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Rock Weather Castform Don't have an account yet? Register now!
Trainerlevel: 37

Trainerpoints: 759/4,143


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
(Shadow Mewtwo)
82955,137 / 2,580,264
SM Abomasnow
(Gastrodon (North))
1146,781 / 39,331

Do not understimate my silence as a weakness or you will regret it instantly

I dont care what you think about me,I just need to live my life the way I need It to be.

So if you are here to complain something that you do not like about me.

Switch to another tab , Keep your complains in your mind Please,I do not want to listen to them

Thank you


Game Records

Trainer ID: #953335964
Registration: 13/02/2023 (1 Year ago)
Game Time: 791:27 Hours
Total interactions: 134,160
Money: 122,500
Starter Pokémon: Giga Charizard


Selling Shiny Mega Abomasnow for 2k Nuggets Or 5M Pokedollors...

To win 200k pd -Share the feed / Like the feed / Share the Hashtag - #SMABOMASNOWFor2kNuggets ...

6 Days ago
Congratulations! A shiny Zygarde (10% Forme) hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #58)!


Hunt is done!
2 Months ago
Congratulations! A shiny Zygarde (Core Forme) hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #44)!💖
That really was my last Gems! I thought i would not get the shiny from this Eggs ...But

It was a Miracle! Birthday Luck!
3 Months ago
My Snuggle Is shiny yay! And its the 1 OS shiny
6 Months ago
Congratulations! A shiny Snover hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #820)!

Congratulations! A shiny Snover hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #821)!

Yay! The Second Shiny was a Shiny Mega
6 Months ago

Hello there...
Shikigami here.

You can messege me for any reoson...

Before it please view the full profile page...It has some rules/Things to follow when dealing with me


Things I am proud Of~

✔I am the Proud Owner of 1 OS Shiny Snuggul (Hatched by Me)

✔I am the Proud Owner Of 21th OS Shiny Mega Abomasnow (Hatched by Me)

✔I am the Proud Owner of 7 OS Shiny Narichu (Hatched by me)

✔I am the Proud Owner of 7 OS Shiny Naruchu (Hatched by me)

✔I am the Proud Owner of 10 OS Shiny Raizumaki (Hatched by me)-Traded

✔I am the Proud Owner of 46 OS Shiny Zygarde-Core (Hatched by me)

✔I am the Proud Owner of 25 OS Shiny Zygarde-10% (Hatched by me)

My arts

Last Visitors

Espy2015Today, 14:34
Leicester_For_LifeYesterday, 19:33
SwiftphoenixYesterday, 16:30
ShinyLucaeYesterday, 13:30
CatLadyYesterday, 07:59