So how are people getting these galar pokemon? I was just doing
interactions and I saw people with zacian and zamazenta and woolu
and the weird apple pokemon. If you know, please let me know
because I would really love to have at least a couple of these.

I know this is late, but...HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!!

I need an interaction exchange please! It's for the calendar. I
will gladly interact with your eggs in return! :)
Just comment or heart this so I will know who I need return the
favor to. Thanks!!

Thank you to all who helped interact with my eggs. Either heart
this post or leave a comment so I will know to interact with your
eggs. Happy Holidays!!

Please help me hatch this egg, I am needing and extra space so I
can get the door for today.
Please click on the link above to get the the egg I need help
hatching. I will gladly interact with your eggs as well. Thanks!

Unfortunately I missed yesterday's door for the calendar. Anyone
wanna fill me in on what I missed out on? Was it anything good?

I've basically given up on trying to open the doors at this point
because I've missed so many doors that I'm not gonna be able to get
the special event pokemon. I've counted up all the doors and in
total I'm only going to have opened 18 doors and not 20 in total.
I'm disappointed that I'm not gonna be able to get the new pokemon
but I tried my best. :/

another door not opened. I am so mad at myself for that. *sigh* So
what was the reward? Am I going to regret not getting it? :/

Ugh, my head hurts so much right now. I just wish headaches weren't
a thing. I am so tired of getting headaches, it seems like I get
them at least once everyday. Maybe I have migraines and if that's
the case then I hate them.

Welp, sadly I wasn't able to get the day 6 door for the calendar,
but it's okay! I thank all of you who tried their best to help me
It's my fault for not being ready with eggs in my party before like
5 hours before I knew about the task, lol.
Oh well, I will know for next time. Again, thank you to all who
tried their best to help me hatch these eggs before the time reset
to the next day. :)

Oof. There's about an hour left until the time in game sets to the
next day. I really hope that we can get my eggs hatched before
then, I really don't wanna miss another day. :/
Please, anyone and everyone that sees this, help me hatch my eggs
for the advent calendar before it becomes the next day, I will do
the same thing for you in return. Just comment that you interacted
with my eggs and I will make sure that I help you out by
interacting with your eggs as well. :)

Eggs are in my party, interact exchange please!! I will do the same
in return :) Thanks!! :D

Once I get my eggs from the daycare, could I please get some
interactions for them for the advent calendar before the time on
here resets to tomorrow? I will gladly interact with your eggs in
return. Please and thank you!! :)

Just set up a trade in the GTS, please feel free to take a look at
it. If you are not particularly interested in it yourself, then
please, feel free to share this with a friend you think might be
interested. Thanks in advanced!! :D

oof, I really need to learn this game's time because I didn't
realize that it was already the next day on here. I am always
thinking that the time on here is going to be the same time as on
my laptop so it's kinda confusing. :/
Darn it, I already missed the first door, I am not starting this
calendar off very well.

I am thankful for all of my friends on here and on all my other
games and also in real life. I am also thankful for my family and
being able to afford going to college.

You successfully bought 1 Black Friday Boxes!
Let's open them...
3x Great Ball found!
*sigh* I can't believe I just wasted 100 nuggets for this. Just my
luck, I can never seem to get anything good from boxes. :(

I have a new trade set up in the GTS, please take a look at it and
maybe even share this to see if any of your friends are interested
in this trade. It's a fair trade and I am really needing the pd
please. Just copy and paste the link below or just head over to the
GTS to have a look at the trade. Please help a friend out.

My marshadow found a star piece in the eternal tower on the rumble
mission, let's go!! :D