriptions Forum Thread New Post Edit Post HeroChat Private Messages Start a new conversation Lovemeter Medal Rally Userlist Ranklist Pokeheroes on Wiki Support Center Panel Staff Application Friendlist Share Widgets Rules Site Link Settings Profile Settings Change Avatar Contact Links Country Settings Edit Signature Poll Manager Style Settings Misc. Settings Premium Settings No Link Available Union Room Interaction Stats View Who is online View unreturned favors Newest Adoptions Clicklists Online Userlist Unreturned Favors Friendlist (Party) Friendlist (Storage Boxes) Newest Adoptions Random Clicklist Referred users Premium Members Staff Members Forum forum subscriptions Forum Thread No Link Available No Link Available HeroChat Private Messages Start a new conversation Lovemeter Medal Rally Userlist Ranklist Pokeheroes on Wiki Support Center Panel Staff Application Friendlist Share Widgets Rules Description access to the 9 setting pages change password, gender choice upload your Avatar picture add links to appear on your profile choose your country and who can see it. edit your signature for use in forums create/delete polls to show on your profile change background and header turn pal pad on/off to friends, other settings get a premium banner, or buy shiny banner N/A, see forum access to CLICKLISTS check anyones interactions, and stie wide shows online users do NOT DO, better way from CLICKLIST do NOT DO, better way from CLICKLIST load a list or user (mass-click is a waste) good list, helps get on index page BAD LIST, many helps will go to storage. good list, helps get on index page BAD LIST, many helps will go to storage. BEST LIST TO USE, helps active players eggs BAD LIST, many helps will go to storage. see if any users joined from a link of yours view current members that are Premium current staff list access to the forums shows forums you are subscribed to very FIRST post link not possible, go make a post link not possible, edit a post you have made chatroom??? No clue, no use, not needed. read PMs, respond, or start new write a new PM to someone day after this fills will be a 2x day compete in 4 areas twice a month search/find users by name TOP 10, lots of topics practically everything you need to know is here contact a MOD about a game issue not for normal players. Submit application apply for positions with the site. see your friends, and who has friended you share your pokemon info on other social sites IMPORTANT LEARN THEM SITE LINKS from PROFILES, and links to
EVENT PAGES (red name is LINK from a page above), colors (if any)
in descriptions are what i consider important
***NEW*** Links have been added for boxes, pokedex and compare pages (takes you to Riako's profile) *** the buy a plushie link takes you to FireWolf1117 page with magikarp highlighted. feel free to send her a plushie (NOT required) ***NEW*** Event Page Links have now been added. ![]() PAGE NAME Your Profile Emera Bank Emera Bank Weather Boxes PokeDex Missing Compare Shiny Missing Compare View collection View gift log Add contact links Other Users Profile ALL ABOVE Send a Private Message Add or Remove from friendlist Block this user Gift Some Items Gift a Plushie Report User Easter Speed Click Halloween Sale Berry Battle Ducklett Week Christmas Gift Valentine's Gift Sky Gift Ten Million Twenty Million Site Link No Link Available Emera Bank Emera Bank Weather Boxes PokeDex Missing Compare Shiny Missing Compare View collection View gift log Add contact links No Link Available No Link Available Send a Private Message No Link Available No Link Available Gift Some Items Gift a Plushie No Link Available Easter Speed Click Halloween Sale Berry Battle Ducklett Week Christmas Gift Valentine's Gift Sky Gift Ten Million Twenty Million Description click name top of page to access Check on your Pokedollar Transactions Check on your Nugget Transactions Check on the Weather/Moon Phases has pictures where Storage Boxes does not Normal/Collected is default setting Normal/Missing Normal/Compare when ON others profiles Shiny/Collected default when click Shiny Shiny/Missing Shiny/Compare when ON others profiles see plushie collection see who sent plushies See Settings> Contact Links click their name from wherever you found same as above, except contact links. PLUS: see Community> Private Message self explanitory. helpful to some people… self explanitory. send FireWolf1117 a magikarp? *smiles* self explanitory. Easter Egg Hunt Speed Click Sign-Up/Claim Use Sweets to buy Items/Pokemon Purchase Event Shop Passes on Sale Once a year battle between Gardeners Riako's Birthday Event Send/Open Christmas Gifts Send/Open Valentine's Cards Send/Open Gifts of Gratitude Ten Million Adoption Counter Twenty Million Adoption Counter OTHER: will put in proper spot later. Battle Hangman Suggest Slot Basic Slot Plus Slot Legend Harvest Sprite Spoiler Tutorial Site Features Warnings Anniversary Gift Create a Pokemon Darktober Event Giveaway Yellow Forest Raffle April Fool Advent New Year's Countdown Advent Calendar Digi Heroes Alpha Omega Merging Gems SUB forum (bug) Reshrom Christmas Premium Birthday Love Test Favorite Vote Privacy Policy *** AND WOW, how did i miss this page from my original list? *** [Read more] |
Bishop OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 27 |
Posted: Mon, 19/06/2017 02:33 (7 Years ago) |
Title: FISHING INFOimportant part of what is in the above file is listed below for those of you that want to see the info but do not understand spreadsheets. The file will show what you can catch with EACH ROD, sorted various ways, the info here is results of SHINY ROD ONLY, sorted alphabetically. this first list will show you what you can expect to catch, and how often per 1000 cast. it also shows time and the use the fish has (if any). ![]() NAME.........................
