So I am back, Not like I have any friends on here anyways maybe a
few of them.... i dont know =\ I been going though a lot over the
last year.. A lot of personal stuff that cause me to leave and
wonder if this site even worth coming back to. To much Memories of
what cause me to leave in the 1st place. Anyways I am back Probably
wont be doing much of my shiny Hunt anymore. OH i see my Shiny
black sand is now a Black Castle...GOT reference lol.

for anyone who send me newest plushes i would return the favor. ^^

Congratulations! A shiny Heracross hatched out of one of your eggs
(Chain #27)! so soon already

what did you name your starter from sun and moon? I am gonna get
Litten So I was thinking since he a Tiger I am gonna name him
vitaly from Madagascar 3 or Shiva if she is a girl which is walking
dead and a Hindu God

Will return plush for anyone who gives me the four new starters :3

looking for a mega stone. Willing to pay PDs or Nuggets for one.
Message Me

Mega Muk is Reall!!!
{X} with the help of a scyther ;3

lol I love it when people comment on my beautiful pokemon on
showdown lol
the guy's last comment <3

So my 3rd Larviprop hatch mega!?! Is that the challenge that Riako
was talking about?

finally got my 3rd event egg :3

Does anyone know any songs that has "I like how you walk How you
talk" in the lyrics? I been trying to figure it out since yesterday
morning and I cant find it, but I do know it's from the 90's to
early 2000's era

Congratulations! A shiny Treecko hatched out of one of your eggs
(Chain #476)!
yet again it's a male. TT_TT

Congratulations! A shiny Treecko hatched out of one of your eggs
(Chain #472)!
But its not a girl?!

I have 3 shiny male treeckos who need a home. Message me cost for
each are 125k pd or 83 Nuggets

I have 4 shiny male treeckos who need a home. Message me cost for
each are 125k pd or 83 Nuggets

Congratulations! A shiny Treecko hatched out of one of your eggs
(Chain #395)!
and it's a girl!