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Dream World

SourApple's Gifts

[View SourApple's Plushie Collection]

Shikigami~ :( 7 Months ago
ShinySerena 7 Months ago
Kimie random plushie give away ❤️ 7 Months ago
Kimie random plushie give away ❤️ 7 Months ago
Kimie random plushie give away ❤️ 7 Months ago
LeoRia 7 Months ago
KillR_Pineapple5 7 Months ago
JiangX 7 Months ago
~SpiritBeholder~ Here u go ✨ 7 Months ago
~SpiritBeholder~ Here u go ✨ 7 Months ago
ShinySerena 7 Months ago
SourApple Event Distribution 7 Months ago
SourApple Event Distribution 7 Months ago
SourApple Event Distribution 7 Months ago
ShinySerena 7 Months ago
SourApple Event Distribution 7 Months ago
SourApple Event Distribution 7 Months ago
SourApple Event Distribution 7 Months ago
SourApple Event Distribution 7 Months ago
SourApple Event Distribution 7 Months ago
SourApple A Gift out of Respect 7 Months ago
AlexCartman Lithuania! My homeland! You are like vigour.
How invaluable you are, only he can figure,
Who has lost you. Today your beauty wholly I view
And seeing, describe it, because I long after you.
Holy Virgin, who guards Luminous Czestochowa
And shines in the Gate of Dawn! You, who watches over
Strongheld Novogrudok and its faithful populace!
As once you healed me, a child, so miraculous
(When into your care from my despondent mother bid
I lifted my already departed eyelid,
7 Months ago
AlexCartman And soon could make my way on foot to your temple's door,
Having gone to offer thanks to God for a life restored),
So too you shall restore us to our homeland's womb.
Meanwhile, may you convey my soul from its longing's gloom
To those aforrested hills, those evergreen meadows,
Stretched wide across the space where the azure Neman flows;
To those vast fields, painted in varicoloured grain-dye,
A landscape gilded with wheat, silver-plated with rye,
7 Months ago
AlexCartman Where the runch is amber, and the buckwheat white as snow,
Where like a maiden's blush the red clover overgrows,
And all's interwoven, as if by a ribbon, green
balk, within which a wild pear tree can sometimes be seen.
--Adam Mickiewicz "Invokation of Pan Tadeusz"
7 Months ago
JiangX 7 Months ago
JiangX 7 Months ago
JiangX 7 Months ago
SourApple A Gift out of Respect 7 Months ago
SourApple A Gift out of Respect 7 Months ago
Chancegamble 7 Months ago
SourApple A Gift out of Respect 7 Months ago
SourApple A Gift out of Respect 7 Months ago
Castalia 7 Months ago
SourApple A Gift out of Respect 7 Months ago
EnNaifu missing plush swap? 7 Months ago
EnNaifu Missing Plush for missing plush? 7 Months ago
~Lucario~ 7 Months ago
SourApple A Gift out of Respect 7 Months ago
SourApple A Gift out of Respect 7 Months ago
SourApple Event Distribution 7 Months ago
SourApple A Gift out of Respect 7 Months ago
SourApple A Gift out of Respect 7 Months ago
Globe ^^ 7 Months ago
Chancegamble 7 Months ago
MightyMudkip Flap Flap 7 Months ago
SourApple A Gift out of Respect 7 Months ago
SourApple A Gift out of Respect 7 Months ago
SourApple A Gift out of Respect 7 Months ago
Chancegamble 7 Months ago
Myraxes 7 Months ago
SourApple A Gift out of Respect 7 Months ago
SourApple A Gift out of Respect 7 Months ago
SourApple A Gift out of Respect 7 Months ago
Nrtya 7 Months ago
SourApple A Gift out of Respect 7 Months ago
SourApple A Gift out of Respect 7 Months ago
Tuna 7 Months ago
Tuna 7 Months ago
Lorry14 7 Months ago
Lorry14 7 Months ago