Shiny Items: Azurill Carvanha Chinchou Clamperl Clauncher Cloyster Corphish Crabominable Crabrawler Feebas Finneon Frillish Froakie Gloweon Goldeen Gorebyss Gyarados Horsea Huntail Inkay Lanturn Lumineon Magikarp Mantine Mantyke Marill Mudkip Oshawott Phione Piplup Poliwag Poliwhirl Remoraid Seaking Shellder Squirtle Staryu Tentacool Tentacool (Retro) Tentacruel Totodile Tympole Tynamo Wailmer Wishiwashi Wishiwashi (School) Total.....
18 850 205 54 98 222 193 140 97 9 89 55 29 130 27 7 259 12 228 63 20 97 286 130 448 11 67 131 23 24 50 34 141 319 219 169 21 23 311 440 13 72 35 55 157 47 180 35 X/1000.....
2.8 134 32.3 8.5 15.4 34.9 30.4 22 15.2 1.4 14 8.6 4.5 20.4 4.2 1.1 40.8 1.8 35.9 9.9 3.1 15.2 45 20.4 70.6 1.7 10.5 20.6 3.6 3.7 7.8 5.3 22.2 50.2 34.5 26.6 3.3 3.6 49 69.3 2 11.3 5.5 8.6 24.7 7.4 28.3 5.5 Time.....
ANY 36-48 21-27 21-27 26-34 25-34 26-34 26-34 9-11 13-17 26-34 31-41 31-41 51-69 13-17 31-41 18-23 31-41 16-24 17-23 31-42 25-34 17-23 41-55 64-82 31-41 31-41 51-69 52-67 9-11 52-69 21-27 34-46 25-34 31-41 41-55 52-69 26-35 41-55 13-17 25-34 51-68 26-34 21-28 105-137 26-34 17-23 Can be used for:
MA, Mystery Box (Light Blue) DeepSeaTooth, DeepSeaScale, Pearl Mega Stone Prism Scale Splash Plate Shiny Rod Mega Stone MA, Delicious Bait Mystery Box (Dark Blue), Shiny Bait Mega Stone Splash Plate Mega Stone Mystery Box (Black) MA, Good Rod, Tasty Bait Super Rod, Mystery Box (Dark Blue), Splash Plate MA, Shiny Rod, Shiny Bait, Rare Candy Shiny Rod Mystery Box (Black) Shiny Rod Super Rod, Mystery Box (Dark Blue) Mystery Box (Black) Super Rod MA, Shiny Rod, Shiny Bait, Rare Candy Magnetic Bait, Mystery Box (Light Blue), Mega Stone Shiny Rod, Shiny Bait, Rare Candy Super Rod, Mystery Box (Light Blue) Magnetic Bait MORE MEGA STONES: this list shows TIME order and will help you get more mega stones. PRO: more mega stones can be obtained doing this. CON: doubles time it takes to fish all energy. ![]() TIME order is what is needed to be
looked at to help guarantee you get more Mega-Stones. main ones you
will be missing are 17-23 seconds so if you let timer expire
(faster to refresh page) on all others you will be able to catch
more of those needed than other stuff, you do lose 1% per "failed"
If timer is greater than 23, refresh page and try again. catching only things in the 17-23 range will dramatically increase number of huntail/gorebyss caught... but this will also greatly decrease number of shiny and other items caught. Name.........................
