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Trainerlevel: 26

Trainerpoints: 1,100/2,053


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Loudred32704 / 2,928
Nidorina331,411 / 3,135
Heatmor281,065 / 2,437
Indeedee261,143 / 1,686
Eevee18421 / 1,027


Hoenn pokedex: [151/155]

idk wut to add here

Bruh Moments...

- Buying berries from the item shop
- Exchanging gems for Dream points
- Bidding '66666' instead of '6666' (typo)
- releasing a pokemon by mistake and spending 10k again to get it back
- getting rickrolled on PH
- getting outbid on an auction at the last second
- Maxing out a storage box level and losing 600k pd
- Brewing a Mega stone in Gem Kauldron and finally realising that Riako cheated with you
- Buying tickets worth more than 50% winning chance in the raffle and losing the raffle
- Missing out of a more than 50% winning chance at the raffle

- ...more to be added


Last Action
Searching for specific auction (7 Months ago)

Last Visitors

ReadytestYesterday, 22:12
Raikage~Thu, 06/Mar/2025, 10:11
GreenTaurusSun, 23/Feb/2025, 03:55
heyitsreyMon, 10/Feb/2025, 09:02
PoryHack101Thu, 02/Jan/2025, 13:38

Game Records

Trainer ID: #329526006
Registration: 11/04/2024 (11 Months ago)
Time Played: 181:06 Hours
Total interactions: 64,970
Money: 433,119
Starter Pokémon: Swampert


Your PokéRadar recorded the 40th Kitema in a row! You now reached the maximum chance of finding a shiny. Good luck on the #YanliftHunt!

102 days later, I have hatched the 40th egg! Because of this, I want to start a giveaway! To enter, share this feed and like the original post.

1st gets 15 Dragon Gems and The 40th Kitema
2nd gets 50 Normal Gems
3rd gets 50k PD

Ends in a week (probably)
7 Months ago

I know u do :3c

So basically just share this hashy w/ whole feed plz ---> #CatKidIsGivingAway800NugsForSomeReason

Also heart the feed <3

Ends when I get bored :V
7 Months ago
You push the gold key carefully into the hole, turn it twice to the left and... cccrrk!!
The mystery box opens and you look curiously in it...

8x Dragon Gem found!

The key breaks and becomes useless.

is it worth it? (Spoiler: no)
7 Months ago
The big achievement
Congratulations, NotSoNub! Your Hoenn-Dex is now complete!

Wow, really can't believe it... you achieved this huge goal and helped me so much with my research! I still remember the day when I gave you your Starter-Pokémon, Mudkip. Well, time flies by... I'm already getting a bit sentimental.
Anyway, the whole PokéHeroes Staff and all residents of Emera Town want to congratulate you!
Please take this certificate: it is proof of completing the Hoenn-Dex.

Nevertheless, I have something else to talk about with you. I found this mysterious coloured egg recently on a Rumble Mission and I tried hard to hatch it, but with no success at all. I'm not sure if one could even hatch it - and if it even contains a Pokémon. But... the mystery behind it is fascinating me and I really want to uncover it.

I feel like it contains something very rare and special...

Do you think you can hatch it?

7 Months ago
Prize: 200k PD!

Share the Whole Feed and Heart this Feed to Enter!

My Birthday Today! :D, I wanna test something out so I made this giveaway hehe


Ends in a week, might be shorter than that ._.
7 Months ago
8 Months ago
yay ive finally collected 1000 gcc it was so difficult for me to resist myself from spending those >400 gcc

Ik you guys must have reached like 1000% of me but no need to flex ._.
8 Months ago
8 Months ago
Shiny Remoraid caught!


Oh my god i wasnt even expecting this I just opened up the emera beach for dp and my first catch was this!!!!!!!! Lol sometimes RNG can be too good [Sometimes only]
8 Months ago
lol, i caught 4 Arrokuda which is super rare to catch in the emera beach with a super rod, but i havent caught even 3 shellders yet, which are a step lower than the super rare level~
8 Months ago
8 Months ago
guys... I did a mega stone brew 2 days ago, but when i went to my gem cauldron, it gave me an egg instead of the mega stone... is this normal? and what egg is this? What are the other variants of these mega stones?
8 Months ago
I guess I'm color blind

I always get the dragon/poison gems wrong in the gem cauldron
8 Months ago
8 Months ago
You found 4x Dragon Gems in this treasure box!!!

last time i did was like 400 treasure boxes ago
8 Months ago
A popular resort region
Here, let me give you this map. It will lead your Pokémon to the Alola-Region.

New Rumble Area "Alola" unlocked.

8 Months ago
free stuff
Oh and each repost = +1 entry (20x is max)
8 Months ago
8 Months ago
~by Tony_stark
8 Months ago
8 Months ago

About me

Hi, I'm NotSoNub

nothing much to know about me

Some of my best friends:
Noah128 ThatCatKid nat75 Raikage~ ExquisiteEevee Plsgive_item -ShiningRayquaza- lol so many

PH Goals:
- complete all pokedex
- get 1m pd
- get a ditto
- get all badges

My favourite mon: i like all of them but some mons i like more than others are marshadow, darkrai, or idk XD im so bad at choice


View collection || View gift log

Newest gifts
Noah128 6 Months ago
Noah128 6 Months ago
pacmaster000 7 Months ago
oxGrEeKxo 7 Months ago

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


NotSoNub hasn't collected any medals so far.
