guess who's back (back again) shady's back (tell a friend)

does anyone want a noibat? I've got both male and female ones I'm
willing to part with! I have 17 noibats and only 5 of them are
female (though I'm not too sure how I would give it to you if you
wanted one, would it be through the global trade station?)

just made a pokefarm account! the site is a bit difficult to
navigate, but I think I can figure it out after I use it for a

wow do I hate how this site doesn't have an "other" option for
it should be mandatory for sites to have either no gender option or
an "other" option. that or a text-input box instead of a selection.

its about to storm rly hard here and the power just went out twice
and the wind ended up blowing open the back door to my house so now
I'm just bunkered down in the living room waiting the storm out

woo! got a regirock egg from the royal tunnel on my second try!

its now 7:44 am and i havent slept at all

just opened my first box! two of them, actually, and got calcium
and some event points!

some more of my marigolds are sprouting in their pots!!


tfw u can literally check off every symptom for a BPD checklist
except for the last section but u still got a 28 out of 35 on it

I got a bunch of seeds today!! I can't wait to plant them, too bad
I decided to clean up the greenhouse when the planting season was
nearly over

don't even get me started on the comments I've been given from
cashiers when I try to use some basic sign language. "/oh/,
/sorry/, I don't know sign language." as if me using asl was this
big goddamn hindrance TO HER life and not as though me being mute
was a bigger problem in this ableist society (:

yknow, its not like I'm scared to go out of my house and go and buy
some groceries from the nearby stores because I can't tell the
police exactly where I am so they could get there faster, yknow,
cause I literally cannot talk. its so nice to know that people
don't care about disabled people (:

nice to know that the police here don't care at all about us
non-verbal people that they don't have a text-based emergency
reporter for us to use :)

drew some sigils in my greenhouse for the growth of my plants B)

cleaning up my pc box, woo

the morning light is illuminating this room and its soft just like
my tolerance for losing sleep