Crabominable Phione Crabrawler Gloweon Tentacool (Retro) Horsea Gorebyss Huntail Lumineon Wishiwashi (School) Carvanha Chinchou Poliwag Tynamo Clauncher Lanturn Remoraid Tentacruel Clamperl Cloyster Corphish Feebas Staryu Tympole Wishiwashi Finneon Frillish Goldeen Gyarados Inkay Mantyke Marill Seaking Poliwhirl Azurill Magikarp Shellder Tentacool Froakie Mudkip Totodile Oshawott Piplup Squirtle Mantine Wailmer Time...............
9-11 9-11 13-17 13-17 13-17 16-24 17-23 17-23 17-23 17-23 21-27 21-27 21-27 21-28 25-34 25-34 25-34 25-34 26-34 26-34 26-34 26-34 26-35 26-34 26-34 31-41 31-41 31-41 31-41 31-42 31-41 31-41 31-41 34-46 36-48 41-55 41-55 41-55 51-69 51-69 51-68 52-67 52-69 52-69 64-82 105-137 Can be used for:
Mystery Box (Black) Mystery Box (Dark Blue), Shiny Bait Mega Stone Mega Stone Mystery Box (Black) MA, Mystery Box (Light Blue) Super Rod, Mystery Box (Dark Blue) Magnetic Bait Mega Stone Mega Stone DeepSeaTooth, DeepSeaScale, Pearl Prism Scale Magnetic Bait, Mystery Box (Light Blue), Mega Stone Super Rod, Mystery Box (Light Blue) Splash Plate MA, Delicious Bait Splash Plate Super Rod, Mystery Box (Dark Blue), Splash Plate Mystery Box (Black) MA, Good Rod, Tasty Bait Super Rod Shiny Rod MA, Shiny Rod, Shiny Bait, Rare Candy Shiny Rod, Shiny Bait, Rare Candy Shiny Rod Shiny Rod MA, Shiny Rod, Shiny Bait, Rare Candy [Read more] |
Bishop OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 27 |
Posted: Sun, 11/06/2017 21:42 (7 Years ago) |
Title: How to Make Columnsin excel use the CHAR code to get the "space" to show up, then copy/paste here where needed. you can NOT copy/paste mine above as it will only show <> without the spaces. had to use ch*ar in example without the * PH crashes and blocks me. "...", " ", and "***" can be used as spacing to make columns the size you want. SPACES are from char code above, you can NOT copy/paste from here. without spacers it looks like this (longest char number value in any column decides width) shown by "123" in middle a b c 1 123 3 x y z 9 8 7 the following shows how to make 3 left and 1 right columns. you also need space (enter) at the end equal to same number of rows in each column, to make the next section look right. ..........
a b c 1 2 3 ******
x y z _____
9 8 7 [center][left]..........
a b c[/left][left] 1 2 3[/left][left]****** x y z[/left][right]_____ 9 8 7[/right][/center] the following shows how to make 3 left then ANOTHER set below it. as you can see, the way to do this is as many blank lines (enter) as many times as there are rows in the columns. (in this case FOUR- "spacers", "a", "b", "c"). you also need space (enter) at the end equal to same number of rows in each column, to make the next section look right. (also 4) ..........
a b c 1 2 3 ******
x y z _____
9 8 7 [center][left]..........
a b c[/left][left] 1 2 3[/left][left]****** x y z[/left] [left]______ 9 8 7[/left][/center] while using LEFT or RIGHT, you can center the info in each column, but you can NOT center the columns. to do this add a LEFT column with blank SPACERS before the first one to move remaining ones over to simulate center (different resolutions will throw this off). ALSO: you must have space (enter) the same number of times in this first "space" column equal to number of rows in remaining columns.
