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Trainerlevel: 26

Trainerpoints: 295/2,053


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Riolu302,381 / 2,534
Ho-Oh11721,494 / 51,774
Riolu17536 / 678
Ho-Oh294176,708 / 325,239
Loudred351,768 / 3,572
Riolu372,211 / 4,038

A shiny hunt

I'm going to start a shiny by the egg I have from breed, trade, and the give away I have won.
#15 Shiny Beedrill- Giveaway
#18 Shiny Pidgeot- Wonder trade
#58 Shiny Growlithe- Wonder trade
#62 Shiny Poliwhirl- Wonder trade
#130 Shiny Gyarados- Wonder trade
#181 Shiny Ampharos- Wonder trade
#206 Shiny Dunsparce-Giveaway
#212 Shiny Scizor- Wonder trade
#232 Shiny Gardevoir-Giveaway
#306 Shiny Aggron-Giveaway
#406 Shiny Budew- ?
#585 Shiny Deerling (Autumn)-Giveaway
#868 Shiny Milcery-Breeding

My Goals

Finish the Kanto dex-143 of 151
Finish the John dex-97 of 127
Finish the Hoenn dex-98 of 155
Finish the Sinnoh dex
Finish the Unova dex
Finish the Kalos dex
Finish the Aloha dex
Finish the Galar dex
Finish the Hisui dex
Finsh the Paldea dex

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


Blazecat1 hasn't collected any medals so far.


Last Action
Viewing own GTS trades (4 Hours ago)

Game Records

Trainer ID: #555065654
Registration: 07/05/2021 (3 Years ago)
Game Time: 393:07 Hours
Total interactions: 30,195
Money: 1,970,280
Starter Pokémon: Charizard


By ShadowXTM - 1 Hour and 24 Minutes ago.
Hey everyone:)
I created my fist giveaway!!!!

To join pls:
1. Join the Giveway!!!
2. Interact with my party:)
3. Like post and share the post with hastag #ShadowXTMgivaway

1st place gets 100k + 10 random gems
2nd place gets 50k + 5 random gems
3rd place gets 5k + 100 beries

Giveway ends on Sunday. Good luck:D
Yesterday, 13:46
By Glimpse - 58 Minutes and 1 Second ago.
Hi everyone! I will be hosting a new giveaway for the 1st Place 200k PokeDollars that was foregone from the last giveaway due to the chosen 1st Place being disqualified!

To join please do the following:
1. Join the Giveaway
2. Add me as a friend if you haven't already!
3. Like this post and repost it! #GlimpseMonthPt2

Good luck!
2 Days ago
By ~MusicalYanma~ - 13 Hours and 55 Minutes ago.
Your PokéRadar recorded the 40th Kitema in a row! You now reached the maximum chance of finding a shiny. Good luck on the #YanliftHunt!

102 days later, I have hatched the 40th egg! Because of this, I want to start a giveaway! To enter, share this feed and like the original post.

1st gets 15 Dragon Gems and The 40th Kitema
2nd gets 50 Normal Gems
3rd gets 50k PD

Ends in a week (probably)
3 Days ago
By ThatCatKid - 10 Hours and 15 Minutes ago.

I know u do :3c

So basically just share this hashy w/ whole feed plz ---> #CatKidIsGivingAway800NugsForSomeReason

Also heart the feed <3

Ends when I get bored :V
4 Days ago
By ShinyZata - 12 Hours and 49 Minutes ago.
Prize: 200k PD!

Share the Whole Feed and Heart this Feed to Enter!

My Birthday Today! :D, I wanna test something out so I made this giveaway hehe


Ends in a week, might be shorter than that ._.
6 Days ago
14 Days ago

You fed Cosmo a Oran Berry!

The Pokémon raised by 2,732 Exp. Points.

You have been rewarded with 2 Pokédollar!
Your Exp. Share generated 2 Powerorb(s)!
17 Days ago
By Glimpse - 11 Hours and 36 Minutes ago.
Hi everyone! I wanted to host a giveaway since this is my birthday month and I wanted to also make some new friends on PH!

To join please
1. add me as a friend
2. repost #GlimpseMonth
3. join here -> Giveaway!
23 Days ago
24 Days ago
25 Days ago
By Mimicco_ - 11 Hours and 54 Minutes ago.
By Anniversary - 1 Hour and 58 Minutes ago.

You've been a member on PokéHeroes for more than 1 Year now!

Yey! (Idk its still tomorrow but lets just celebrate it~)
So Give away time~ :

● Like the post ~
● Share the tag : #Mimicversary n Give some word to your local Komodo here owo` (If ya want to give some word otherwise ust share the tag^^)
● Join the Giveaway !
● Have fun !

- End at 3 July ^^ -
I hope i do everything right ;w;
27 Days ago
By Tony_Stark - 58 Minutes and 53 Seconds ago.
~it's time for me to do a give away🎉. To complete my plushie dex. :D

"You have to do all the following instructions for entering to this giveaway. Else you will rejected"

1. Like the original feed
2. Send me a missing plushie
3.Add me to freindlist
4. Share the hastag #needplushies:) and repost this post with my name.

Prize:Vortex of time map and nuggets ( if my plushie dex is completed in 6 days)

75-150k pd, myster boxes and keys and also some rare itemm...!(if my plushie dex is not completed in time)

Winner will be released in 6 days
~by Tony_stark
1 Month ago
By FallFromDivine - 22 Hours and 49 Minutes ago.
Hey I'm shiny and EV hunting Staryu, I'm gonna have a lot of spare Staryu so once I get a shiny I'll give everyone who shares the tag #DivineStaryu a free Staryu, on top of that 1 lucky person will receive some mystery items from my bag. For the opportunity to win the mystery items, like this feed and share the tag #DivineStaryu.
1 Month ago
By Psyduckfriend - 22 Hours and 22 Minutes ago.

#metalrally if I get the gold metal 1st place gets 2sl shinies 2ed place will get 50k pd 3ed place gets my zacen or zamzenta
If I don't get the gold I will not do the give away all you have to do to enter is share and put proof of your click of my villion in my party
1 Month ago
By PurpleThickFeesh - 15 Hours and 27 Minutes ago.
$w$ I've gotten rich from selling them......So giveaway time! ^^
1. 1x Magearna Egg Voucher
2. 5x Dragon Gems
3. x1 Resolute Stone
4. x1 Zygarde (Complete Form)
5. 1x Mystery Box Black
6. 1x Mystery Box Black
How to enter ; send me a friend request andEnter Here!
Ends when I leave to wales!
1 Month ago
By PowerSwords - 1 Day and 3 Hours ago.
Believe it or not, this is my own giveaway!

Add me to your friendlist

Repost this with the tag #GRENINJY
Add "By PowerSwords" at the top


A Gyarados, greninja, and doublade + dark blue mystery key, green gem

Pride vivilon

Assorted berries
1 Month ago
By ZohaibAFG - 3 Hours and 20 Minutes ago.
Ok. Just found out the Hunt is done because they don't have enough gems. So here are the new requirements

1- Share Hashtag #Zohaib
2- Comment your Favourite subject

Prizes are

1- Lake trio Egg Voucher
2- 50000PD
3- 25000PD
Good Luck.
1 Month ago

Last Visitors

KarnsteinToday, 18:41
tiFunasToday, 18:10
KnashToday, 17:28
AsherWolfeToday, 15:52
Lonk00009Today, 14:29


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OMFG_HE 1 Day ago
PurpleThickFeesh 11 Days ago
Riodise 17 Days ago
Homework_sis 25 Days ago