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Water Weather Castform Don't have an account yet? Register now!
Trainerlevel: 43

Trainerpoints: 5,303/5,589


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
(Mega Rapidash)
448274,897 / 603,457
Ovejas De Cumpleaños
470114,950 / 782,918
Giga Corviknight
250186,557 / 218,486
15248,232 / 69,769
Rapidash (Galarian)
252173,600 / 191,269
Cursed Rapidash284181,066 / 242,821

🐏 I have an attitude most the time
🐏 Do not ask for trades
🐏 Feel free to message me :)
🐏 I am a sheep
🐏 Gimme your moneys

Shiny Hunt

~InfernoSheep~ is currently hunting Fidough.
Hunt started: 14/11/2023

Chain: 24

Status: ONLINE

Hello do you need something :)

Gif found here


View collection || View gift log

Newest gifts
Squeeeeep 2 Days ago
*Snowflake* 13 Days ago
*Snowflake* 13 Days ago
Raikage~ 13 Days ago


Game Records

Trainer ID: #287301652
Registration: 05/12/2022 (1 Year ago)
Game Time: 1165:58 Hours
Total interactions: 1,129,235
Money: 326,887
Starter Pokémon: Infernape


only took about 6 months but i finally got a job :D
7 Days ago
I am a year older now
13 Days ago
I was gonna say something but I forgot what it was.
17 Days ago
I think i have more enemies than friends
1 Month ago
i remembered last night that im getting significantly less sleep than i did in high school
1 Month ago
I recently got new glasses and its messing me up mentally i dont want em anymore
1 Month ago
3 months and i still havent found a new job :/ ive tried everywhere within 14 miles
1 Month ago
huh theyre back didn't see that coming
2 Months ago
My head is pounding this is why i hate waking up
2 Months ago
I forgot i had turtle crazy right
2 Months ago
I'm not enjoying looking for a job
2 Months ago
welp ive proven my presence so i shall go has nothing to do with anything else
2 Months ago
and yes sass messes with me but theyre not a ghost
2 Months ago
bruh i swear there's a ghost messing with me
2 Months ago
so tomorrow is more than likely gonna upsetting for me it was last year in which my brother passed which led to my life going down hill but the fact is that he was the only one in my family that understood what i was going through and hes gone-
2 Months ago
hello ive been busy but i already know that summer is gonna be baaaaaaaaaad ;)
2 Months ago
my brain is gone i had to do tests today
3 Months ago
I've ran outta things to say brain gone
3 Months ago
is it weird that im getting used to passing out while working outside
3 Months ago
im gonna go ahead and say i cant see comments so im not ignoring you
otherwise i woke and was annoying so time to go back to sleep for 4 hours
3 Months ago

Unimportant Information

My hours


I have the great personality of a sheep u-u

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4



Last Visitors

Ace~Sat, 20/Jul/2024, 08:29
SwiftphoenixFri, 19/Jul/2024, 21:50
Shadig1377Fri, 19/Jul/2024, 18:19
Sobble45Tue, 16/Jul/2024, 02:44
ThunderxStrikeTue, 16/Jul/2024, 01:56