..... ****..... ****..... ****
a b c 1 2 3 ******
x y z
[center][left]..... ****..... ****..... ****
[/left][left].......... a b c[/left][left] 1 2 3[/left][left]****** x y z[/left][/center] While i used combo of "..... ****" those symbols... you can use any symbol or blank spacing you wish to make it look better. [Read more] |
Bishop OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 27 |
Posted: Thu, 08/06/2017 22:31 (7 Years ago) |
What is it worth? these two files have been added to my first post. hope that helps clear some questions and/or concerns. i have not got to the daily drawing for the 50 Nuggets yesterday, and at this rate i wont get to todays until tomorrow either. sorry for delay. i have however given out the SHINY for yesterday (two of them since i made an error) and will give shiny out for today after reset. [Read more] |
Bishop OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 27 |
Posted: Wed, 07/06/2017 01:28 (7 Years ago) |
@Sbzry, send me a PP or PM after you send the PDs so it does not get lost in my feeds that you sent. [Read more] |
Bishop OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 27 |
Posted: Fri, 26/05/2017 03:24 (7 Years ago) |
on another note to this i still see some chars in names that show a picture of a RED flower or other colored design, imagine if someone can find the "red star" and nickname with that in it throwing all these in AH? (granted they would get banned for scamming, but could be real damaging until fixed) [Read more] |
Bishop OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 27 |
Posted: Thu, 25/05/2017 18:23 (7 Years ago) |
making this to help someone space something without using .................................. < >< ><blank tile for SPACING (=ch*ar(160) in excel)>< >< > in excel use the CHAR code to get the "space" to show up, then copy/paste here where needed. you can NOT copy/paste mine above as it will only show <> without the spaces. had to use ch*ar in example without the * PH crashes and blocks me. THIS: is displayed when i try to use the = CHAR (160) altogether. (cloudflare number and my IP removed from bottom of pic) granted reading the bottom "submitting a certain word or phrase" i can understand why some things are autoblocked, just did not realize char code would not be allowed? [Read more] |
Bishop OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 27 |
Posted: Thu, 18/05/2017 05:21 (7 Years ago) |
if for any reason you can not or will not be online during that month (summer vacation, job, whatever) i will make arrangements with you to buy tickets now and count them as if bought on first day (this is to make sure they are applied on a given day to not mess with "daily winners" if this case fits you, PP me to make arrangements. [Read more] |
Bishop OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 27 |
Posted: Tue, 16/05/2017 04:22 (7 Years ago) |
there are about 1500 Torcharch (or its evo line) hatched. so unless MA rarity is much higher for this than others (seems to be MA per 100-150 on things i have seen) there should be 10-15 MAs already. *edit* well it looks like the code was fixed with the release of the event pass for it, already TWO Mega Ables found today. [Read more] |
Bishop OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 27 |
Posted: Sun, 14/05/2017 03:22 (7 Years ago) |
Title: WinnersJune 22nd SHARING PRIZES: ![]() Name: Prize
