Just 1 more until I get the last Core...bleeeerg
Uuuug...I'm pretty sure I just need 1 more egg. (Key word pretty
sure...I'll check after the movie I'm watching)
Jeez...the next Event Egg's 14,000 o.o
Uuugh...I need 550,000 to get the rest of the chips...
Would anyone be willing to lend me a Ditto at all? I will mark on
my page that I am only lending it before I get it and, if I take it
down or do not return it, I am willing to pay the set price...which
is, most likely, going to be a ****ton.
Okay! So, in order to get every single Pokemon in my Index, and
keep it like that, I have to get 800 more Everstone...let's do
Anyone willing to help me set up a Raffle? I'm not sure what prizes
I should give, but I am sure of a few ways to get tickets.
Is it bad that I need sleep, but I'm too lazy to sleep?
Not sure if it's random or not but I got a male (Shiny) Easter
Slakoth and female (normal) Slakoth. Woohoo!~
I'm extremely impatient...I just wish time could speed up x3
Okay...so I want to do a raffle, but I'm not sure what the prizes
should be. Anyone have suggestions? (Think that's the right thing
anyways...a raffle.)
I really want Premium for a while, but I can't get it ;~; I'm also
not sure how to set up any raffles for that kinda thing...anyone
wanna try n help, or?
To my last post, in case it was just completely random, I found all
15 eggs.
I can't find the last 4 Eggs needed ;~; I've visited a lotta pages
on here, not sure if it's them all though.
Anyone have any tips on how to find Eggs for the Egg Hunt? I just
need 5 more.
Can anyone give a bit more detail for the 7th friend? Not the
answer but like...a bit more? I don't get it.
I have no clue what to Hunt for...
him leveled up to 100 for a Quest. Help please?
Looks like I'm going to the Prairie next...in 11:40:53.