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Normal Weather Castform Don't have an account yet? Register now!
Trainerlevel: 8

Trainerpoints: 134/199


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Illumise519,100 / 11,883
Zebstrika537,345 / 8,587


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Newest gifts
TomatoSoup 8 Years ago
IcyToster334 8 Years ago
Khaleesi 8 Years ago
Dewgong 8 Years ago

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Set #1
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Set #4


Userdawn hasn't collected any medals so far.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #591132081
Registration: 22/08/2016 (8 Years ago)
Game Time: 9:01 Hours
Total interactions: 4,756
Money: 6
Starter Pokémon: Meganium


Mikela Thanks for the Honey. Now how long does it usually take to get a Pokemon from it?
8 Years ago
Can somebody help me get a Combee or some Honey?
Want to try the Honeycomb on rt. 53
8 Years ago
Hey if you guys can click THIS egg http://www.pokeheroes.com/interact.php?id=11845136&action=direct and help me hatch it, It'd be a huge help. It's a Normal-type rare and I'm hoping it's a Ditto Or if you guys have a ditto you can loan me for breeding my Meganium that'd be great too
8 Years ago


Last Action
Browsing through notifications (8 Years ago)

Last Visitors

TomatoSoupSun, 07/Mar/2021, 09:44
DewgongMon, 29/Apr/2019, 20:04
CanaanjoThu, 22/Sep/2016, 03:26
Professor_MacWed, 07/Sep/2016, 00:49
Angelkat567Tue, 06/Sep/2016, 23:26