mec88: Ho-oh PureEvil666: 2 Enigma Stones and 1 Resolute Stone. ZidanAlHasan: 125 Nuggets LordGengar15: 100 Nuggets articuno13: 75 Nuggets RedLye: 5 Big Pearls tobyharg: 5 Big Pearls Amilee: 5 Big Pearls Daemira: 5 Big Pearls MetagrossPrime: SET of DNA Splicer (white and black) hugo230: SET of DNA Splicer (white and black) Sparrow: SET of DNA Splicer (white and black) Mafia: SET of DNA Splicer (white and black) TheInsaneTeddy: SET of DNA Splicer (white and black) halfwolf: 50 Nuggets Daily Shiny/nugget winners: ![]() June 7th: Shiny Espeon to
Professor_Mac (by my error), Shiny Venasaur to Brotaku, 50N to
June 8th: Shiny Gallade to Cinciitis, 50N to Cinciitis (won both, but did have almost half the tickets for that day) June 9th: Shiny Incineroar to Gottesbob, 50N to McBreezytown June 10th: Shiny Sceptile to blaziken65, 50N to blaziken65 (2nd time same person won both, this time they had OVER 1/2 of all available tickets for day.) June 11th: Shiny Manectric to AsariRichie, 50N to catsrule1414 June 12th: Shiny Electrike to AsariRichie, 50N to McBreezytown June 13th: Shiny Kangaskhan to Miny, 50N to Brotaku June 14th: Shiny Riolu to Bluefairy, 50N to xXOrochimaroXx June 15th: Shiny Mudkip to Miny, 50N to xXOrochimaroXx June 16th: Shiny Gardevoir to RedLye, 50N to Sinful June 17th: Shiny Marshtomp to Miny, 50N to Dark_Mewtwo June 18th: Shiny Charjabug to Wolfsdrache, 50N to Wolfsdrache June 19th: Shiny Clauncher to RedLye, 50N to -dreamer- June 20th: Shiny Burmy (Plant) to flashmatheo, 50N to Taragonra June 21st: Shiny Charmander to jyukaidan, 50N to jyukaidan June 22nd: Shiny Slowbro to Cinciitis, 50N to Bayleef June 23rd: Shiny Swampert to Miny, 50N to razorblade620 June 24th: Shiny Absol to Larka, 50N to RedLye June 25th: Shiny Azumarill to xXOrochimaroXx, 50N to Maggie-d June 26th: Shiny Audino to xXOrochimaroXx, 50N to Ghost_Rider June 27th: Shiny Charizard to King-of-universe, 50N to King-of-universe June 28th: Shiny Cottonee to _Bad_Apple_, 50N to Bluefairy June 29th: Shiny Lanturn to xXOrochimaroXx, 50N to RedLye June 30th: Shiny Snorunt to RedLye, 50N to Bayleef July 1st: Shiny Houndoom to McBreezytown, 50N to xXOrochimaroXx July 2nd: Shiny Poliwhirl to Professor_Mac, 50N to King-of-universe July 3rd: Shiny Shuppet to Leapy, 50N to Womble July 4th: Shiny Ampharos to Love, 50N to Mandalorian July 5th: Shiny Pinsir to xXOrochimaroXx, 50N to xXOrochimaroXx July 6th: Shiny Shuppet to Mandalorian, 50N to 10eke MAIN WINNERS: ![]() prize #.....
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 Prize....................
Ditto Ditto Ditto L Bird Set L Bird Set L Bird Set XYZ bird bird M Blastoise 500N 500N 500N 500N 500N 500N 500N 500N 500N 500N Mega Stone Mega Stone Mega Stone Mega Stone Mega Stone Mega Stone Mega Stone Mega Stone Mega Stone Mega Stone 200N 200N 200N 200N 200N 200N 200N 200N 200N 200N 150N 150N 150N 150N 150N 150N 150N 150N 150N 150N 1000 DW Points 1000 DW Points 1000 DW Points 1000 DW Points 1000 DW Points 1000 DW Points 1000 DW Points 1000 DW Points 1000 DW Points 1000 DW Points 1000 DW Points 1000 DW Points 1000 DW Points 1000 DW Points 1000 DW Points 1000 DW Points 1000 DW Points 1000 DW Points 1000 DW Points 1000 DW Points 1000 DW Points 1000 DW Points 1000 DW Points 1000 DW Points 1000 DW Points 1000 DW Points 1000 DW Points 1000 DW Points 1000 DW Points 1000 DW Points 1000 DW Points 1000 DW Points 1000 DW Points 1000 DW Points 1000 DW Points 1000 DW Points 1000 DW Points 1000 DW Points 1000 DW Points 1000 DW Points 1000 DW Points 1000 DW Points 1000 DW Points 1000 DW Points 1000 DW Points 1000 DW Points 1000 DW Points 1000 DW Points 1000 DW Points 1000 DW Points Winners Name..........
