If you're selling a Cherbi, let me know OK. Also kindly still
looking for a milktank

Just caught a Cherubi in my Honey Tree XD

Well hello there friends, I see you have awesome pokemon evolved. I
got a public trade and wanting if someone may help me out by
getting a Milktank. I just am interested in one.

I am back. I also wish everyone a Merry Christmas this year. Mine
personally may not be much since some bad things happened with
family. I hope everyone the best!
I was wondering if anyone plays Pokemon Emerald or Pokemon Pinball
Ruby & Saphire?

..and I'm back!
Cheers with Cocio, to that!

Does anyone play POKEMON TCG, if you do then I'd love to hear how
far you are in the game since now once again they're are Tag Team
GX Reshiram & Charizard..I literally have just one copy logically

I sure have missed many of my friends who played here 2 years ago,
and since they're gone.. I am lost without their love and support..

Looking for some milk for important foods. If anyone cares to
share, be welcome and send me a message.

If anyone has any flower, I hope it is alright if I have some. I
don't have any left.

I wake up every morning with a smile and this morning when I did, I
couldn't wait to come back here and see my friends. Logically
speaking, I been spending some of my life watching videos with
friends hoping I would make it back here someday.
I need some help. Basically I am looking to get 20,000. There's a
new kitchen device. Basically it is 44,000 and I have 22,000. I
would love some help. Your choice though. You also don't have to as
well. I basically am just trying to find ways to achieve this
44,000 dollar goal for something I want bad enough.

I'm back for some fun. I truly hope everyone is doing alright and
hoping no one caught the COVID-19.

Hejsa og god eftermiddag,
I have a birthday coming in 4 months. Very exciting. Anyone ready
for Valentine's day? Do you like Valentine's Day? I know only one
person who hates Valentine's Day.

Got myself a brand new PS4, and man isn't it ever odd. I wish it
was more like my dad's. His can play PS3 games

Hejsa. I am finally back in the game!

Just had a birthday. Anyone wanna make my wish come true with a
fancy Plushie.. feel free

My birthday is coming once again..

Still looking forward to saving up for your plushies

..and I'm back
Sorry I have not returned so quickly..You won't lose me that easy

Hejsa. Had a beautiful Christmas and got everything I wanted kinda.
Hope everyone also got what they wanted