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Trainerlevel: 15

Trainerpoints: 179/689


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Ikkakugong561,156 / 9,577
Witch Vulpix659,068 / 12,871
8117,417 / 19,927
(Sala da Menci)
587,086 / 12,834
Vivillon (Marine)7110,683 / 15,337
Feebas15524,386 / 43,524

About Me

Hello, I am Chary,
I train, breed, and sell Charizards.
I can also breed Linoon, Cherrim, Gardevoir, and Pachirisnow.
You can PM me at anytime.


View collection || View gift log

Newest gifts
Lsinda 8 Years ago
matrvincent 8 Years ago
DemyxFaowind 8 Years ago
rakdos 8 Years ago

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


CharyGoesRawr hasn't collected any medals so far.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #53895519
Registration: 11/12/2015 (8 Years ago)
Game Time: 54:21 Hours
Total interactions: 19,880
Money: 36,760
Starter Pokémon: Emboar


Anyone know how to evolve Feebas?
8 Years ago
Help Hatch eggs please
8 Years ago
Help Hatch my eggs please?
8 Years ago
Interaction Exchange?
8 Years ago
Help me hatch my egg?
8 Years ago
I'm selling most of the pokemon in my box 1!
pd me for more information.
Have a great day guys!
8 Years ago
how do you open the boxes?
8 Years ago
Help me with eggs please?
8 Years ago
My eggs need hatched please help
8 Years ago
Eggs need help hatched
8 Years ago
Help me hatch my eggs please.
I have 8 more in the day care
8 Years ago
Does anyone have a female Eevee I can buy/trade?
8 Years ago
Help Hatch My Egg?
8 Years ago
Help me hatch my Uxie egg please?
8 Years ago
I need help hatching my Uxie
8 Years ago
Does Anyone know what the Mystery Boxes are for? I have a purple one.
8 Years ago
You are warming the egg a bit.
It becomes warmer the longer you stroke it.

The egg raised by 59 x 3 = 176 EHP.
8 Years ago
By maca$h
Guys , starting a new raffle #scizortime . You have to feed berry to my scizor and share it in the notification. If it reaches to level 450 till 3 january then 10 users will get -

1) 1600 nuggets
2) articuno
3) 11 million
4) mega lucario of level 600
5) arcaddly of lvl 850
6) weather trio pokemon
7) dog trio pokemon
8 ) shaymin sky + giratina origin
9) 4 manaphy
10 ) 4 dragon gems

Spreading and feeding berry matter most.
8 Years ago
Is about to sell a miltank with a milker.
Anyone interested?
Ppad me for offers
8 Years ago
By Coolestdialga
I am starting a pokemon give away. Just share this feed and I will choose one feed sharer and will give him a random pokemon. It can be a legend to a magikarp. So don't forget to share.
8 Years ago


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Viewing a Userprofile (6 Years ago)

Last Visitors

ThisIsFineSun, 28/Aug/2022, 00:55
SwampFallTue, 12/Oct/2021, 21:54
Windblown_KnightWed, 20/May/2020, 03:00
CjNazzyWed, 25/Apr/2018, 15:59
MagentaSun, 22/Apr/2018, 20:19