Gottesbob Ghost_Rider RedLye McBreezytown Mandalorian 10eke jyukaidan xXOrochimaroXx BLEACHIchigo1 Gottesbob Miyo _Bad_Apple_ jyukaidan Professor_Mac Brotaku Bayleef King-of-universe Miny Daemira Mandalorian jyukaidan xXOrochimaroXx _Bad_Apple_ Miny Love Larka Cinciitis Miny halfwolf xXOrochimaroXx Taragonra WingedGolem jyukaidan blaziken65 FaeMom Brotaku Cinciitis Mandalorian Gottesbob Bayleef -dreamer- Dark_Mewtwo Brotaku Sinful Angelwolf11021 Ghost_Rider Lady_Ianite Cinciitis Wolfsdrache Daemira Ghost_Rider Daemira 10eke -Noe xXOrochimaroXx Cinciitis xXOrochimaroXx Mandalorian Love King-of-universe _Bad_Apple_ Gottesbob xXOrochimaroXx killerbee2202 xXOrochimaroXx Cinciitis Love Miny Legendary_Latias Wolfsdrache King-of-universe Cinciitis Wolfsdrache Gottesbob AsariRichie Leapy Brotaku _Bad_Apple_ Womble Wolfsdrache CassOfDelphi donalways McBreezytown Miny Love Professor_Mac AsariRichie 10eke Taragonra The_Dark_Mystery goldenpriestess Ghost_Rider Wolfsdrache Bluefairy BlueCanary1 Daemira bpeugh1 donalways Mandalorian Ghost_Rider Tickets Bought.....
184 118 422 288 294 153 235 866 15 184 31 149 235 134 151 420 275 705 185 294 235 866 149 705 117 88 807 705 74 866 173 11 235 306 23 151 807 294 184 420 23 159 151 108 2 118 53 807 429 185 118 185 153 74 866 807 866 294 117 275 149 184 866 29 866 807 117 705 50 429 275 807 429 184 307 120 151 149 81 429 52 74 288 705 117 134 307 153 173 5 12 118 429 173 32 185 45 74 294 118 total wins
5 5 1 2 5 3 4 7 1 5 1 4 4 2 4 2 3 5 4 5 4 7 4 5 4 1 6 5 1 7 2 1 4 1 1 4 6 5 5 2 1 1 4 1 1 5 1 6 5 4 5 4 3 1 7 6 7 5 4 3 4 5 7 1 7 6 4 5 1 5 3 6 5 5 2 1 4 4 1 5 1 2 2 5 4 2 2 3 2 1 1 5 5 1 1 4 1 2 5 5 [Read more] |
Bishop OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 27 |
Posted: Thu, 11/05/2017 21:08 (7 Years ago) |
Time period/overall goal of contest: 30 days/ gain gems, boxes, summons, stuff!!! Link to contest thread/post*: Best Lottery Ever [Read more] |
Bishop OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 27 |
Posted: Thu, 11/05/2017 21:07 (7 Years ago) |
START DATE June 7th; END DATE 23:59:59 July 6th Winners list in 2nd post here. First let me say RNG do NOT care about being fair... *smiles* luckily i do, NONE of top 3 people that entered won a top 7 prize, but since i have 3 extra Ditto doing nothing i am GIVING all 3 of them one anyways. To everyone else that did not win anything, sorry, but as a small consolation i will be giving out almost 100k of DW points. Please check TICKET TRACKER to see list of winners. If you can not see/open the spreadsheet check for winner list in 2nd post of this thread. (looks better and more info in spreadsheet) *****Due to GTS limits (no pages, limit of 20 visible), i may NOT be able to accept your offer for some time as i wont be able to see it until others have been claimed. I will take care of the BIG prizes first... it will take me DAYS if not a week+ to get to all of the 50,000+ Dream World Points. TICKET TRACKER, updated daily. What is it worth? this list shows what i value things at compared to the official price guide. PRIZES: OVER 60 MILLION WORTH OF PRIZES: (everybody* wins something): ![]() *****Main prizes to be given out at
end of lottery:*****
#1-3: Ditto (3 Ditto's, 1 to each of top 3 winners) #4-6: Articuno, Moltres AND Zapdos (3 SETS of Legendary Birds. 1 set for each of 3 winners) #7: #8: a bird i get from lab (1.25M substituted if none got by end of event) #9: #10: Mega Blastoise #11-20: 500 Nuggets (10 winners) #21-30: Mega Stone (10 winners) #31-40: 200 Nuggets (10 winners) #41-50: 150 Nuggets (10 winners) #51-100: ONE THOUSAND dreamworld points worth of plushies (payable during the Mew Event, 50 winners) MY choice of which ones and ABOUT 1000 points i will NOT count, i will give shiny plus other stuff to help get points up faster, unless you have few, then i will send lots. ALSO: if you already own all, i will ask you want to horde something or want me to give to someone else. DAILY WINNERS: 1 Shiny (from my prize box) to person that bought most tickets on previous day. 50 Nuggets to a random person that bought at least one ticket on previous day. EVERYONE* THAT ENTERS: EVERYONE that enters will get a Lugia Voucher (*up to first 300 people that enter) first 150 of which will be on an Event pokemon.