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Trainerlevel: 43

Trainerpoints: 1,534/5,589


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Eevee3014 / 2,791
Eevee29880 / 2,611
Eevee30214 / 2,791
Eevee32470 / 3,169
Eevee321,485 / 3,169
Eevee33572 / 3,367


- Heyo! I'm MoonSomnia, but you can call me Moon or Somni. I'm semi-active here. also apologies if I seem unfriendly or rude, I don't talk with others a lot (and my communication skills kinda suck—)
- Feel free to bother me if you want to trade me or some other PH thing. if it's just a conversation tho... sorry I probably won't respond. :') i might just say hi back and that's it
- a bunch of random Pokemon I really like: Eevee and Eeveelutions, Zorua, Greninja, Zeraora, Alolan Ninetales
- if you want, you can check my sell box if there's a Pokemon you'd like. honestly, I might just exchange for a random Pokemon rather than 'selling' them
- I like doing Shiny Hunts, and I usually try to get at least three shinies before switching to a different Pokemon

~Random Goals~

- Shiny Hunt the Eeveelutions
- Save up for Year-Long Premium
- Shiny Hunt a Legendary
- Collect every form of Alcremie
- Shiny Hunt an Event Pokemon
- Complete the Dexes... eventually

~Potential Shiny Hunts~


View collection || View gift log

Newest gifts
MotherNature 5 Months ago
Bobo1234 5 Months ago
brachyjen 5 Months ago
~Aes-Sedai~ 6 Months ago

Shiny Hunt

MoonSomnia is currently hunting Eevee.
Hunt started: 30/12/2023

Chain: 91

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


MoonSomnia hasn't collected any medals so far.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #305564943
Registration: 08/11/2022 (1 Year ago)
Game Time: 315:00 Hours
Total interactions: 987,875
Money: 850,961
Starter Pokémon: Serperior


By BlitzTheZeraora
It was my dads birthday today, so I'm going to do a giveaway.

1st Place: A shiny hunt of your choice (No SMs, events, legends/mythicals), 100k, and a ton of gems
2nd Place: A shiny in my boxes of choice (depends on what it is), 50K, and a lot of gems
3rd Place: A random shiny from my boxes, some mystery items, 50K, and some gems

Share #HappyBirthdayBlitzesDad

Whole Post: 2 entries (daily)
Commenting "Happy Birthday": 1 entry
Liking: 1 entry
Ends a little after Christmas.
7 Months ago
in terms of Pokeheroes... I guess hatch at least three shinies in my "Potential Shiny Hunt" section?
7 Months ago
By ShinxThunderFangCrunch - 19 Hours and 19 Minutes ago.
Time to set up my birthday giveaway...
Share from the hashtag down, and like the original feed to enter! Ends when my birthday (December 6) does OS. Winner will be chosen via random.org, you WILL NOT be shown proof as if you think you're entitled to seeing the results then you don't have to enter.
1st place: 1 Shiny Skarigami with golden star(s), 1 MA Skarigami with golden star(s), 300k PD, 4k Nuggets
2nd place: 1 Shiny Skarigami with golden star(s), 1 MA Skarigami with golden star(s), 150k PD
3rd place: 1 Shiny Skarigami with golden star(s), 1 MA Skarigami with golden star(s)
7 Months ago
By PokemonStore - 1 Day and 10 Hours ago.

First place : 100,000 PD
second place : 50,000 PD
third place : 25,000 PD

How do you participate?
1). Share this hashtag along with full feed
2). friendlist me
3). and like this feed

reminder: not following one of the 3 rule above, ur chance of getting the price is 0%

When will I announce the winner?
when my subscriber count reach 300 subscriber :)
(Hence, please help subscribe my yt channel Subs me)
8 Months ago
Congratulations! A shiny Snom hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #558)! Your PokéRadar reset and needs new batteries.

8 Months ago
scared of little kids :,)
9 Months ago
By PokemonStore - 1 Hour and 25 Minutes ago.

TOTAL price for winner : 200,000 PD!!!

How do u participate:
1. Share this #THEBIGGESTGIVEAWAY full with this message (not only the hashtag)
2. Friendlist PokemonStore (PokemonStore) if u haven't
3. Like this feed

remainder: Not following one of the 3 step above, you'll have 0 chance of winning the price :(

The winner will be announce on 17 Sepetember , so stay tune :)
11 Months ago
By PokemonStore - 4 Hours and 8 Minutes ago.

TOTAL price for winner : 50,000 PD!!!

How do u participate:
1. Share this ##FREEGIVEAWAYPD full with this message (not only the hashtag)
2. Friendlist PokemonStore (PokemonStore) if u haven't
3. Like this feed

And basically your done :D

(Reminder: Not following all the 3 step above, ur chance of getting the price is 0%)

The winner will be announce on 19 Aug, so stay tune :)
11 Months ago
Congratulations! A shiny Froakie hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #159)! Your PokéRadar reset and needs new batteries.
1 Year ago
…there’s twenty three eggs now
1 Year ago
went to sleep, woke up six hours later, and there’s like ten eggs in the daycare ahhhhhhh
1 Year ago
i did it! i now have a shiny Shinx :D
1 Year ago
finally attempting a shiny hunt. hopefully i can get a shiny Shinx eventually
1 Year ago
my eevee/eevees >:)
1 Year ago


Last Action
Watching the Rumble Overview (5 Months ago)

Last Visitors

KimChayVegasPeteFri, 05/Apr/2024, 00:33
DaveMillerMon, 18/Mar/2024, 22:49
Ace~Sat, 02/Mar/2024, 17:48
Gdalt54Wed, 28/Feb/2024, 03:25
Rex205Thu, 22/Feb/2024, 19:21