a-a Mismagius plushie?!?!?!?! *squeals internally*

I-I got an egg from the royal tunnel O.o Didn't think I would make
it to the end....

Anyone know how to open those mystery boxes. I just got a green key
to go with my green box.... I, sadly, can't figure it out for the
life of me -.-"

Going on a shiny hunt for Deino. Anyone need some Deinos? I will
give you how ever many want.... please take some....

Someone gave me a plushie *grins* thank you~

Working on sending someone an Emolga plushie. Anyone want it

Working on sending someone an Emolga plushie. Anyone want it

I was interacting with some eggs and this drifloon shows up. I know
have a Drifloon.... Are they really special pokemon? I think so
since mine says special... idk.... any of you know?

trying to find all the eggs for the egg hunt... have only found
five... i must be bad at this....

Was hoping to get enough candy to get the nightmare munna..... so
sad was only 10 away when the event ended.... oh well that just
goes to show my luck haha

As of now I have decided to only keep my favorite Pokemon. Anything
else i will be putting up for trade and will except anything I
don't have currently, even if its not one my favorites. First come
first serve with all of them. And yes this applies to legendaries
and shinys too.

Going to start putting more pokemon up for trade. I'll take
anything I don't have for them.