--100 of these are being donated by FireWolf1117, if more than 300 people enter, you will still get a voucher while supplies last. REMINDER: if you have not claimed your Event holding Lugia Voucher, please check GTS. Dex number 311 and 312 for older ones, Dex 670 for newer ones. RULES ![]() top IF YOU HAVE ME BLOCKED, and you win, you are giving me permission to contact you through other people. (if you do not agree to me contacting you, then do not enter)... the lugia voucher will not require contact, it will be put in GTS after i enter your tickets. PROOF... NO PROOF GIVEN for this reason. Again do NOT enter if this bothers you. also please see "my last raffle" the same program i wrote to pick winners in that one will be used for this one. This is a LOTTO: many will enter, some will win, MOST WILL LOSE. please understand this before entering and do not enter if this fact bothers you. Due to the prizes i expect many people to buy 100+ tickets each, while it is possible to win with ONE ticket, odds are not in your favor. Form: ![]() no form needed, nothing required on delibird message... if it is a donation, please say "Donation", other wise it will auto count as tickets. thank you for buying a ticket. BUT PLEASE: if you send PDs or Nuggets, also send me a PP or PM as those can get lost in all my notification feeds. How to buy a ticket: ![]() 1 ticket = 10k PD Value. while i am primarily after PDs, i will accept practically anything in your item bag. 5-20 gems (depending on what they are), 250 berries, box or key, its easy to find things worth 10k. i do NOT accept pokemon. please see my price guide comparison to know What is it worth? MY LAST RAFFLE (about 6 months ago) results, rules, winners and some stats: ![]() WINNER LIST- some stats included, with full list of share/sold and totals to look at. Daily Winners- was 3 daily winners in this one (sharing, most tickets bought, random ticket bought) Rules- Similar but some changes to current one. SHARE IT: i will try to keep this short, to not blow up feeds. Also to help with that, do not share more than once a day. Thank You. #BestLottoEVER By [user]Bishop[/user] HAS
First let me say RNG do NOT care about being fair... *smiles* luckily i do, NONE of top 3 people that entered won a top 7 prize, but since i have 3 extra Ditto doing nothing i am GIVING all 3 of them one anyways. To everyone else that did not win anything, sorry, but as a small consolation i will be giving out almost 100k of DW points. Please check [url=!AlChAZhJNjTXhyauYzxH78DQwumq]TICKET TRACKER[/url] to see list of winners. If you can not see/open the spreadsheet check for winner list in 2nd post of [url=]this thread.[/url] (looks better and more info in spreadsheet) I will take care of the BIG prizes first... it will take me DAYS if not a week+ to get to all of the 50,000+ Dream World Points. [Read more] |
Bishop OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 27 |
Posted: Wed, 03/05/2017 04:16 (7 Years ago) |
Title: BUGSnone after Vivillon are currently in the bug hatching game, but may be added later (pics will auto update when sprites for ones not currently in this game get added) [Read more] |
Bishop OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 27 |
Posted: Mon, 17/04/2017 17:29 (7 Years ago) |
Title: Ditto and Legend from lab![]() Approximately 950,000 eggs were
hatched during this time frame. 2x/3x days do not follow suit, but
typically only 1/2 come from LAB, rest are from shiny hunts,
ancient cave and other areas. for numbers/averages listed i will
calculate using the 50% of the 950k total:
Name:….. total: average: Ditto….. 61 7787 Articuno….. 56 8482 Zapdos….. 52 9134 Moltes….. 47 10106 Total….. 216 2199 Average….. 54 8796 Based on the above, you will see that it is not your luck that is bad, odds are, you just have not adopted 8800 eggs from the lab to get one of each. from what i see the "average, casual" player gets 15 eggs a day, so at that rate will take you 586 days (over 19 months) to get them all. on any given day about 10-12k eggs are hatched (again only 1/2 from lab) so only 2 of each come every 3 days (2x days or clickfest events, will typically more than double that.) eggs hatched.......... total: egg # missed 14625000 50000 36000 16000 12000 14000 12000 23000 13000 11000 12000 12000 11000 11000 12000 12000 19000 12000 11000 24000 19000 15000 14000 25000 12000 12000 11000 12000 12000 missed #s 23000 21000 11000 9000 10000 10000 9000 9000 9000 10000 9000 17000 10000 10000 23000 15000 13000 13000 21000 25000 12000 69000 16000 16000 13000 12000 14000 20000 12000 Ditto............... 61 2 8 2 1 2 1 1 3 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 3 7 1 1 3 3 Articuno.......... 56 3 3 3 1 1 3 1 2 2 1 6 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 1 1 5 1 2 Zapdos.......... 52 1 1 3 2 2 3 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 3 1 1 3 1 1 3 1 6 2 1 1 Moltres 47 2 2 6 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 2 2 2 3 1 5 1 1 [Read more] |
Bishop OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 27 |
Posted: Sun, 16/04/2017 21:48 (7 Years ago) |
also not wrong... but wrong... when you click on the "Community" tab, you are taken directly to the Forums. While that is best spot for community, it should take you to the "Union Room" OR a navigation bar could be added to the Forums (and Forum moved to first position in Community list). found another: union room> share widgets> shows HOME navigation bar, instead of community. [Read more] |
Bishop OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 27 |
Posted: Thu, 16/02/2017 23:29 (8 Years ago) |
![]() LOL, i think you have a decimal off somewhere... and 5 winners? of about 13k nuggets total??? you are asking for 50.000 nuggets worth of gems alone and about 100,000+ nuggets worth of other items. i hope until you change what you are giving or what you want out of this no one enters let me know when changed and i can edit/alter my post MUCH BETTER, i might even enter, but here is a SUGGESTION for faster results: ![]() DECREASE not only the prizes to 800,250,100,100,100 and decrease what you want to 10% of what you are asking... granted you will have to do it 10 times, but with 10 times as many winners and more importantly much FASTER achievable goals. (with exception of ditto,odds are no one will give a ditto for such a small chance to win something) What you are currently asking for, while 100 times better. it is still more than what i think you will be able to achieve in 6 months. keep in mind this site has 200-500 users online at any given time with less than 3000 online every day. you are giving away NICE prizes, but only 5 people win anything and these types of goals will take 100s of people to acquire, so odds are very poor which will get less people to donate more than a little here and there to hope for a big prize. getting 3x what you are giving out is easy if you give out 100k and asking for 30x10k... BUT you are asking for more than FOURTY MILLION PDs... before you posted this in forums i gave many ideas/suggestions to you... main one being yes people would enter due to nuggets being the prize... BUT what you asked for had to be close to what you give out (a goal that you are still no where near. you are still asking for about 3x the value of what you are giving out). which is fine IF you do not mind it taking 6 months to 10 years to get. But it was my understanding you wanted this to start/end in a months time or close. MATH: ![]() 11.25M (7500 nuggets) =15 gem types X 1500 each X 500 -the LOW amount the price guide has which is wrong on most. 1.5M (1000 nuggets) =2 gem types X 750 each X 1000 (actual value is closer to 1200 normal and 2000 fairy) 11.25M (7500 nuggets) =75 dragon gems X 45k each total for GEMS: 24M (16000 nuggets) THIS ALONE WOULD BE ENOUGH for the 13,150 you are giving away. 14M or 28M? (9333 or 18666? nuggets) =200 boxes X 7 types X 10000. DOUBLED if you wanted matching box/key??? or 100 each? add in the boxes and now total exceeeds 27,000 nuggets more than DOUBLE what you are giving away. the greater the amount you ask for compared to what you give out will take exponentially longer to get. throw in the ditto, shiny, megas, vouchers, summons mega stones... and the ratio just keeps getting bigger and bigger. therefor longer and longer to acquire. [Read more] |
Bishop OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 27 |
Posted: Thu, 16/02/2017 17:30 (8 Years ago) |
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